Inoculation of Legumes for Maximum Nitrogen Fixation — Crops and Soils. Inoculant is Species Specific Legumes have the ability to form a mutually beneficial (symbiotic) relationship with certain soil bacteria of the type or genus Rhizobia.
The benefit to the plant, and thus to the grower, is that these bacteria can take (fix) nitrogen from the air (in soil spaces) and make it available to the plant via symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The amount of nitrogen fixed can meet the needs of the plant and leave nitrogen in the soil for following crops. The genus Rhizobia is divided into various species and subdivided into multiple strains.
Rhizobia bacteria are fairly specific as to which legumes they will infect, form nodules on the roots of, and for which they will fix nitrogen. 3 Hard-Working Hand Washing Machines. The Laundry Pod is a circular washing system that spins away excess moisture—and helps save the planet.
Laundry is one area where you can really make a difference saving water and energy—and tread more lightly on the planet. Conventional washing machines use between 35 and 50 gallons of water per load—they are the second-largest water user in your home. Even high-efficiency front-loading washers are water-intensive, using between 15 and 30 gallons per load. An estimated 76 million older models of top-loading washers are still in use around the country, using almost twice as much water and energy. Newer Energy Star-rated washers use around 20 percent less energy and 35 percent less water, but still 90 percent of the energy used by washing machines often goes just to heating the water (save energy simply by choosing to launder your clothing on the cold water setting).
Making a Huge Environmental Imprint. MCCC: Cover Crop Information. Midwest Cover Crops Council Cover Crop Decision Tools The Midwest Cover Crop Council (MCCC) Cover Crop Decision Tools are web-based systems to assist farmers in selecting cover crops to include in field crop and vegetable rotations.
Field crops (Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Ontario, and Wisconsin) Managing Cover Crops Profitably, 3rd Edition. Secrets to Great Soil by Elizabeth Stell. Heritage Grain Conservancy. High Mowing Organic Seeds' Blog – The Seed Hopper. It’s a little-known fact that many seasoned gardeners don’t know: you can grow onions (and shallots) in the winter.
These super-hardy plants can survive incredibly cold temperatures with a little protection, and provide quality bulbs even after they bolt in the spring. As with most fall-planted crops, success is mostly a matter of timing. Walla Wallas can be harvested green or just after bolting Planting Fall Onions Prepare raised beds by incorporating compost, raking to create a smooth seedbed, then direct seeding onions about 1” apart in rows 6” apart in August or September. For Northern growers (those in Zone 6 and colder), mulching the plants with straw or leaves once they become established will help the plants survive the winter. Growers in warmer regions such as the South and Pacific Northwest will often need to provide some type of protection for overwintered onions, but usually low tunnels, row cover or mulch is sufficient.
Small bulbs can be harvested in late spring. The Aztec superfood amaranth fighting Mexican obesity. They’re traditional sweets, made from popped amaranth seeds, specked with peanuts and raisins, offered in flavors that run from coconut to Neapolitan, choco-mint to strawberry.
The alegrías (which means “joy”) catch customers’ eyes with snow-cone-bright colors and cotton candy pastels. So it’s hard to align this sweet snack with its culinary history, based on an ancient grain believed to have been used in Aztec sacrifices of young virgins. The amaranth was mixed with honey, sculpted into deities and then broken up and received much like Holy Communion, with worshippers eating the “bones’’ and “meat’’ of the gods. How to Grow Sugar Snap Peas - The Farm Barbie Blog.
It is August.
It is hot. It is hard to imagine cool days and frosty nights – but they are right around the corner! If you haven't started planting or thinking about planting your fall garden – now is the time! I have four children who disagree on plenty, but they all agree that sugar snap peas are delicious. No matter how many I grow, we eat every single one. Green Machines: 5 Super-Hardy Greens for Winter Meals. With just a little protection from the elements, you can keep harvesting fresh greens well into fall and winter.
The trick is to choose frost-hardy crops that continue growing during the transition to colder weather and lower light levels, and to plant them early enough that they’re nearly mature by the time the day length drops below 10 hours. Here are our top 5 picks for fall & winter greens, along with timing tips to help you get the most out of your greenhouse or coldframe. Cilantro Purifies Drinking Water in Developing Countries Cheaply and Sustainably. No longer just a flavorful garnish, cilantro has taken center stage in studies that show how the leafy herb might be a new, low-cost solution to purifying drinking water.
