Related: AlltagsHilfenKalender - Unter dieser Adresse finden Sie immer den aktuellen 15-Monatskalender mit Kalenderwochen und Feiertagen. Über wenige Klicks können Sie außerdem auf hunderte vergangene und zukünftige Kalender zugreifen.NEU:aktuellen Monatskalender mit Feiertagen auf eigener Webseite einbinden. In einer Minute fertig! What’s My Pass? » The Top 500 Worst Passwords of All Time From the moment people started using passwords, it didn’t take long to realize how many people picked the very same passwords over and over. Even the way people misspell words is consistent. In fact, people are so predictable that most hackers make use of lists of common passwords just like these. To give you some insight into how predictable humans are, the following is a list of the 500 most common passwords. What is it? Here you can enter an e-mail address to verify if it exists of if there are problems with it. A series of checks will be performed on the e-mail address but no actual e-mail is sent. How does it work? Just enter the e-mail address and wait for the test results to appear. There you will see the results of the different checks that are performed: Syntax checkIf the format is incorrect it will be reported why. How to make flash drive that copy's users files silently and automatically Ok there is no order in the file creation process just that you have all files created and on the flash drive. I will start out with the autorun.inf. This file is used when you insert the flash drive into said computer. Also used to change the thumb drive icon to something more acceptable for social engineering. Here is the code, you will have to open a simple word editor such as word, you can past this code into word and edit to your hearts content.
Lehmputz richtig verarbeiten - so gesund ist Lehmputz Lehmputz sorgt für ein gesundes Raumklima. (Quelle: dpa) Lehm an der Wand klingt eher nach einfacher Hütte als nach moderner Bauweise. Doch auch bei Neubauten wird Lehmputz immer beliebter. Denn Lehm schafft durch seine Struktur eine wohnliche Atmosphäre und ist zudem auch noch gesund: So gleicht der Lehmputz die Luftfeuchtigkeit aus und nimmt sogar Schadstoffe aus der Luft auf. The Usability of Passwords (by @baekdal) #tips Security companies and IT people constantly tells us that we should use complex and difficult passwords. This is bad advice, because you can actually make usable, easy to remember and highly secure passwords. In fact, usable passwords are often far better than complex ones. So let's dive into the world of passwords, and look at what makes a password secure in practical terms. Update: Read the FAQ (updated January 2011) Update - April 21, 2011: This article was "featured" on Security Now, here is my reply!
Überwachung: Achtung, Handyfänger IMSI-Catcher können Mobilfunkgeräte abhören und sind längst nicht mehr teuer. Doch kaum ein Telefon warnt seinen Besitzer vor solchen Angriffen, obwohl das möglich ist. Speichern Drucken Twitter Facebook Security Digest Features In a world that seems to be losing the notion of journalism, Liquidmatrix Security Digest remains committed to long form articles that dig into the major issues affecting the industry with Feature articles. Click for Features >>>>> Briefings When you don’t know what you’re looking for, Liquidmatrix Security Digest helps you find the most important information quickly with our regular briefings.
Generate and decode QR-codes online Purpose & How To This app is for decoding and generating QR codes online, you do not need any browser plugins. Successfully tested with Firefox 3.6, IE7, Opera 10.53. Generate your QR code by simply writing some text in the textfield above and clicking "Generate". Make it even more awesome by clicking the other button! If you want to decode an image containing a QR code click on the correct tab and upload your image, the result will be displayed afterwards.
Library (VX heavens) Creative Commons - Was ist und bedeutet das? (Infografik) Was ist Creative Commons - und was bedeuten die Kürzel und Icons? [english version] Seit Jahren wissen viele, das man im Zusammenhang mit urheberrechtlich geschützen Werken die Creative Commons Lizenzen benutzen kann. Aber was ist eigentlich Creative Commons? Eine Lizenz? Nein, eine Organisation. Und was bedeuten die Kürzel und Icons.
What’s My Pass? Introducing Oracle Application Express This section describes Oracle Application Express, its architecture, and the environment for using the product. It also introduces you to concepts and terms used in this guide when discussing Application Express. This section contains the following topics: About Oracle Application Express Oracle Application Express is a rapid Web application development tool for the Oracle database.