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33 Amazingly Useful Websites You Never Knew Existed

Spirograph Necklace Tutorial So, here’s the tutorial on how to make the Swirl Spirograph Plastic Canvas Necklace, such as: Now, this is my first ever tutorial, so please forgive me if I’m too pedantic or if I’ve confused you. I’m happy to answer any and all questions. If it sounds like I’m talking down to you, I promise, I’m just going for clarity and I don’t think you’re an idiot. Also, all pictures are linked to larger versions of the images, so if you need a closer look, just click on the picture. French chaise made from card stock This is the project for this month. This French chaise is made from card stock, foam core and mat board. You could trim off the front of the chaise and make a chair.

Eco Delight: 10 amazing pedal-powered machines The day when we would be using machines that won’t be powered by the little socket somewhere in the wall is still a couple of decades away. But this does not keep some designers and inventors from thinking that the calories burned during exercising can solve the energy crisis to some extent by powering daily use machines with pedal-power. These machines not only serve the purpose they are actually built for but they also reduce the number of hours you spend in a gymnasium. Here we have compiled a list of 10 awesome machines that are powered by nothing else than a pair of pedals. • Pedal-powered Water Purifier:

Knowledge is Power Most people have heard the phrase “knowledge is power” — but don’t truly understand what it means, or how to utilize it to improve their lives. So here is a little breakdown: Knowledge = Options = Power When you educate yourself, you learn new things that you were previously unaware of. Halter Dress Pattern For Modelmuse (Barbie Basics) Made a wedding dress out of it. Then applied Photoshop to remove pins and make the skirt longer. That was a LOT faster than putting in Velcro or making a new skirt :-)

Who Handles Breakups Better?: Men Idealize the Dating Game Many breakups are a knee-jerk reaction to what men perceive as stagnation: He's bored with the same restaurants, the same petty arguments, the repetitive sex. Once he's back on the prowl, he thinks, he'll be bedding 10s and living the high life. After the breakup, however, he quickly realizes that the singles scene isn't all champagne and half-naked strangers—it's work. Instead of the exciting bar scene, he finds that he misses the intimacy of his past relationship. Studies show that women consistently outscore men on measures of social, sexual, and intellectual intimacy—and women are often quicker than men to realize that intimacy provides the foundation of a lasting relationship, not the sexual thrills.

Best Free Patterns & Dressmaking Websites ★ I’m just going to list the options you have for some important clothing parts here, plus information on different terms. I hope it’s useful. - Neckline options: Sweetheart, V-neck, square, scoop, U-neck, keyhole, bandeau, cowl, high-neck, halter, jewel, crew, asymmetrical, one-shouldered, off-the-shoulder or boat. Necklines sometimes are created with thin straps such as spaghetti straps rather than solid areas of fabric, or the clothing can even be strapless. On the back of the top, you can cut out shapes like hearts, use a neckline listed above, use cross-over straps, a racer back design, add lace or other embellishments, or just have it plain. Click here for a useful guide to necklines, dress shapes, collars and sleeves.

Emotional Intelligence Keep calm and make good choices: People with higher emotional intelligence are better decision makers, reports a new study from the University of Pennsylvania. Emotional intelligence (EI) determines how well you process and understand emotions—it’s a sub-skill that allows you to recognize why events make you feel a certain way. “People have a tendency to use their emotional states as springboard when making a decision,” says lead researcher Jeremy Yip, Ph.D. Sometimes this can help you—like if you use frustration about a work project to fuel you to find other solutions.