Popularly used in Mexican and Southeast Asian cuisine, cilantro is being hailed for its potential as a “biosorbent” that can remove lead and other toxic heavy metals from contaminated water. Typically, water purification relies on advanced technology that uses activated carbon — an approach that is often too expensive for most developing countries, particularly rural areas. Thus, Douglas Schauer, Ph.D. has focused his research on biosorbents, low-cost and sustainable alternatives that rely on natural materials such as microbes and plants. In explaining the appeal of biosorbents, Schauer describes a scenario: “When the filter in a water purification pitcher needs to be changed, they could go outside, gather a handful of cilantro or some other plant, and presto, there’s a new filter ready to purify the water.”
Via Phys. Convert Bermuda Pasture to Organic Vegetables - Kerr Center. The Resurgence of Industrial Hemp. Get ready for America’s newest billion-dollar industry: Industrial hemp.
Well, it’s not really new. As prohibition on hemp’s psychoactive cousin unravels, bestselling author Doug Fine explains why one of humanity’s longest-utilized plants is poised to rejuvenate the US economy. In Hemp Bound, Fine embarks upon a humorous yet rigorous journey to meet the men and women pioneering hemp’s reemergence in the twenty-first century. The following excerpt highlights a few of those hemp pioneers.
Cauliflower Planting Program. BROCCOLI - Turtle Tree Seed. Page Title - Nichols Garden Nursery - Fine Seeds & Herbs for the Gardener Cook. Grow Potatoes in Lazy Beds. Take the difficulty out of potato growing by using this method that will maximize your limited time and space.
By Lesa Wilke As you think about squeezing in tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and spinach into your backyard garden, you might avoid adding potatoes to the mix—not only because they require a large amount of real estate but because amending the soil to a friable tilth that will support the growing tubers can seem like a nightmare. The Most Delicious Lettuces Worth Planting. Yummy Yacon Root. Easy to grow and store, high-yielding, supernutritious and crunchy like an apple, yacon root (pronounced ya-kon) is one of the many “new” vegetables coming to us from South America. In reality, this fruitlike vegetable has been cultivated throughout the Andes for more than a millennium.
South Americans eat it as a fruit; they also use the huge leaves to wrap foods during cooking, in the same way cabbage leaves are used in Germany, grape leaves in the Mideast and banana leaves in the tropics. Only recently — thanks to some adventurous green thumbs — have North Americans begun to see yacon in produce markets. In addition to its distinctive flavor — a satisfyingly sweet cross between celery and Granny Smith apples — yacon is noted for its high fiber and low calorie content. The tubers and leaves contain high levels of inulin, a form of sugar humans cannot easily break down, making it low in calories.
Yacón syrup. The tuberous roots of the yacón plant (Smallanthus sonchifolius) Yacón syrup is a sweetening agent extracted from the tuberous roots of the yacón plant (Smallanthus sonchifolius) indigenous to the Andes mountains.[1] It was used by the Incas. Mulching Potatoes With Straw. Mulching potato plants with straw is a method well known to us, in the world of permaculture. But the question of whether "to dig or not to dig" is not black and white. Certainly, conventional cultivation of potatoes requires a great deal of work (preparing the soil and visiting the potato patch to earth up the growing plants) but it also has its benefits: a beautiful earthed-up ridge promotes the proliferation of underground stems on which new tubers can grow and the risk of the tubers going green is reduced by protecting them from light.
In the autumn of 2008, staff at the French gardening magazine, Les 4 Seasons du Jardin Bio (The 4 Seasons of the Organic Garden) were captivated by the enthusiasm of Bernard Patry (photo above) a gardener in the Charente-Maritime region, who had experimented successfully with mulching his potato plants. Signup for an All Things Plants Membership, referred by MikeD (All Things Plants) Clay Pot (Olla)
UPDATE: The recent shipment sold out almost immediately upon arrival. So we are taking PRE-ORDERS again for another shipment tentatively scheduled for mid-April. Ancient watering technique delivers water directly to the roots. Grow Large, Juicy Garlic Bulbs - Farm and Garden. Made at Home Vegetables, by Dick Strawbridge and James Strawbridge (Mitchell Beazley, 2012), proves just how productively green you can be all year round. Whether you have a tiny urban plot, a terrace, a community garden allotment or plenty of space in your own garden, growing your own vegetables is one of the easiest ways to transform the way you eat.
The following excerpt from the chapter "Summer" teaches you how to grow and harvest garlic. Purchase this book from the GRIT store: Made at Home Vegetables. Corn - Jade Blue - Heirloom NON GMO. The Book of Kale and Friends: 14 Easy-to-Grow Superfoods with 130+ Recipes by Sharon Hanna. Corn, Blue Jade Organic. The Book of Kale and Friends: 14 Easy-to-Grow Superfoods with 130+ Recipes by Sharon Hanna. Blue Vervain – Mountain Rose Herbs. Overview Also known as. Organic Blue Vervain Seeds: Non-GMO, Certified Organic Heirloom. How to Grow More Vegetables: And Fruits, Nuts, Berries, Grains, and Other Crops Than You Ever Thought Possible on Less Land Than You Can Imagine by John Jeavons. Grow a Sustainable Diet: Planning and Growing to Feed Ourselves and the Earth by Cindy Conner.
