My health
Svefninn getur haft mikil áhrif á lífsgæði og heilsu. Rannsóknir hafa sýnt að góður nætursvefn skiptir miklu máli fyrir heilsuna.
Margir þjást af ýmsum svefnvandamálum sem mögulega er hægt að leysa með einföldum hætti.
Stasis Dermatitis - Compression Management Services® The Lymphedema Centers. Stasis dermatitis is a red itchy rash on the lower legs.
It occurs after long-term swelling of the lower leg, usually from poor blood circulation. What is going on in the body? Poor blood flow from the lower legs back to the heart causes swelling of the lower legs. Over time, this creates poor circulation in the skin of the legs. The skin begins to break into a rash, typically over the shins. What are the signs and symptoms of the condition? Stasis dermatitis causes a red, itchy rash on the lower legs.
What are the causes and risks of the condition? Stasis dermatitis is usually caused by poor blood flow from the veins of the legs back to the heart. The rash is often made worse by the use of salves or ointments. What can be done to prevent the condition? The most important way to prevent stasis dermatitis is to avoid swelling of the legs over a long period of time. How is the condition diagnosed? What are the long-term effects of the condition? What are the risks to others?
Þetta gerist þegar þú hættir að hreyfa þig. Margir kannast eflaust við þá tilfinningu að missa áhugann á líkamsrækt eftir að hafa lagt mikið á sig.
Margar ástæður liggja þarna að baki; sumum finnst árangurinn ekki erfiðisins virði, aðrir játa sig sigraða vegna anna á meðan enn aðrir telja sig þurfa hvíld vegna þreytu. Hvað sem öllu þessu líður hefur það margvísleg áhrif á líkamann að hætta að hreyfa sig. Hér má sjá hvað gerist í líkamanum þegar við hættum að stunda hreyfingu. Með hreyfingu er átt við hvers konar líkamsrækt; allt frá daglegum gönguferðum og langhlaupum til lyftinga.
Vefjagikt og köld böð
Jurtaríkið frekar en dýraríkið. Lágkolvetnafæði getur stytt ævina um allt að fjögur ár og mun heilnæmara að neyta meirihluta fæðunnar úr jurtaríkinu fremur en dýraríkinu.
Fjallað er um rannsóknina í Lancet Public Health-tímaritinu. Í frétt BBC um rannsóknina kemur fram að lágkolvetnafæði, svo sem Atkins-kúrinn, nýtur mikilla vinsælda meðal þeirra sem vilja léttast og hafa komið fram vísbendingar um að með þessu sé hægt að minnka áhættuna á að fá ákveðna sjúkdóma. En bandaríska rannsóknin, sem hefur staðið í yfir 25 ár, bendir til þess að hollara sé að draga úr kolvetnaneyslu eða skipta út kjöti fyrir prótein og fitu úr jurtaríkinu.
After intermittent fasting, these men no longer take insulin for diabetes. The new case report says the three patients also lost weight, and their HbA1Cs, a measure of blood sugar levels, improved.
"People are focused on giving drugs to Type 2 diabetes, but it's a dietary disease," said study author Dr. Jason Fung, medical director of the Intensive Dietary Management Program in Toronto. Experts say this clashes with the widely held belief that diabetes is strictly a chronic, irreversible disease -- though Fung said that's been changing in recent years. "In general, the concept of reversing or curing diabetes ... is not well-accepted in the medical field," said Dr.
Abhinav Diwan, associate professor of medicine, cell biology and physiology at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 9.4% of Americans -- about 30.3 million people -- have diabetes, and nearly a quarter of those are undiagnosed. In the study, patients followed 24-hour fasts several times a week.
Statins have been widely recommended and used for hundreds of non-cardiovascular indications. What is the hard evidence to support these? Almost zero. @AnnalsofIM…
Statins and Multiple Noncardiovascular Outcomes. Four steps to a younger, smarter brain. Brain health is key to successful ageing, and it involves several mental functions including memory, reasoning and planning.
Memory defines who we are – without memory we have no past, cannot plan for the future and are unable to enjoy the present. Our reasoning and planning skills help us create and maintain healthy lifestyle habits that protect our bodies and minds. People are living much longer than ever before. Those born in 1900 would have been lucky to reach their 50th birthday. Today, life expectancy in many countries exceeds 80, but unfortunately age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and diabetes can diminish quality of life. As we age, brain cells that normally fight off infection and repair tissue begin to attack healthy brain cells.
The typical 45-year-old has worse memory than a 25-year-old, and our brains will continue to decline if we do nothing to protect them. Although there is a genetic component to healthy ageing, lifestyle habits may be more critical than genes.
Exercise and Activity Tips for Lower Blood Pressure in Pictures. Report: Commercial Viability of Gene Therapy Treatments Remain.