Langue chinoise. Chinese Language Studies. Chinese. Chinois. Learning Chinese. The birth of pinyin – The China Project. Anyone with even a passing familiarity with the written Chinese language — really, anyone who can picture a Chinese street scene in their mind’s eye — will recognize the importance of Chinese characters. Often intimidating to learners, characters define not only the language’s writing system, but are essential aspects of design and aesthetics in China. But they are also notoriously difficult — at the very least time-consuming — to learn. Educator and linguist David Moser has described (in a festschrift celebrating the career of legendary scholar John DeFrancis) characters as “beautiful, complex, mysterious — but ridiculous.” Besides rising to the rarified air of appearing on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Moser has made a career of learning and teaching the Chinese language, and among other things he points to the challenges of a (mostly) non-phonetic writing system.
But for the Communists, centuries of history and tradition were bugs, not features. Le chinois au pluriel (CCTV) Chinese Grammar Wiki. Mandarin Chinese: First Steps in Chinese. Course Syllabus Skip Syllabus DescriptionWeek 1: Tones Learn the most crucial characteristic of Mandarin Chinese–tones. You cannot speak Mandarin without singing, without tones.Week 2: Pinyin It is absolutely useful for beginners to learn Pinyin, a transcription consisting of Latin characters.Week 3: Chinese characters After learning Pinyin and tones, you may try to ‘draw’ characters stroke by stroke.Week 4: One Character One Syllable It is essential to know that one character contains only one syllable. There is no prefix or suffix in Chinese.Week 5: One basic Chinese structure Introduction to basic Chinese structure, knowing and practicing basic sentences in everyday scenario. PARLEZ CHINOIS - apprendre à parler le chinois mandarin.
Written Chinese. Convertisseur Chinois vers Pinyin : Traducteur chinois - pinyin. How to verify that you use the right Chinese font | Hacking Chinese. If you are already literate in Chinese, which font you use to display characters on screen isn’t very important, but for second language learners, it can be very confusing if you use the wrong font (or if someone else is using the wrong font). This is especially true if you’re going to handwrite characters you read from screen (including from most dictionaries). Now, you might think that font choice is a matter of aesthetics, and you’d be mostly right. However, there is a fairly large number of characters that look distinctly different depending on which font you use. These differences are not because of simplified and traditional characters, that’s a completely different issue.
Chinese character variants and fonts for language learners In this article, I’ll help you make sure you’re using the right font. The Chinese font and character variation checker Below, I have provided three columns of characters as follows: Checking your fonts More characters that differ 沿 次 刃 令 及 育 冒 拔 Does it matter? Chinese Grammar » A grammar guide for people learning Mandarin Chinese.
Learn Chinese with free online lessons. Leading Mandarin Learning Resource Online | The Chairman's Bao. Learn Chinese. Chinese character classification. All Chinese characters are logograms, but several different types can be identified, based on the manner in which they are formed or derived. There are a handful which derive from pictographs (象形; xiàngxíng) and a number which are ideographic (指事; zhǐshì) in origin, including compound ideographs (會意; huìyì), but the vast majority originated as phono-semantic compounds (形聲; xíngshēng).
The other categories in the traditional system of classification are rebus or phonetic loan characters (假借; jiǎjiè) and "derivative cognates" (轉注; zhuǎn zhù). Modern scholars have proposed various revised systems, rejecting some of the traditional categories. In older literature, Chinese characters in general may be referred to as ideograms, due to the misconception that characters represented ideas directly, whereas some people assert that they do so only through association with the spoken word.
Traditional classification[edit] Pictograms[edit] Simple ideograms[edit] Compound ideographs [edit] Examples[edit] Traditional Chinese Characters. Kickstart your Chinese character learning with the 100 most common radicals | Hacking Chinese. I’ve taught many introduction courses in Chinese. Each time, I’ve felt the lack of a beginner-friendly list of the most common Chinese radicals. I tell students that learning character components is essential, and that it’s a long-term investment that will pay off several times over the course of their Chinese studies.
I then show them some of the most common Chinese radicals. But then what? Beginners often find it hard to determine which components are common and which aren’t, and learning all of them at once is not a good idea. Filling a gap: The most common Chinese radicals Lists of common Chinese radicals are typically based on data from a very large number of characters. There’s only one problem: 鸟/鳥 is not even close to being the most important Chinese radical for beginners to learn. If you only take the most commonly used 2,000 characters into account, 鸟 only occurs nine times. The most common Chinese radicals among the most common characters These are the columns used in the list: Chinese Radicals. Chinese Learning Resources. Sentence Structures. Chinois. Chinois Mandarin. PARLEZ CHINOIS - apprendre à parler le chinois mandarin. Learn Chinese - Learn Chinese Online - English Chinese Translation. Learn Chinese online FREE - All Valuable FREE Lessons - Just Learn Chinese.
A Radical View of Chinese Characters. Mandarin. Chinois. Chinese. iLearn Mandarin. Yabla Chinese Video Immersion - The Authentic Way to Learn Chinese. Chinese and English sample emails. Chinese and English sample letters. Homophonic puns in Mandarin Chinese. A sign for a porridge shop in Wenzhou which puns the Wenzhou demonym 溫州人/Wēnzhōurén, altering the second character 州/zhōu to an exact homophone 粥/zhōu meaning porridge, giving 溫粥人 (lit. warm-porridge-people) Mandarin Chinese, like many Sinitic varieties, has a significant number of homophonous syllables and words due to its limited phonetic inventory. All languages have homophones, but in Chinese they are especially abundant.
This article is intended to present a list of common or representative homophonic puns in Mandarin Chinese, though many of the examples given are often homophones in other varieties as well. Asterisks before the entry denote near homophones. Terms in Chinese[edit] There is no common Chinese word for 'pun' in the oral language, although the phrase 一語雙關 yī yǔ shuāng guān may sometimes be used. Spring Festival traditions[edit] Chinese New Year, known in China as Spring Festival, has an abundance of unique traditions associated with it. Literature[edit] Joke Names[edit] Beijing Made Easy | Beijing Sex | Mandarin Sex Phrasebook. Learn Chinese: Bad Chinese Swear Words.
Pinyin. Yingzi. Also see the Belorussian translation provided by Fatcow. The English spelling system is such a pain, we'd might as well switch to hanzi-- Chinese characters. How should we go about it? Japanese style One way would be to use hanzi directly, asthe Japanese do. For instance, we'd write "work" as , and "ruler" as. . , and "tycoon" as You can already see that this is going to be tricky. Two readings, for instance-- /wrk/ and /gûng/-- and two as well-- /rulr/ and /kun/. Proper names will be a problem as well. For the name of the bodaciously cute singer Faye Wong-- but for English names we'd have no better recourse than to spell things out using the nearest Chinese syllables.
Chinese style Maybe there's a better approach. The basic principle will be, one yingzi for a syllable with a particular meaning. Does that mean we need a completely separate symbol for each of the thousands of possible English syllables? Little pictures Well, now's the time. Woods repeats the yingzi for tree, while Phonetic classes.