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Skeptical 3rd World Child - so god wants to save me from his zombie son who is also hi. George Carlin on Religion and God. Philosophy in Pubs (in Edinburgh) - Home - StumbleUpon. e5oME.gif (980×3667) IodOu.jpg (800×532) nMw7E.jpg (1440×972) 3ocq8f.jpg (568×335) zTi2t.jpg (480×640) BTJtQ.jpg (786×1243) oBPYR.png (1680×1050) jOgIg.jpg (1200×800) lKFYr.jpg (720×509) YdGTZ.png (1647×1245) The Intelligence Squared Debate Christopher Hitchens Fry. There Is No God. I believe that there is no God.

There Is No God

I'm beyond atheism. Atheism is not believing in God. Not believing in God is easy — you can't prove a negative, so there's no work to do. You can't prove that there isn't an elephant inside the trunk of my car. You sure? Nubar Alexanian Penn Jillette is the taller, louder half of the magic and comedy act Penn and Teller. So, anyone with a love for truth outside of herself has to start with no belief in God and then look for evidence of God. But, this "This I Believe" thing seems to demand something more personal, some leap of faith that helps one see life's big picture, some rules to live by. EhfPV.jpg (785×2460) Txf9U.jpg (1680×3000) pCb9b.jpg (960×603) Free will vs. God's Plan : atheism. Z1fUq.jpg (1602×1009) CiderDrinker comments on Why are atheists so hated in the USA? 0U2VN.png (640×186) MtkXz.jpg (779×677) dAnf2.png (651×961) Uexnh.jpg (720×540) Bii55.jpg (1024×4844) UJTXt.png (651×721)

qGeeg.png (588×360) Faith. Faith in the impossible. Sc-tech: What atheists are really concerned about. Scientist Mom, Issue 4. Has always boggled my mind. : atheism. MITHRAS = CHRISTIANITY. This religion, cloaked in mystery and secrecy, has captivated the imaginations of scholars for generations.


Many facts discovered sheds vital light on the cultural dynamics that led to the rise of Christianity. The National Geographic Society’s book “Great Religions of the World,” page 309 writes; “By Jesus’ time, East and West had mingled here for three centuries. Down columns of boulevards walked Roman soldiers loyal to the Persian god Mithras.” Mithras was a Persian deity. He was also the most widely venerated god in the at the time of Jesus. 1) Hundreds of years before Jesus, according to the Mithraic religion, three Wise Men of came to visit the baby savior-god Mithra, bring him gifts of gold, myrrh and frankincense. 2) Mithra was born on December 25 as told in the “Great Religions of the World”, page 330; “…it was the winter solstice celebrated by ancients as the birthday of Mithraism’s sun god”. 4) After the death of Mithra, his body was laid to rest in a rock tomb.

Qn7kJ. MDpU5. 8O7Do.png (PNG Image, 651x481 pixels) 8Olz5. l2cKk.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x400 pixels) _lsdgeqEWtb1qi4caco1_1280. Tgp5B. ZR491. CErFN. SSjkc. 2U7M6. Fx1bW. n4KCF. pKFvA. Here's why /r/atheism has seen such a backlash from the hivemind, and why so many people - redditors included - still don't get "why we're upset" : atheism. Uc6EI. Atheism-one-less-god. w5eVH. _lt6ratm5Y41qc0cxpo1_400. SeOnW.jpg (JPEG Image, 424x417 pixels) God of the gaps. This article is about a type of philosophical argument.

