What is flipped learning. Global Collaboration Projects for Your Classroom - Global Learning. Are you ready to integrate technology into your classroom for the first time, just not sure where to begin? Or are you already using technology with your students, and you're ready to go deeper? Either way, the recommendation from Honor Moorman, Associate Director, Professional Development and Curriciulum, Asia Society, is the same. Use technology to engage students in a global collaboration project. by Honor Moorman As thought leaders like Chris Lehmann and Will Richardson often remind us, we need to do more than simply use technology to do what we've always done digitally.
Global collaboration projects bring students together from different countries to work on a joint project. Why should you and your students take on the challenge of a global collaboration project? Still not sure? Global collaboration projects employ technology tools in ways that enrich student learning. Going Global-Tips And Tricks For Global Collaborations. I had a wonderful conversation recently on Twitter with a teacher from New Zealand that commented on a tweet about using Skype Classroom to go global.
She mentioned how her students were going to Skype and talk to kids in Iowa. How awesome is that! I just love the fact that the world gets so much smaller when we use technology like that. There really are endless learning opportunities for students (and teachers as well). During the North African uprisings a high school teacher here in my district was struggling to get her students to understand the whys of those events. It was easy to read about them in a magazine or watch a news report but she knew there had to be a better way. I took to Twitter and through some connections was put in touch with a teacher in southern Egypt. We knew it was important to connect the students to their content.
You know it's important too. First, what tools will you need? That's a tough one to answer. You will also want a Skype account. Hashtags-Yep, Twitter. ScienceGuide: EU opens up education. 3 oktober 2013 - The dust has finally settled after the great MOOC storm of 2012. What did we learn from the MOOC-hype and did the EU succeed in translating it into a successful Open Education Resources strategy? A week after the publication of Opening up Education, open education specialists from around Europe gathered at the ‘Opening up Education’ seminar organized by Nether to discuss this document for the first time. What did stick after a year of discussing MOOCS and Open Educational Resources? Ana Carla Pereira, Head of the Unit Skills and Qualifications Strategies at the European Commission says: “MOOCs determine the entire picture of what is going on in open education, but they are just a small part of this discussion.
They are a symptom, a technological mean that can alleviate the costs of education.” UNESCO’s open education expert Abel Caine sees a lot of confusion in the discussion on Open Education, the definition of Open Educational Resources hasn’t landed yet everywhere. Innovating Pedagogy 2014 | Open University Innovations Report #3.
This series of help sheets is designed for people who are trying out distance and online education for the first time, and for teachers who have already taught at a distance and want to try something new. Each help sheet outlines one approach to learning at a distance and provides guidance on how to put this into practice. All the help sheets are based on approaches covered in past Innovating Pedagogy reports and take into account that students may have only limited access to technology and the Internet. The latest report in our annual series explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. Download Innovating Pedagogy 2020 This eighth report, produced in collaboration with the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL), Dublin City University, Ireland, proposes ten innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on education in their current form.
8 Tips To Effectively Use YouTube in eLearning. In this article I'll discuss about the various ways that you can use YouTube to create collaborative and powerful eLearning courses. The key to tapping into the power of YouTube is to know how to effectively integrate it into your eLearning strategy. In recent years, YouTube has become a central hub for video sharing and virtual entertainment. However, it can also be an invaluable learning tool that eLearning professionals can use to make their eLearning courses more interactive, fun, and informative. In fact, it has the power to transform a potentially dull or complicated subject matter into an overall exciting and engaging eLearning experience. Develop playlists that explore a specific topic.YouTube gives you the ability to create playlists that are fully customizable. You can create a playlist for each subject of your eLearning course so that learners can quickly access videos that will help them expand their comprehension or learn more about a topic.
Get 2 Free eBooks. Edudemic - Education Technology Tips For Students And Teachers. Verkko-opetuksen suunnittelu ja menetelmät. From students as consumers to students as creators. Luento5 suunnittelu ja pedagogiset mallit. TEDxStanford - Tina Seelig - A crash course in creativity. Tvt opetuksessa. Innovaatiopedagogiikka – Turun ammattikorkeakoulu. TRAIN-THE-TRAINERS VERKKOTUTOR.
Opas sosiaaliseen tiedonhakuun ja kuratointiin. Yksinkertaisimmillaan kuratointi tarkoittaa tätä: kuraattori (asiantuntija / intohimoinen asianharrastaja) arvioi useita artikkeleita (tai kuvia, videoita), valikoi niistä parhaimmat ja jakaa ne yleisönsä kanssa. Tämä säästää lukijoiden aikaa ja vaivaa, kun heidän ei tarvitse kahlata läpi heikkotasoisia, epäoleellisia tai samoja sisältöjä toistavia artikkeleita. Kuratointia on pidetty varteenotettavana ratkaisuna internetin tietotulvan hallintaan.
En ole vielä tavannut ketään, jonka mielestä idea ei olisi hyvä – kuka ei haluaisi löytää helposti laadukasta sisältöä mielenkiinnon kohteistaan? Silti keskimääräinen internetin käyttäjä ei ole vielä kuullutkaan kuratoinnista. Tämä artikkeli on osa kuusiosaista sarjaa, jonka aikaisemmat osat ovat: Löydä, suodata, jalosta – kuratointi ja sosiaalinen tiedonhakuHelpoin reitti parhaan sisällön luo: Googlen, Twitterin ja Facebookin kamppailu internetin herruudestaÄlykkäät henkilökohtaiset web-lehdet Zite ja FlipBoard tehokäytössä Paper.li Scoop.it.
Digilupa opetuskäyttöön | Kopiosto. Digitaalisten aineistojen käyttö opetuksessa on kasvanut viime vuosina voimakkaasti. Teoksista saa kopioida muutaman kappaleen yksityiseen perhepiirissä tapahtuvaan käyttöön. Kun tehdään digitaalisia kopioita tekijänoikeuden suojaamasta aineistosta opetus- tai tutkimuskäyttöön, tarvitaan kopiointiin ja käyttöön oikeudenomistajan lupa. Kopioston Digiluvalla opettajat ja oppilaitoksen muu henkilökunta sekä opiskelijat voivat skannata osia painetuista julkaisuista ja kopioida tekstiä ja kuvia avoimilta verkkosivustoilta. Lupa koskee sekä kotimaisia että ulkomaisia aineistoja. Näitä aineistoja voi käyttää opetuksessa, tutkimuksessa sekä opinnäyte- ja harjoitustöissä. Painettuja julkaisuja ovat muun muassa kirjat, sanomalehdet, aikakauslehdet, tutkimusraportit ja käyttöoppaat. Kopioston lupa on käytettävän tekniikan suhteen neutraali ja koskee aineiston muuttamista digitaaliseen muotoon esimerkiksi skannerilla, digitaalisella kopiokoneella, digikameralla tai dokumenttikameralla.