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Content Curation, una buona opportunità di business, tutta da sfruttare. Si fa un gran parlare della importanza del contenuto, per il marketing in rete e per moltiplicare le opportunità di business delle aziende. Ma produrre contenuti è costoso, richiede competenza e capacità di veicolarli in rete, sotto diverse forme e in differenti modalità. Che si tratti di un articolo, di un’infografica, di un’immagine o di un video, realizzare un buon contenuto richiede un grande investimento, il cui ritorno (ROI) non è semplice da calcolare e nemmeno del tutto certo, a meno che non si abbia la capacità di trasformare la propria azienda in una sorta di editore.

Anche questo è un mantra che sentiamo ripetere spesso, in rete: “companies must become publishers”, oppure “brands must become media companies”. Per competere in rete, le aziende debbono dunque davvero trasformarsi in una qualche misura in case editrici? Perché dovrebbero fare uno sforzo simile? Le ragioni ci sono, e non sono poche: Un editore non pubblica solamente contenuti propri.

Cos’è la content curation? Content Curation - Cura dei Contenuti. Faire de la curation de contenu, à quoi ça sert ? - Blog de l'agence Axellescom. La curation de contenu est une pratique encore mal maitrisée par les entreprises et pourtant, intégrée à une stratégie webmarketing bien pensée, elle constitue un levier efficace pour booster à la fois la notoriété et l’image d’expertise de la marque.

Avant d’aller plus loin, rien ne vaut une bonne définition. Selon la bible du contenu 2.0 Wikipédia, la curation de contenu est « une pratique qui consiste à sélectionner, éditer et partager les contenus les plus pertinents du web pour une requête ou un sujet donné ». Pour le dire autrement, il s’agit de parcourir le web pour dénicher de nouveaux contenus (articles, images, vidéos, sons…), de choisir ceux susceptibles d’aider ou d’intéresser les internautes concernés par ma thématique, puis de les partager avec eux – sur mon site (déconseillé, gare aux risques de duplicate content !)

Ou un support externe dédié à la curation de contenu (nous reviendrons plus loin sur les outils de curation à votre disposition). Devenir un super curateur ! Dossier Curation de contenus. La curation est de la veille qu’on partage, mais pas uniquement ! Elle inclut « la sélection du contenu, son éditorialisation et son partage » et relève d’un « précieux regard synoptique capable d’agglomérer des sources hétérogènes sur un thème pour fournir ensuite une compilation intelligente reflétant l’essence des discussions et des tendances du moment sur celui-ci ».

Et « si la curation diversifie les contenus dans les conversations avec un prospect pour l’emmener dans le funnel de conversion vers des contenus de plus en plus spécifiques et pertinents pour lui, elle doit prendre garde à ne pas succomber aux sirènes de l’automatisation. » Un tel sujet, à l’initiative du CMIT (Club des directeurs Marketing de l’IT), méritait un dossier sur Marketing Professionnel 😉 Sont d’ores et déjà prévus ou publiés… La curation de contenus en infographie La curation est un moyen de gagner du temps, en triant et en hiérarchisant l’information. La curation, content marketing du pauvre ? (c) Ill. 5-curation. 11 Content Curation and Collaboration Tools to Save You Time. Content Curation. Content Curation. Digital curation. Digital Curation. Web2.0. Articles About Curation. The Unstoppable Rise of the Digital Content Creator.

How to Do Curated Content RIGHT: A Step-by-Step Guide. Curation Tools. Content Management. My Top 10 Content Curation Tools. NewsTab, un impressionnant agrégateur d'informations multifonctions | Outils Froids. NewsTab a été lancé en octobre dernier et se positionne de manière assez intéressante puisqu’il permet à la fois de suivre : des contenus provenant de centaines de sites d’actualités en lignedes flux RSSdes requêtes dans Twitterdes requêtes dans Google Alertes Après s’être connecté via Google, Facebook ou en créant un identifiant on va pouvoir ajouter des flux d’information à son compte.

