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Portable Gaming Systems

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What Education Can learn From Video Games. So recently this idea of “gamification[1]” has been jumping around in my head.

What Education Can learn From Video Games

There’s something simultaneously immature and brilliant about it, but I haven’t been sure exactly what. The Role of Video Games First, the easy part. As with all media forms, video games have long lived in isolation. As primarily an independent experience, others may watch over a gamer’s shoulder, or even join in on the couch beside, but that was pretty much it. Like a great book, if it was really cool, one might talk to others about the experience, but the game—and the gamer’s performance–was in a quiet bubble.

Interdependent Video Games Then progressive video game developers–Hideo Kojima, for one–got really fancy and started having games communicate with one another. For context, imagine the author of a book, suddenly sentient, “sensing” through the bookmark other books that mark has been used in—Harold Bloom for example bristling at sharing a bookmark with Stephenie Meyer. But not yet social. Digital Gold Stars. 89-472-1-PB.pdf - Dropbox. Nintendo DS. NintendoDS. Using the Nintendo DS This year, I have been using PBL (passion or project-based learning) in my classroom.


Although language arts and math have certainly been involved, I have mainly been using the outcomes of my science, social studies and health curriculum as the focal point of my backwards by design planning. Instead of focusing on outcomes one at a time, I have grouped them into areas roughly approximating themes. Some of these themes have outcomes from only one curriculum and some have outcomes from two or even three subject areas. The overall themes we have completed so far this year have only involved science and health.

Can It Work? To be honest, I have dreaded the social studies outcomes. Playing Nintendogs One thing my students ARE passionate about is gaming. I have used the DS in my classroom a variety of ways for several years. Let’s Try It What happened next was a study in human nature. The children who got a DS in their hands eagerly moved to a table and began to use them. The Great Nintendo DS School Invasion. Could Nintendo's Mario and Luigi be headed for blackboards and pop-top desks after decades battling bob-ombs, chain chomps, hammer bros, and koopa troopas?

The Great Nintendo DS School Invasion

Mario creator and Nintendo R&D guru Shigeru Miyamoto certainly hopes so. Speaking to The Associate Press ahead of today's London-based British Academy Video Games Awards, where he'll receive a special award, Miyamoto admitted turning consoles into teaching tools is "maybe the area where I am devoting myself (the) most. " Miyamoto can lay claim to some of video gaming's greatest franchises. Donkey Kong. Mario Bros. Add education-related gaming to his resume, if he has his druthers, courtesy the Nintendo DS. It'll be interesting to see where any of this goes, stateside. After all, it's already happened in the UK. MLearning:A look at educational uses of PlayStation Portable (PSP) or Portable Media Player (PMP)

From WikiEducator Objectives In this article we will discuss: Brief background to mLearning Features of PSP/PMP useful for delivering contents to learners Scenarios for using PSP/PMP as a learning and development tool Brief background to mLearning Without any doubt, emerging hand-held devices are bringing great transformation to mobile learning or mLearning and taking distance learning to new dimensions. mLearning became popular with increasing access to mobile phones and the capability to send and receive SMS as a means of interacting among peers and instructors as well as community of practices.

MLearning:A look at educational uses of PlayStation Portable (PSP) or Portable Media Player (PMP)

A school could send exam results to students via SMS (after all, it seems even 12 year olds have mobile phones these days [1] Now, new digital media player devices, some of which are originally design as children gaming devices, are available in the market in different shapes and colors. Features and functions of PSP/PMP useful for delivering contents to distance learners in mLearning environment.