Digitools by La Digitale. Enjoy Learning Languages with Music! Story Dice - a creative storytelling tool from Dave Birss. As you can see above, you get five story dice (or nine dice, if you prefer), each with a random image on it.
Your job is quite simply to turn these prompts into a story. I recommend you try to work with the order they appear on the screen but if you’re finding it tough, you can do some swapsies. You also don’t need to take the image literally. You can use the dice metaphorically or as representations of other concepts. For example, a slice of pizza could represent food in general, cutting a slice out of something, Italy, gooiness, a chef and a heap of other more obscure things. Make Learning Awesome!
VOS MANUELS FLE - Editions Didier. Nos sites compagnons. Manuels en ligne Clé international. Espace virtuel -maisons des langues. Modifier des documents audio. Rendre des supports vidéos interactifs. MadLipz - Doublez des vidéos. Quizz et flashcards. Kahoot! Corriger les productions écrites des apprenants. Outils pour permettre aux apprenants de s'auto-corriger avant d'envoyer un devoir. Les Directs : Enseigner à distance - des outils et des tâches - MUMONS. Coronavirus & enseignement : 10 conseils pour enseigner à distance. Kit d'animation de la classe virtuelle.