The Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning
Related: Language teaching
Effective WL Instructors…
Effective WL Instructors… Every teacher wants to be the best they can be for their students. While there are many attributes that can make a great teacher we can also observe some behaviors and routines that are in a great world language teacher’s classroom.
Beginners' Latin
This tutorial is a beginners' guide to the Latin used in documents between 1086 and 1733. It is the first online tutorial to help you learn the Latin from this period. Try our new Advanced Latin The tutorial covers Latin as used in England between 1086 and 1733, when it was the official language used in documents. Please note that this type of Latin can be quite different from classical
Kansas State University Libraries
Colby J. Moorberg and David A. Crouse The Soils Laboratory Manual, K-State Edition is designed for students in undergraduate, introductory soil science courses, and highlights the many aspects of soil science, including: soil genesis and classification, soil physical properties, soil-water interaction, soil biology, soil chemistry, and soil fertility. The lab manual includes 15 different laboratories, each one starting with an introduction and pre-lab assignment, followed by in-lab...
Here Are Some Examples Of Using “Concept Attainment” In Writing Instruction
I’ve written and shared on this blog and in my books about the inductive learning method called concept attainment. Basically, teachers placed examples, typically (though not always) from unnamed student work, under the categories of “Yes” and “No.” The class then constructs their own understanding of why the examples are in their categories. It’s a great tool for many lessons, and I like it especially for grammar and other writing.
Basics in music acoustics
Music Acoustics: Basics Some basic questions about the science of music are listed here. There is also a non-specialist Frequently Asked Questions in music acoustics on this site. General topics String topics Woodwind topics
The Bookshelves area in this LibreTexts Library holds texts that are curated by the LibreTexts Development team and can be used either directly or as content for building customized remixes (i.e., texts that are generated from existing content often with customized editing and/or content interspersed) for use in campus Course Shells. There are two classes of texts found in the Bookshelves: "Textbooks" and "Textmaps". Textbooks are the central spot for integrated content into our library and are identified by "Book:" in their titles. Textmaps are specialized remixes that are constructed to follow the organization of existing commercial textbooks. Textmaps facilitate adoption by faculty that are unable to switch from a commercial textbook to an OER alternative; these texts are identified by "Map:" in their titles. For details on how to have a text added to the bookshelves or how to remix content into your customized remix contact us at
Movies and Listening Comprehension in FOCAL SKILLS Programs
Clinging to the face of a cliff, Indiana Jones watches as crocodiles devour his enemies in the river far below. Westley kisses Buttercup after rescuing her from the evil Prince Humperdinck. Kevin whoops in glee as the Wet Bandits are hauled off to jail. And a dozen or so ESL students gasp, sigh, laugh, and acquire English. Teachers in IEPs using the FOCAL SKILLS approach have developed a specialized movie technique for accelerating the growth of students' listening comprehension. This technique is a major element of FOCAL SKILLS pedagogy and appears to be a key factor in the success of programs using this approach.
Music Acoustics, Physics, Science, UNSW
Physics and music have been related for millenia. The art and science of music acoustics are presented here, in musician-friendly format, as is our research in music science. Navigate using the headings and images above, the site map or 'search'. News Summer scholarships and Honours scholarships are available for Australian students.
American Inst. of Mathematics
Math in SocietyDavid Lippman Mathematical DiscoveryAndrew M. Bruckner, Brian S.