The Tao of Vegetable Gardening: Cultivating Tomatoes, Greens, Peas, Beans, Squash, Joy, and Serenity by Carol Deppe. Winter Squash - Nichols Garden Nursery - Fine Seeds & Herbs for the Gardener Cook. Winter Squash, Oregon Homestead Sweet Meat. Organic Pumpkin, Small Sugar. Pumpkin Small Sugar Pumpkin Heirloom, Untreated, Open Pollinated, Vegetable Seeds - Sustainable Seed Company. Pumpkin Small Sugar or New England Pie pumpkin - Heirloom, Open-Pollinated, non-Hybrid Victory Seeds® Long Island Cheese Pumpkin. 0 out of 0 people found the following review helpful: Pumpkin - Long Island Cheese Pumpkin. Heirloom Tomato Plants - Plant-Pineapple Tomato. Our plants are available individually in 2 1/4 inch pots! At Territorial you don't have to buy 6 plants of each variety.
Amishland Heirloom Striped and Yellow Tomato Seeds. Heirloom Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruits: Savoring the Rich Flavor of the Past by Doreen G. Howard. Vegetable growing cheat sheet. Nitrogen Fixing Species for Agroforestry Systems. I am currently working on a regenerative landscape design for a site in Todorovo, Bulgaria. The plan is to establish an agroforestry system known as alley cropping wherein rows of mixed species edible trees and shrubs are planted at intervals with spaces for herbs, forage and/or grain crops to be grown in between. It's a dynamic system which is inherently diverse, providing multiple yields and excellent habitat for wildlife while at the same time being relatively resilient to a changing climate.
Top Ten Companion Plants - Open Permaculture - Permaculture Design Course. Web Bugs. Grow Cover Crops for the Best Garden Soil. Learn How to Grow Celery - Farm and Garden. Grow Large, Juicy Garlic Bulbs - Farm and Garden. The Ultimate Guide to Sheet Mulching. Lee Valley Tools. Japan Woodworker - Japanese Woodworking Tools & Supplies. Scythe Works. Striking tool hickory wood replacement handles; axe handle, hammer handle. King of Spades. Fencing - Premier1Supplies. Sorghum - Heirloom, Untreated, Open Pollinated, Vegetable Seeds - Sustainable Seed Company. Sorghum. Sorghum June Grain of the Month. 82 Sustainable Gardening Tips. Infographic: Grow Frost-Tolerant Vegetables in the Cool Season. Teff, The Perennial Plate, video.
How Millions of Farmers are Advancing Agriculture For Themselves, rice. Chasmanthium latifolium (River Oats) Grass Fed. Dirt on Gardening: How to Harvest Potatoes. Harvesting Sweet Potatoes. How to Grow Garlic & Save Money. Winter Cereal Grains and Grass Cover Crops - Winter Rye Grain Cover Crop. Buckwheat Cover Crop Handbook.
Buckwheat (Common) (OG) Low Tunnels vs Cold Frames.
Low-Tech Natural Nursery Strategies. Dynamic Accummulator herbs & grasses, compost accumulators. The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener: How to Grow Your Own Food 365 Days a Year, No Matter Where You Live by Niki Jabbour. Organic Garlic to Plant & Grow - Seeds Bulbs Cloves. Native Seeds/SEARCH - Squash Varieties Newly Available from our Seed Bank. Grow Planner Gardening App for iPad. Webinars Seed Savers Exchange gardening webinars. The Joys of Cover Cropping. Organic Non-GMO Seeds - Cylindra Beet. Organic Beets - Growing and Seed Saving Info. Heirloom Seeds - Mary's Heirloom Seeds. Sugar Beet, Sugar Beet seed, open-pollinated sugar Beet seed-Bountiful Gardens. Sugar Beet Seeds - Sustainable Seed Co.
Sugar Beet, seeds. Scythe Works. Shop Japan Woodworker Garden at Japan Woodworker. Striking tool hickory wood replacement handles; axe handle, hammer handle. Felco Pruners Will Change Your Life. King of Spades. The Random House Book of Vegetables by Roger Phillips. Vegetable Grower's Library. Interactive Planting Harvesting Succession Tools & Calculators. Planting Programs from Johnny's Selected Seeds. Johnnys Selected Seeds Grower's Library - Tools & Supplies. Cool Season Gardener: Extend the Harvest, Plan Ahead, and Grow Vegetables Year-Round by Bill Thorness. The Polytunnel Book: Fruit and Vegetables All Year Round by Joyce Russell.