Common Core Support Tools
Below you will find unpacking standards documents to support teachers in their understanding of the common core and essential standards. The unpacking documents demonstrate at a granular level the knowledge and skills students are expected to master at a particular grade. Important Note: The current Standard Course of Study will continue to be taught and tested during the 2010-11 and 2011-12 school years. New standards and assessments are to be implemented for the first time beginning with the 2012-13 school year.
New Teachers
So, new teachers, you've just graduated. You’ve spent years working, weeks anticipating and hours studying. You’re thrilled.
The Steve Jobs Way: Seven lessons in business leadership
Having spent a couple of days of my holidays reading the Steve Jobs biography I couldn't help but reflect on the remarkable accomplishments of the man and the lessons applicable for business owners everywhere, big or small. This could have been a very long list, but here are the seven things that are most strongly front of mind for me (text is paraphrased and quoted from the book Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, (Simon & Schuster, 2011). 1) Focus: When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997 he walked back into a company with low morale, stagnant sales and little sense of purpose. He found a business with ‘tons of products most of them crap, done by deluded teams'. In trying to work out what they were all for Jobs resorted to asking a simple question 'Which one do I tell my friends to buy?' Jobs further simplified the issue by classifying the customer as either Consumer or Pro and the product as either Desktop or Portable.
Virtual Workshop: Curriculum Mapping
What is it? Curriculum mapping is a process for collecting and recording curriculum-related data that identifies core skills and content taught, processes employed, and assessments used for each subject area and grade level. The completed curriculum map then becomes a tool that helps teachers keep track of what has been taught and plan what will be taught. Creating and working with curriculum maps is a 7-step process involving: Phase 1: Data collection. Phase 2: A review of all maps by all teachers.
Journaling Education blogger Vicki Davis writes 20 things she is thankful for in a joy journal, citing research studies indicating that this practice produces greater long-term happiness than winning the lottery—serious happy. Some of my students volunteered to write joy journals before each class this semester. After five minutes, I ask if anyone in the class wishes to share good news. Each announcement earns a 3-2-1 clap. Lateral Thinking
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Lesson Planning and the Common Core: A Unit Based on
I'm currently prepping my classes for another research unit, this one a blend of Memoir, Advocacy, and Speech Writing. After all, never in real life are genres categorized. They blend together; and the Common Core assessments to come recognize the desegregation of writing genres and the need for performance-based assessments. I'm basing this blended unit on, and the plan is to host a middle school TED-esque conference, combining it with a book drive for our media center. So, in a series of posts, I am going to describe some key steps I'm using with my eighth graders in order to scaffold our way towards our TED conference. On my own website, you can learn about how students chose topics and you can download the worksheet that I used to guide them towards their choice.
Common Core Curriculum Maps
Common Core’s ELA Maps have been in use by teachers for over two years. During this time, the non-profit organization has established an unparalleled reputation for creating high-quality, low-cost curriculum tools based on the Common Core State Standards. Our Common Core Curriculum Maps, released in August 2010, were the first new, CCSS-based curriculum tools to come out after the standards were finalized. Written by teachers for teachers, our ELA Maps are detailed guides for creating CCSS-aligned lessons that delve deeply into key core knowledge content and utilize the best and most important literary and informational texts. These carefully crafted maps include all of the new standards. The Maps are comprised of 76 units covering Kindergarten through 12th grade, and include:
Teaching Middle School Language Arts
Go Back: Virtual Middle School Library Home / Resources for Teachers and Parents Menu / Language Arts Menu for this page: General Language Arts | Literature and Reading | Writing | Worksheets and Online Games General Language Arts
The website is not compatible for the version of the browser you are using. Not all the functionality may be available. Please upgrade your browser to the latest version. A toolkit of information, resources, and tools organized by grade level.