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Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria

Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria

CEIP XUÑO No DOG de hoxe publicouse a Orde de 25 de agosto pola que se convocan axudas para a adquisición de material escolar destinadas ao alumnado matriculado en educación primaria, educación secundaria obrigatoria ou educación especial en centros sostidos con fondos públicos para o curso 2015/2016. Requisitos dos solicitantes: a) Ser pai, nai, titor ou titora legal do alumnado matriculado en educación primaria, educación secundaria obrigatoria ou educación especial nun centro sostido con fondos públicos durante o curso escolar 2015/16. b) Non estar incurso nas prohibicións para obter a condición de beneficiario recollidas no artigo 10 da Lei 9/2007, do 13 de xuño, de subvencións de Galicia. c) Ter unha renda per cápita familiar igual ou inferior a 5.400 euros.

Applications Android sur Google Play “Brilliant and stunning . . . an absolute must read.” – GILLIAN FLYNN “A well-constructed package of dynamite.” – STEPHEN KING A most anticipated book by The New York Times • USA Today • Entertainment Weekly • Marie Claire • Elle • Harper's Bazaar • Bustle • Newsweek • New York Post • Esquire • Real Simple • The Sunday Times • The Guardian Exploring the psychological dynamics of the relationship between a precocious yet naïve teenage girl and her magnetic and manipulative teacher, a brilliant, all-consuming read that marks the explosive debut of an extraordinary new writer. 839 × 288 - Juegos para que los niños aprendan los números Las Mañanitas | Canciones infantiles de TraposoCalla Pequeño - Hush little baby - Nana para bebésLa rana cantaba debajo del agua. Canción del oso TraposoA mi burro - Canción para niños con TraposoSoy una taza y una tetera. Danza, canción infantilArrorró mi niño - Canción infantil de TraposoDebajo un botón había un ratón.

educational games for kids Best educational app for children of all ages. 12 games in one:- Learn professions and match the relations.- Learn to recognize more than 100 animals including their sounds.- Solve mazes of increasing difficulties.- Guess the sound of musical instruments.- Solve puzzles with fun images and stimulating music.- Learn to draw in 4 steps! like a personal art teacher, it will teach you how to draw dozens of different objects and create amazing pictures.- Children can choose their options by themselves - multiple levels of difficulty, increasing the complexity and fighting against time. - stimulates the intellect, overcoming challenges and difficulties. Also by playing this game you can acquire the following skills:- Improve children's skills in memory, concentration and development of knowledge.- The game is adapted to be handled easily.- Is specifically designed as an educational tool for interface of preschoolers and up.

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