The Top 5 YouTube Vloggers And Why People Love Them
Social video sites like YouTube have given people the ability to express themselves in a whole new way – vlogging. People can sit down in front of their video or web cameras and talk about anything, from politics to pop culture, upload their videos to YouTube and share their opinions with the world. But what is it exactly that makes some vloggers rise to the top while others fall by the wayside? Let’s take a look at the top 5 YouTube video bloggers and find out just what makes them tick and why everyone loves them.
That's Why I'm Broke - Shut up and take my money!
WordPress increases its domination of the top 100 blogs
WordPress is strengthening its position as the dominating blogging platform or Content Management System (CMS) used by the world’s top 100 blogs. This year, WordPress is used by 52% of the top blogs, up from the 48% we identified in our study in 2012. With over 65 million WordPress sites in the world, it’s clear that Automattic’s platform is popular. But let’s have a look at the entire top 100.
2013 Style99 Fashion Blog Ranking
Style99 Methodologylog4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. Traffic is always an indicator of popularity, but related actions like linking to stories of interest, or sharing them on social networks are a greater indicator of influence. After building our initial index of websites, a score is assigned to each blog based on link data and sharing activity across social networks. Links represent 30% of the total score, with weight placed on the number of unique linking websites rather than the number of links in general. Sharing activity across Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest represent 50% of the total score, with emphasis placed on the social actions which are more closely linked to the spread of content beyond its original source.
Top UK Online Marketing Influencers & Bloggers in 2013
For the past 2 years we’ve been publishing a list of the top UK focused internet marketing blogs in advance of speaking at events. This year I’ll be presenting on Creative Content Marketing at SES London February 19th. Since bloggers do more than just write posts, I’ve shifted the focus of this list from blogs to individuals. With the increasing importance of authorship and personal brands, I think it’s important to consider individual bloggers and the content they share whether its tweets, status updates, or other useful information created online. As a result, the people on this list are recognized for their overall social sharing about “online marketing” related topics, not just blogging.
The 100 Best, Most Interesting Blogs and Websites of 2013
Editor’s note: 2015’s list of the best, most interesting websites has arrived! Welcome to one of the web’s most anticipated lists of the year: The 100 Best, Most Interesting Blogs and Websites of 2013. This is the second such list I have made since founding DailyTekk and it’s very special. A website can only be featured ONCE in this annual series, so make sure to check out last year’s list so you don’t miss 100 other amazing sites and blogs. I’ve broken this monster list down into 19 categories and limited myself to five links per category (except for the last category) to ensure I whittled away all but what I thought were the most deserving candidates of right here and right now in 2013. This post kicks off a whole new year of incredible top 100 lists (see a summary of the best curated content from last year in The Ultimate Lifehack for 2013: 200+ Incredible Sites and Services).
Table Top Animation
Clay or plasticine, however, is a medium that is animatable straight out of the packet. Skin, clothing and other textures can be modeled relatively quickly. An armature made from thick aluminum wire can be used to give the clay additional support. Its often a good idea to make some parts of a figure, like teeth and eyeballs, from less pliable material, like Fimo which hardens after baking in an oven. This can save a lot of fiddley remodeling.
Interior Styling: Style Your Space like a Pro!
For daily styling inspiration make sure to visit me on Happy Interior Blog! Now only the bedroom is missing, I am working on it... AFTER PICS PART 5: Bedroom (second part: bed) Here I go with the last styling assignment of this course - my bed.
keiko lynn
Improv Everywhere