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The Atlantic slave trade: What too few textbooks told you - Anthony Hazard

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Zora Neale Hurston's 'Barracoon' Tells the Story of the Slave Trade's Last Survivor Sitting on his porch in 1928, under the Alabama sun, snacking on peaches, Cudjo Lewis (born Oluale Kossola) recounted to his guest his life story: how he came from a place in West Africa, then traversed the Middle Passage in cruel and inhumane conditions on the famed Clotilda ship, and saw the founding of the freedman community of Africatown after five years of enslavement. After two months of listening to Kossola’s tales, his interlocutor asked to take his picture. Donning his best suit, but slipping off his shoes, Kossola told her, “I want to look lak I in Affica, cause dat where I want to be.” His listener, companion and scribe was Zora Neale Hurston, the celebrated Harlem Renaissance author of Their Eyes Were Watching God. She poured his story, told mostly in his voice and dialect, into Barracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo.”

Harriet Tubman - Black History In 1849 Tubman fled Maryland, leaving behind her free husband of five years, John Tubman, and her parents, sisters, and brothers. “Mah people mus’ go free,” her constant refrain, suggests a determination uncommon among even the most militant slaves. She returned to the South at least nineteen times to lead her family and hundreds of other slaves to freedom via the Underground Railroad. Utilizing her native intelligence and drawing on her boundless courage, she eluded bounty hunters seeking a reward for her capture, which eventually went as high as forty thousand dollars. She never lost a fugitive or allowed one to turn back. Two things sustained her: the pistol at her side and her faith in God.

A mini history lesson about the concentration camps on American soil. During World War II, a young boy was forced from his home with his family, placed on a cramped train, and sent to an isolated camp across the country with no knowledge of when he would be able to return home. He and his family were confined to camps for years, solely on the basis of their ethnicity. This isn’t the story of an inhumane atrocity that happened across an ocean or in another country. It happened on U.S. soil in 1942. Kids boarding a bus for relocation in Byron, California. Photo via U.S. Olaudah Equiano's early life in Africa - International Slavery Museum, Liverpool museums Abolition campaigner and former enslaved person Olaudah Equiano wrote his autobiography in 1789. Find out more about his early life in Africa by either listening to the following five audio extracts or reading the transcripts. Early life Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. "The part of Africa, known by the name of Guinea, to which the trade for slaves is carried on, extends along the coast above 3400 miles, from Senegal to Angola, and includes a variety of kingdoms.

Origins of Slavery in America Video - Slavery in America You're almost done! You will soon receive an activation email. Once you click on the link, you will be added to our list. Why Kindergarten in Finland Is All About Playtime (and Why That Could Be More Stimulating Than the Common Core) “The changes to kindergarten make me sick,” a veteran teacher in Arkansas recently admitted to me. “Think about what you did in first grade—that’s what my 5-year-old babies are expected to do.” The difference between first grade and kindergarten may not seem like much, but what I remember about my first-grade experience in the mid-90s doesn’t match the kindergarten she described in her email: three and a half hours of daily literacy instruction, an hour and a half of daily math instruction, 20 minutes of daily “physical activity time” (officially banned from being called “recess”) and two 56-question standardized tests in literacy and math—on the fourth week of school. That American friend—who teaches 20 students without an aide—has fought to integrate 30 minutes of “station time” into the literacy block, which includes “blocks, science, magnetic letters, play dough with letter stamps to practice words, books, and storytelling.” A working paper, “Is Kindergarten the New First Grade?

Here's What You Need to Know About Senegal Is a country in western Africa that is south of the Senegal River. The Atlantic Ocean is to the west. Mauritania is to the north, Mali to the east, and Guinea-Bissau and Guinea to the south. The country completely surrounds The Gambia with the exception of Gambia’s small coastline on the Atlantic. United States – Related Native Americans, 7-9 Related topics: Thanksgiving, Year 3-7 Colonisation of North America 8-9 Background Native Americans Came to America in One Single Migratory came later than we originally thought—and in one single migratory wave. Colonization in the New informative text for the teacher about the British colonisation of the East… How much money teachers earn around the world How much do educators get paid for their work? We asked 16 public school teachers in communities around the world — from Kildare to Kathmandu, Johannesburg to Oslo — to tell us what they earned in one month (and how they spent it). Here’s what they said: Toronto, Canada

Slavery and the Making of America . The Slave Experience: Education, Arts, & Culture During the colonial and Antebellum periods, enslaved blacks pursued the right to express themselves using education, the arts, and craftsmanship against pragmatic, customary, and legal restrictions. From the earliest colonial settlements, folktales and fables circulated within slave communities in the South, reflecting the oral traditions of African societies and incorporating African symbolism and motifs. The rabbit, for example, was borrowed from African stories to represent the "trickster" in tales told by the enslaved. Folktales such as the popular Brer Rabbit adventures not only gave slaves a chance to create alternate realities in which they could experience revenge and other forbidden impulses, but they also imparted practical knowledge and survival and coping strategies to listeners.

Native Americans - Origins Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492 - Wrong! Christopher Columbus was the first European to set foot in the country that was to be called America - Right! There is a huge difference between the two statements above. 9 Examples of Indigenous Sense in a Nonsensical Time By Rucha Chitnis / Sometimes it seems like we live in nonsensical times. Do you ever wonder what happened to good old common sense? Indigenous voices from around the world who are fighting for cultural survival and protection of nature in their homelands offer simple wisdom in the face of climate change, mining and other development projects. These voices are highlighted in Standing On Sacred Ground, a four-part film series airing on the PBS World Channel through May and June. 1.

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