Il suffit de cliquer sur le bouton + en haut de page pour que s’affichent deux possibilités : Créer un nouveau flux (feed) Une fenêtre apparaît qui présente plusieurs onglets : Popular : médias les plus populaires dans l’application Local : médias liés au pays detecté par le service mais vous pouvez le changer dans le menu déroulant. Créer une nouvelle section, c’est à dire un regroupement thématique de flux, une catégorie en somme. Une fois que vous avez choisi des flux et/ou des sections ceux-ci apparaissent sous forme d’onglets sur votre page d’accueil.

Articles issus de flux RSS (OPML + médias) Tweets. 6 outils pour une veille numérique efficace - Fragil - Culture, société, initiatives citoyennes. Pour se tenir au courant des dernières nouvelles et évolutions d’un thème, d’un sujet ou d’un événement d’actualité, une veille efficace est indispensable. Petit tour d’horizon des outils numériques à votre disposition pour la mettre en place. Il existe deux méthodes de veille : La méthode Pull : vous cherchez vous-même les informations en consultant plusieurs sites et plusieurs supports susceptibles de contenir les informations qui vous intéressent. Il s’agit d’un processus très chronophage mais vous pouvez tomber sur des informations inédites, introuvables par un algorithme de recherche.La méthode Push : les informations qui peuvent vous intéresser vous sont envoyées ou sont automatiquement listées et prêtes à la consultation. Une veille efficace est celle qui contient ces deux méthodes.

Effectuer sa veille sur le web Pocket Pocket est un outil de marque-page disponible via le navigateur sous forme d’extension mais aussi via une application.! Netvibes Feedly Hootsuite Tweetdeck. Bookmarking. BOOKMARKING. LISTS. Bookmark and Highlight. Social bookmarking. Contenitori.

10 Excellent Bookmarking Tools You Should Know. 7,658 ViewsNovember 5, 2014Bali, IndonesiaDesign 3 min read We all like to surf the internet. Whether it’s looking for inspiration or checking some cool stuff we want to save it all for later. The worst case scenario is that we tend to forget what we saved for later. Another problem is that most bookmarking systems on browsers become messy and cluttered very quickly. This is where bookmarking tools shine. These tools allow you to keep track of anything you find online, organize it and store it for you, being ready to access anytime and from any device with internet access. Personally I’m using Safari bookmarks and they are enough for me.

Dragdis Dragdis is a free web app that makes collecting things nice and easy. Pinterest Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that you can use to find ideas for all your projects and interests. is pretty similar to Pinterest, and I’m pretty sure all of you are familiar with Pinterest by now. Diigo Kippt Ember Saved Bundlr Delicious Stache. - simple online bookmarks. BookmarkOS | Organize your bookmarks like a boss. Mix · Learn More. SpeedyMarks - My Visual Bookmarks. Utopic - Visual social bookmarking. Never lose a bookmark again.

Kippt - All of your links in one place. Draggo – The New Way to Manage All Your Bookmarks. 5 Lesser-Known Content Discovery Tools - STRYDE. 9 Free Tools For Link Discovery & Content Creation. Every day it seems that there’s a new tool out there to monitor, measure, track, and suggest what we should be doing. Many of these are free or offer free trials, which I love, but finding the time to test out a new tool in order to see if it suits you isn’t always easy. My objective in using these tools is, of course, building links, so I’ll go over the tools that I use and show you how I’d use them.

And hey, they’re all free!! For the record, I’m not interested in competitive analysis, analyzing sites, using social media (with one notable exception, and my exclusion here is only because that topic has been well covered both on this site and elsewhere) or examining existing backlinks. I’m interested in using these tools to help with finding new link sources and creating new content. Also note, we don’t automate anything that we do. Our main timesuck is definitely discovery so any time I can find a cool tool to help with that, I love it. For Link Outreach Generation.


