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Y es sencillo: solo necesita unas zapatillas adecuadas y un camino. Se queman unas ocho calorías por minuto a una velocidad de 8 km/h, y si aumentamos la velocidad, más. Pero, ¿qué hacemos si no nos gusta o no estamos capacitados para ello? Busque alternativas, que las hay, y algunas con un gasto calórico superior al de la carrera. Ni no fumar, ni comer mejor, ni hacer ejercicio: lo mejor que puedes hacer por ti es tener relaciones saludables. La clave de la salud y la felicidad está en la calidad de tus relaciones, esto es algo que la ciencia y la filosofía demuestran por igual.
Está muy bien tener buenos genes son buenos, pero la alegría es mejor. Las cosas y vivencias breves no nos dan la felicidad. El sexo dura lo que dura la penetración (eso dice Pornhub).
Las historias, lo que duran las stories (eso dice Instagram). Los objetos, lo que dura la novedad (eso dice IPhone). Las relaciones, lo que dura la pasión (eso dice Meetic). Acortamos las cosas para alargar la vida. Es la nueva inmortalidad. En el medievo, los artesanos heredaban las herramientas de sus padres. El nuevo reto viral: ¿Qué número ves? Tu respuesta diagnostica tu capacidad visual. Tres cosas que hacen que te levantes de la cama con dolor de cuello (y una que ayuda a evitarlo) Así se deteriora tu cuerpo por pasarte ocho horas sentado cada día. The Doomsday Prepper Next Door. This article first appeared on VICE Canada My impressions of emergency survival mostly come from Hollywood.
Think eccentric rich guys like Anthony Hopkins in The Edge, or the militia-minded survivalists in Tremors. Then there's the sensational Doomsday Preppers and recent stories about Silicon Valley execs buying island hideouts. People getting ready for possible disasters, often called preppers, aren't usually depicted as the most mainstream people around. ¿Qué alimentos nos roban y facilitan el sueño? Qué comemos, cuándo y cómo influye en nuestra salud.
Hasta aquí no descubrimos nada nuevo: la relación entre la comida y patologías como la obesidad o las enfermedades cardiovasculares es conocida. Lo que quizá no lo es tanto es que la alimentación, el proceso por el cual obtenemos los nutrientes esenciales para el desarrollo de todas las funciones vitales del organismo, juega un papel determinante en la vigilia y el sueño. Los hábitos de la sociedad han cambiado en los últimos años. Ahora ya no comemos sólo cuando tenemos hambre. Tal y como señala la Sociedad Española de Sueño (SES), el tiempo dedicado a la comida está muy condicionado por los hábitos sociales, el ritmo laboral, los turnos, la convivencia y la conveniencia (además de la religión y el ocio) y todo ello influye en la calidad del sueño, al igual que, que éste sea insuficiente o fragmentado puede afectar a nuestra conducta alimentaria.
¿Qué tenemos que comer para dormir mejor? 5 Ways Smart People Sabotage Their Success. Executive Summary Raw intelligence is undoubtedly a huge asset, but it isn’t everything.
And sometimes, when intellectually gifted people don’t achieve as much as they’d like to, it’s because they’re subtly undermining themselves. Five things smart people tend to struggle with: Smart people sometimes devalue other skills, like relationship building, and over-concentrate on intellect. Teamwork can be frustrating. Smart people often attach a lot of their self-esteem to being smart, which can decrease their resilience and lead to avoidance. What to Eat to Live to 100 – Personal Growth.
I aspire to live an incredibly long, happy, and healthy life.
That is why I recently read the The Blue Zones Solution, in which New York Times best-selling author Dan Buettner reveals the eating and living habits of the world’s longest-lived people. For over a decade, Buettner (along with the National Geographic Society and a team of researchers) studied the 5 locations around the globe that have the highest concentrations of 100-year-olds, as well as exceptionally low rates of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart problems. In the book, Buettner lays out the specifics for each of these “Blue Zones” locations, analyzes the trends, and then prescribes a plan for people looking achieve the same level of health and longevity.
10 Toxic Character Types To Avoid Hiring At All Costs. The following was adapted from my newest book The Laws of Human Nature, now available everywhere.
Weak character will neutralize all of the other possible good qualities a person might possess. For instance, people of high intelligence but weak character may come up with good ideas and even do a job well, but they will crumble under pressure, or they will not take to kindly to criticism, or they will think first and foremost of their own agenda, or their arrogance and annoying qualities will cause others around them to quit, harming the general environment. The Hidden Dangers of ‘Skinny Fat’ When Elizabeth Chanatry was 16 years old, she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
You’d never know it by looking at the 5-foot-3-inch tall, 117-pound 19-year-old, but even Chanatry admits that she’s not as fit as she could be. “My sister and I are not toned, but we are thin,” she says. Chanatry has genetics to thank for her physique, but also for her diabetes—her older sister and father both suffer from the disease too. For as long as she could remember Chanatry drank Diet Coke and asked for sugar-free syrup to avoid too much of the sweet stuff, but when she started to get symptoms for diabetes, she knew it hadn’t been enough. Obesity is a serious epidemic in the U.S., but the problem, doctors say, is that we are putting too much weight on weight. “I see these people all the time,” says Dr.
