Disney's "Tangled" Character Design Development. Once "Rapunzel", then "Rapunzel Unbraided", and now "Tangled", Disney's 50th animated Feature film, set for release November 28th, has gone through many changes throughout it's years in development. One thing that hasn't changed much, though, is the artistic influence of two artists in particular. One was the French Rococo painter Jean-Honorer Fragonard, specifically one of his best known works; “The Swing” which inspired the lush fairy tale world that Rapunzel inhabits. The second is animation legend Glen Keane, who was the original driving force behind the film. Early concept art: Glen Keane's drawings: Final character: Flynn Rider (Students: keep these expression sheets in mind when doing your final projects!) Final Character: Mother Gothel: A few other character designs.
[ workshop ] design de personagens « [s design 2012] o mundo acaba em design [ UPDATE ] Vagas esgotadas! Confira nossos outros workshops, um deles é a sua cara! Clique aqui e saiba mais. Workshop de design de personagens para os interessados em trabalhar em áreas como animação, games e outras que utilizem essa importante etapa de produção. O objetivo é apresentar alguns conceitos chave e iniciais sobre a criação de personagens além de exemplificar formas de se produzir personagens dotados de carisma e apelo visual. Gustavo Rodrigues é sócio/produtor de ilustração na Eye Move, estúdio de animação e ilustração. O workshop será dividido em dois momentos: 1. 2.Prático . . /////// MATERIAL (não-incluso, por conta do aluno) . Data 6 e 7 de dezembro de 8h às 12h Carga horária 8h Vagas 12 Investimento R$ 85,00 Inscrições Você poderá se inscrever para esse workshop quando se inscrever no evento, aqui mesmo no ufesdesign.com. Qualquer dúvida, entre em contato com a gente no sdesign2012@ufesdesign.com
Wedding Photography Blog Confessions of a Movie Buff November | 2010 | 8bitengine [update] check out my review on Tangled here In an earlier post I raised the 2D vs 3D debate again and questioned whether we would ever reach the lifeliness of 2D animation in 3D. I have only seen the trailers and the snippets, but I think the new Disney movie “Tangled” might be the future for 3D animation. I also noted that the Pixar movies is one of the few 3D animatiosn in the entire industry (including games) that matches the liveliness of 2D animation. I read this interview of Glenn Keane, Animation director on Tangled and general legendary animator) and from the get-go they set out to close the distance between the Classic 2D animation style and 3D. ["Oh, Glen, what I was wondering is: What is she thinking?" This is something I recognize from drawing faces and expressions myself. Now again, I cannot say for sure, because I do not have an inside view into the process that went about. Let’s see if the actual movie can bring back the feeling of Disney’s Golden age.
Blue Sky Disney: Pixar In Pen & Pencil & Paper.. Ahhh, the joys of charcoal, ink and tree pulp... Even though Pixar is known as a computer animation company, the original computer animation company actually, the truth is they start out every production just like an old fashioned hand-drawn film. Everything from characters to sets all begin as a sketch that goes from pencil to pen on paper before it ever gets animated... All artwork is copyright The Lamp. Green Ink Illustrations Picture books the Striped Books Boekie Boekie magazine Personal Work Drawings kateinecuador Model Sheets 101-Part 2 We continue with our overview of model sheets as my students head into the last few days on their final projects. Part one can be found here. Expression Model Sheets are sometimes specially created as such, but often are compiled from scene samples, both in rough form and from final line/ clean up drawings. Note how some of these sheets include full body poses. Body language can add enormously to an expression. Just check out the body language of these characters and notice how well the action line and gestures harmonize with the facial expressions: Often times when two characters appear together frequently throughout a film, a duel model sheet featuring both characters can be created. Obviously there are several formats for creating an engaging and effective expression model sheet. Instead, vary the view to correlate with the emotion you are portraying.
Character Design | Artist Interviews America's Favorite Uncle Crazy Illustrations By Chow Hon Lam Chow Hon Lam is a t-shirt designer and a humorous illustrator from Malaysia. He has been completed this crazy project called Flying Mouse 365, which is create 1 design per day. I hope his illustrations can bring some smile and entertainment to the world. About the author .jb1er. B – Personagens e modelos (em conclusão) « desenho e design Diversas vias podem ser percorridas e desenvolvidas ao pretender-se criar uma personagem ou, até, um referente de harmonização de uma imagem. Seguindo o que um elemento possa representar num determinado conjunto, importa estudar hipóteses de formalização plástica e expressiva, a aplicar num todo ou contexto particular. Criar identidade e simultaneamente harmonizar os elementos num todo, mantendo proximidades e oposições, é o centro principal do trabalho de realização plástico formal, que necessariamente lança para a esfera da arte as questões de construção e decisão estética e expressiva em matéria de comunicação. Todas as imagens transportam identidades extra visuais e actuam como reforços variáveis de um certo sentido subliminal, que a fruição em certa medida opera e constrói. Conta a justeza dos dados e da informação, mas a qualidade formal será sempre uma questão importante, advindo e intensificando a noção e o entendimento das coisas. A. 1 O caos enquanto processo criativo Divagar…