Clipix | About us. Powerful and easy to use, Clipix is engineered to be a simple solution to a fundamental problem; the need to save, store and organize anything important to us, either online or offline, into one central and completely private place. Clipix is an incredible technology that is constantly improving, and continues to adapt to the needs, behaviors and advancements of its users for the betterment of their lives. The concept is simple. Clipix provides its users with one central place to save everything important to them in a privately organized manner. The content you save to Clipix is accessible wherever you go—online, or with our mobile applications for iPhone and Android devices.

At a restaurant you love? Save your location to Clipix. Everything you save is organized onto “Clipboards”. Clipix revolves around “collaborative clipping”. Clipix is the ultimate organizational utility that will change the way you live your life. BagThe Web. Permamarks - Never lose what you love. Dropmark | Organize, collaborate, and share online. I T E M S Y - You are what you read. Pocket (Formerly Read It Later) Scrible | smarter online research - annotate, organize & collaborate on web pages.

Wakelet. Vidinterest. BuzzSumo: Find the Most Shared Content and Key Influencers. 20 best-kept secrets for finding content to share. Winslew | lI' Ghun. You might know this – you just found a nice webpage you want to read but have no time right at this moment? Maybe you create a bookmark for it – then you forget about it and remember it while on a long flight or being not connected to the internet. Wouldn’t it be cool to have such webpages marked for reading it later and having cached version of all this webpages on your notebook? Pocket (formerly known as Read It Later) is a service which provides a centralized storage for your webpages you want to read later.

There are bookmarklets available for all browser, there are multiple clients available on iPhone and on Mac OS X and you can see all you items on a webpage online. Winslew now is a Windows client to this service which can be used to fully administer your items (add, remove, mark as read, tagging, …) which caches text only version of the webpage so you can read them whenever you want and whereever you are. Curation Tools by Formats & Tech.

Pinterest & alike

Personalization. Curation. La curation, suivre le sujet. Curation, veille électronique. Content Curators Are The New Superheros Of The Web. Yesterday, the ever-churning machine that is the Internet pumped out more unfiltered digital data. Yesterday, 250 million photos were uploaded to Facebook, 864,000 hours of video were uploaded to YouTube, and 294 BILLION emails were sent. And that's not counting all the check-ins, friend requests, Yelp reviews and Amazon posts, and pins on Pintrest. The volume of information being created is growing faster than your software is able to sort it out. As a result, you're often unable to determine the difference between a fake LinkedIn friend request, and a picture from your best friend in college of his new baby. Even with good metadata, it's still all "data"--whether raw unfiltered, or tagged and sourced, it's all treated like another input to your digital inbox.

What's happened is the web has gotten better at making data. In 2010 we frolicked, Googled, waded, and drowned in 1.2 zettabytes of digital bits and bytes. Which means it's time to enlist the web's secret power--humans. 1. Curate & Share. Content Curation. Curation. Curation. Curation. OVO. RebelMouse: Let Your Content Roar. Curation. Online Content Curation. Thoughts on Curation.

Curatoria. Tipologie di Curation. More Mind Reach - Q&A with Robin Good. The Newsmaster Toolkit: Content Curation Tools to Aggregate, Filter, Edit, Curate and Distribute Any Type of Content - updated weekly - Curation. The 5 Models Of Content Curation. Curation has always been an underrated form of creation. The Getty Center in Los Angeles is one of the most frequently visited museums in America – and started as a private art collection from one man (J.

Paul Getty) who had a passion for art. Aside from a few well known examples like this one, however, the term curation has rarely been used outside of the world of art … until now. One of the hottest trends in social media right now is content curation – thanks in no small part to the leading efforts of several thought leaders actively promoting the idea. Joe Pulizzi is a “content marketing evangelist” who speaks and writes often about content marketing publishes a list of the best content marketing blogs across the web. Steve Rosenbaum just published a book called Curation Nation looking at the rise of content curation in the business world – and a recent post on the Psychology Today blog even declared that “content curation is the new black.” What Is Content Curation? Content Curation: 19 Definitions.