Dr. A 2008 study found that about one-fourth of U.S. adults with normal weight have some form of an unhealthy heart, like high blood pressure or cholesterol. Time. Not all body fat is created equal, new research published Monday suggests.
A new study, published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, reports that normal-weight people who have fat around their middle have a greater mortality risk than people who are overweight or obese with regular fat distributions. To reach these findings, the researchers looked at survey results for 15,184 adults between ages 18 and 90. The people in the study had about 14 years of follow-up data, which the researchers used to look at how risk for heart-related morality and total risk of death were linked to the distribution of fat.
MORE: The Hidden Dangers Of “Skinny Fat” They found that people with normal weight central obesity—having a normal body mass index (BMI) but a high hip-to-waist ratio—had a higher risk of death than those who had a high BMI but a more even fat distribution. Four steps to a younger, smarter brain. Brain health is key to successful ageing, and it involves several mental functions including memory, reasoning and planning. Memory defines who we are – without memory we have no past, cannot plan for the future and are unable to enjoy the present. Our reasoning and planning skills help us create and maintain healthy lifestyle habits that protect our bodies and minds. People are living much longer than ever before. Those born in 1900 would have been lucky to reach their 50th birthday. Today, life expectancy in many countries exceeds 80, but unfortunately age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and diabetes can diminish quality of life.
Stop Procrastinating With This Mental Exercise. 15 Habits You Must Give Up To Keep Yourself Happy. 15 Things That Hold You Back In Your Life! Our experiences, our cultures, and even our families can build fears and limitations that can hold us back, or hold us down. Even it’s not intentional, but it’s just that we’re all doing the best we can in this beautiful, messy, complicated world. In the past 10 years I’ve spent educating others, I’ve recognized patterns in what we all do, myself included, that hold us back from success. Make Your Own Just-Add-Hot-Water Instant Noodles (and Make Your Coworkers Jealous)
Los vicios que obstaculizan el éxito, según el padre de la neurociencia. Se ha dicho frecuentemente que el talento no lo es todo, y bajo la sabiduría de la neurociencia, Santiago Ramón y Cajal recomendó esto. Santiago Ramón y Cajal es considerado el padre la neurociencia y ganó el Nobel de Medicina por ello. You Need to Stop Wasting Time On These 25 things. We live in a fast-paced world and without our noticing time often seem to slip by. It gives us more reason to pay attention on things that are important to us and avoid spending time on shallow things that are senseless, negative or just plain stupid. 4 Harsh Truths That Will Make You A Better Person. Start a new (good) habit, kill an old (bad) one. Habits -- actions performed with little conscious thought and often unwittingly triggered by external cues -- are powerful influences on behavior and can be our greatest allies for positive change.
But because they are so difficult to break, habits are also frequent saboteurs of personal progress. What Will You Create to Make the World Awesome? When web designer Ben Blumenfeld was working for a major TV network, he was responsible for creating websites for mainstream shows. One day, he made a breakthrough that led to a significant uptake on a show, but the success struck Ben in a way he had not expected. His success meant more people would spend even more time watching TV, and he ultimately didn’t see that as a good thing. The moment proved to be an inflection point for Ben. 30 Lessons For Living. Hacking Habits: How To Make New Behaviors Last For Good. 5 Scientific Ways to Build Habits That Stick. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” Sobering words from Aristotle, and an astute reminder that success doesn’t come overnight.
On the contrary, it’s discipline that gets you from Point A to the often elusive Point B. In our day-to-day lives, habits can often be tough to build, as there are plenty of distractions that can lead us off the “straight and narrow” and right back to our old ways. To alleviate some of those troubles we can examine some academic research on motivation, discipline, and habit building, and break down their findings into actionable steps that any aspiring habit-builder can put into place. 1. In a fascinating study on motivation, researchers found abstract thinking to be an effective method to help with discipline. 25 Things About Life I Wish I Had Known 10 Years Ago. Socrates, considered as one of the founders of Western philosophy, was once named the wisest man on earth by the Oracle of Delphi.
When Socrates heard that the oracle had made such a comment, he believed that the statement was wrong. Socrates said: “I know one thing: that I know nothing.” How can the smartest man on earth know nothing? Forget The "To-Do" List, You Need A 'Stop Doing' List. How to Calm Your Nerves with "Mental Rehearsal" and Get Through Anything. El método para mejorar la memoria que no requiere ningún esfuerzo. Derechos de autor de la imagen Getty Images Cuando tratas de memorizar algo nuevo es normal asumir que, cuanto más empeño pones en ello, mejor te irá. Sin embargo, puede que lo que necesites sea justamente una pausa en la que no hagas nada. Literalmente. Las mayores pérdidas de tiempo que más se lamentan cuando envejecemos. You're Distracted. This Professor Can Help. How to Tell a Great Story.