God of the gaps

For the "gap" interpretation of the biblical creation account, see Gap creationism. "God of the gaps" is a theological perspective in which gaps in scientific knowledge are taken to be evidence or proof of God's existence. The term was invented by Christian theologians not to discredit theism but rather to point out the fallacy of relying on teleological arguments for God's existence.[1] Some use the phrase to refer to a form of the argument from ignorance fallacy. Origins of the term[edit] During World War II the German theologian and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer expressed the concept in similar terms in letters he wrote while in a Nazi prison.[4] Bonhoeffer wrote, for example: how wrong it is to use God as a stop-gap for the incompleteness of our knowledge. In his 1955 book Science and Christian Belief Charles Alfred Coulson (1910−1974) wrote: and Either God is in the whole of Nature, with no gaps, or He's not there at all.[6]

Ppk4pugv. Why I love being an atheist : atheism. 3H3ub. Richard Dawkins vs Bill O'Reilly. Tim Minchin's Storm the Animated Movie. Faith « The Official MU SASHA Blog, Updated Daily. Welcome to the official MU SASHA daily blog!

Faith « The Official MU SASHA Blog, Updated Daily

First time here? Read this. Click here to Like our Page on Facebook (or use the sidebar if you’re logged in).Local to Columbia? Join the Facebook Group, too! Hello there, Dexter: Faith. Why Atheism? “Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too.” - Douglas Adams I’m an atheist.

Why Atheism?

I’d like to tell you why. Most of the arguments for being an atheist point to how it is more scientific or probable. I’m sure you’ve heard those before, so I’m not going to touch them. Instead, I’d like to focus on the reasons atheism can lead to a greater quality of life. That said, I’m not here to convert anyone, just expose people to different ideas. I’d like to start by giving my rebuttal to many of the common arguments against atheism. iVAll. Why Atheism? Just about everyone is an atheist when it comes to other gods — the gods that other people believe in or that nobody believes in anymore.

Why Atheism?

I’m an atheist about all gods because there's no reliable evidence for any god, or even for Jesus. There is also extensive evidence that Jesus and all gods are fictional characters — myths created mainly by people who had little understanding of how our universe operates. We all like myths and other stories, but we don't have to believe them. Why Atheism Will Replace Religion. Atheists are heavily concentrated in economically developed countries, particularly the social democracies of Europe (Barber, 2012).

Why Atheism Will Replace Religion

In underdeveloped countries, there are virtually no atheists . Atheism is thus a peculiarly modern phenomenon. Why do modern conditions produce atheism? Why I Am an Atheist. Last changed on $Date: 2003/04/08 22:22:04 $.

Why I Am an Atheist

I'm an atheist. This essay discusses why, and some of the consequences. I wrote this more for myself than for anybody else. If you don't care, I don't blame you. Religious Belief in General I think that most people have an opinion about the overall nature of the universe and about the role which humanity plays in the universe.

Atheist Quotes - Top 50 Atheism Quotes. George Carlin Quotes.

Top 50 Atheism Quotes

Daily Atheist Quote - View All Quotes. What Can an Atheist Tell a Child With a Dead Dog? What do you think? : atheism. Xaycr. The simple image sharer. Illini Secular Student Alliance: A Scout is Reverent? The things you do in life are what define you as a person.

Illini Secular Student Alliance: A Scout is Reverent?

That’s a fairly standard statement, and a rule that’s worked for me as a gauge of someone’s (not to mention my own) personality and values. What is interesting is when the beliefs of one aspect of your life conflict with the rest of your values. It’s never a pretty thought to deal with, and it’s a thought I was burdened with when my atheistic beliefs collided with the values of the Boy Scouts of America. ... Wait a minute.. All things that exist must have a creator! #Atheist #Atheism. New study may shed light on biological difference between believers and atheists - Columbus atheism. A study published in the most recent volume of the Journal of Neuroscience may shed some light on the question of what makes a religious person able to believe in beings and experiences that atheists often scoff at.

As many have suggested, there very well may be a basic structural difference in the brains of believers and atheists. In this study (abstract), researchers examined the brain structure of their subjects, looking especially at a fold in the brain matter called the paracingulate sulcus (PCS). In subjects where the PCS was more developed, the ability to separate reality from imagination was greater than in subjects that lacked a well-developed fold. This finding supports earlier research showing that people suffering from schizophrenia, a condition often marked by auditory hallucinations and a poor grasp of reality, do indeed lack or have a less-developed PCS. Why Atheism Will Replace Religion.