Content Marketing Experts Define Content Curation While every marketer must have content marketing, their biggest challenge is producing sufficient content, given their budget and staff resources, that attracts and converts prospects. Many marketers curate other people’s content to supplement the original information they create. To better understand what content curation is and how to use it to achieve your business objectives, here’s how nineteen content marketing experts define content curation. 1. Content curation is to make the whole stronger than the sum of the parts. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Content curation can be an effective strategy for extending your content marketing offering. How do you define content curation? Happy Marketing, Heidi Cohen Create Memorable Customer Experiences This Holiday Season Getting in the door can be as challenging as closing the deal. Related Articles Photo Credit:

Cura i tuoi interessi. Da alcuni mesi mi sto documentando su un argomento molto attuale in ambito digitale che mi incuriosisce e appassiona: la content curation. I vocaboli cura, curatore e contenuto in italiano fanno riferimento ad una precisa area semantica ma di recente sono stati adottati dall’inglese per identificare una figura professionale non dissimile dal curatore documentale. Giorgio Jannis colloca nel 2009 l’inizio di uno slittamento di significato: “Un anno e mezzo fa, a giudicare dalle ricerche su Google, il termine inglese curation ha subìto un primo slittamento semantico, arrivando a abbracciare nuovi significati per la comunità dei parlanti anglofona. Il curatore di contenuti è quindi colui che trova, seleziona, verifica, raggruppa e condivide online il migliore contenuto possibile in relazione ad un particolare argomento o tema.

Se una ricerca viene effettuata con obiettivi importanti, il dispendio di energie e di risorse è alquanto elevato, e aggiungerei oneroso. Ama il tuo contenuto. 5 Modelli di Content Curation. Content Curation. Got interests? Now get followers! - Curation : curator & curateur. Diffusion de la curation Dès le 15 décembre, je publiais dans mon Tumblr : «J’avoue, je suis un curator, l’un des 1er en France avant que les autres ne se qualifient de ce buzzword ? » et depuis, j’ai publié quelques réflexions toujours dans ce média sur la thématique de la curation et des curators, pardon des curateurs Parmi ces questions : est ce que la curation n’est pas un retour en arrière… vers les annuaires, un peu plus personnalisés ?

J’avais raison en décembre, les termes de curation, de curateurs ou curators buzzent depuis le début de l’année. J’ai l’impression qu’après le web 2, le community management, etc., nous voici devant les termes qui mettent une dénomination sur les « bloggueurs influents » et autres influenceurs. On constate que pour l’ensemble de ces termes « marketing » désignent des évolutions soit d’internet, soit de métiers existants… Aussi, faut-il suivre cette mode. Bon allons-y pour une tentative de définition. Les différentes étapes du processus de veille. Diventare Un Curatore delle Notizie: Come Ho Iniziato e Cosa Ho Scoperto Facendo il Newsmaster.

I Feed RSS per Trovare le NotiziePer raccogliere le migliori notizie senza diventare scemo, io, come molti, sono partito subito utilizzando i feed RSS. I feed RSS sono uno strumento semplice e potente, che quando accoppiati ad un'applicazione come Google Reader, ti consentono di monitorare, in un'unica schermata, tutte le novità che arrivano dai siti che hai selezionato.Il grande vantaggio è si risparmia moltissimo tempo a non dover andare a vedere singolarmente tutti quei siti. Strumenti per Pubblicare e DistribuirePer pubblicare e distribuire le notizie "curate" si possono usare tool specifici come:(ne trovi un bel numero in questa mappa sui servizi per fare "News Curation")Oppure, nessuno impedisce di utilizzare gli stessi servizi che si utilizzano normalmente per fare creare un blog: WordPress, Tumblr, Posterous, Blogger, etc. Read. CURATOR'S CODE. Outils de veille gratuits.

Utopia now! Plates-formes de curation. Curation. Curation. Cura i tuoi interessi. PORTFOLIOS. Veille & curation - PKM. 5 Curation Apps and Examples With a Wow! Factor. 5-curation. 01Net - dossier "tout savoir sur la curation" Content Curation Guide for SEO - What, How, Why.