A Brief History of Text Messaging Where would we be without text messaging? The feature has grown from being favored by the tech-savvy to a universal staple. It's allowed us to be more efficient, independent and direct. When you're running late, you text someone to let them know. When you're in class or a meeting and there's an emergency, you know immediately. SWF Charts > Introduction XML/SWF Charts is a simple, yet powerful tool to create attractive charts and graphs from XML data. Create an XML source to describe a chart, then pass it to this tool's flash file to generate the chart. The XML source can be prepared manually, or generated dynamically using any scripting language (PHP, ASP, CFML, Perl, etc.) XML/SWF Charts makes the best of both the XML and SWF worlds.
Startup Replaces Captchas With Brand Messages for Better Web Advertising The Spark of Genius Series highlights a unique feature of startups and is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Solve Media Quick Pitch: Solve Media replaces Captchas with Ads. Genius Idea: Web advertising that consumers literally can't ignore.Captchas are an easy way to prevent automated bots from diminishing the quality of a website, which is why you've probably spent a good amount of time squinting at their bent, fuzzy text.
30 Free eBooks To Learn Everything You Want to Know About Personal Finance Personal finance is something that we care about here at Mint. Learn more with great personal-finance tips in our blog article index. When you reach into a broad-ranging topic like personal finance, you find everyone and their cousin trying to reach across the Internet to give you advice. There’s so much information there that it can literally be overwhelming; there’s literally too much for the average person to sort through. Olive: Conquer Stress. Be Stellar. Your personal guide to conquering stress in a simple bracelet. Stress can be conquered Stress can keep us from being our best. It impacts the way we think, feel, and interact with the world. We all struggle with it because it can be hard to understand, hard to notice, and hard to find solutions that work for every individual.
Curriculum Vitae: Chris Eliasmith Professor Canada Research Chair in Theoretical Neuroscience Department of Philosophy Department of Systems Design Engineering University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 Canada email: celiasmith@uwaterloo.ca [Education] [Books] [Refereed Journal Articles] [Refereed Conference Papers] [Chapters, Encyclopedia, etc.] [Edited Publications] [Awards] [Conferences] [Committees and Professional Affiliations] Research Positions Education
Acquires Skitch! #evernote_etc We love Skitch so much that we decided to buy the company. Skitch is an amazing Mac application that’s changed the way people capture, annotate and share images. Chief Skitchers, Cris Pearson and Keith Lang are moving from Australia and joining Evernote to lead a significantly expanded Skitch team focused on supercharging the product. The 11 Best Damn Blogging eBooks That Cost You Nothing! Before I start any new activity, I love to read up on it. My shelves are filled with books on tennis, coin collecting and moth breeding. Blogging was no different for me. But when I dropped by my local bookstore, I found a real shortage of books on the topic of blogging. Actually, there were two and one was a book about bloggers, not how to blog (although it was still a great read).
Coal-Eating Microbes Might Create Vast Amounts of Natural Gas Fracking technology has already made it practical to exploit previously inaccessible natural gas and oil in the United States (see “Natural Gas Changes the Energy Map”). Now several companies are demonstrating a way to use microörganisms that eat coal and excrete methane—the main ingredient in natural gas—as a possible means of extracting fuel from coal resources that had been too expensive to mine. Many coal beds contain large amounts of methane that can be harvested by drilling wells. In recent decades, researchers have demonstrated that a large fraction of the natural gas found in the coal beds is produced by naturally occurring microörganisms that feed on coal, and they have found ways to stimulate the microbes to produce more methane. Luca Technologies, based in Golden, Colorado, is using this approach to increase production from coal beds with existing methane wells.