The 5 Steps of Effective Technology Integration - Getting Smart by Dave Guymon - edchat, EdTech, education
In schools, districts, and departments of education alike, a trend toward integrating technology into the education process is on the rise. One could argue that it always has been. But with the proliferation of Internet access in school buildings and the ubiquity of mobile computing devices, educators are taking note and beginning to consider new ways they can include these tools into their classroom instruction. The formalized field of educational technology is still in its infancy. As a result, professional development and training practices are still being refined.
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Find content from Thinkfinity Partners using a visual bookmarking and sharing tool. More Your students can save their work with Student Interactives. More
The 20+ Apps To Know About In 2013
Education got a lot more mobile in 2012 as in-school iPad initiatives , the iPhone 5 launch and online learning providers in general made classroom experiences more interesting—and don’t expect to see teaching head back to desktop PC’s in 2013. In fact, as MOOCs and hybrid programs continue to evolve, mobile should have an ever more significant role to play. Looking back at some of 2012′s most significant app launches and updates, Education Dive assembled a list of a few of the best apps on iOS and Android devices that we think educators should know about for 2013. Some of these are already out in the wild, and some are still twinkles in their developers’ eyes. All of 23 of them stand to be important, however, in the new year:
Cliche Finder
Have you been searching for just the right cliché to use? Are you searching for a cliché using the word "cat" or "day" but haven't been able to come up with one? Just enter any words in the form below, and this search engine will return any clichés which use that phrase... Over 3,300 clichés indexed! What exactly is a cliche?See my definition Do you know of any clichés not listed here?
How big is the ocean? - Scott Gass
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, one of the world’s foremost centers in marine research, has a fantastic array of ocean materials and content. Including extensive coverage of topic areas such as climate, ocean chemistry, ocean circulation, ocean life, deep sea environments, tools and technology, and even underwater archaeology, current, in-depth features make this a must use resource. See all that they have to offer. Through their Ocean extension of the Google Earth platform, Google provides a breathtaking opportunity to explore the World Ocean. Get a sense of the what’s available and download the application. National Geographic maintains an excellent ocean resource which includes exciting updates in underwater exploration and research, stunning marine photos from around the world, and inspiring opportunities for greater stewardship of the World Ocean.
15 Sites That Show You The World in Real Time
What if you could see the whole world as it is right this moment? It would certainly put things in perspective. Once you see the world through the lenses of these web sites you’ll realize just how vibrant and alive it is every single nanosecond. The statistics of it are amazing, and seeing them actually happen is even more amazing. The following 15 web sites allow you to experience the entire world as it happens, through multiple perspectives.
Digital Play
In the University of Bristol’s Education Endowment Foundation‘s recent study on Neuroscience and Education, (Howard-Jones, 2014), there is an interesting section on Learning Games. Classroom practice and neuroscientific research The review ”considers the extent to which insights from the sciences of mind and brain influence, or are close to influencing classroom practice”, summarising “existing evidence about approaches and interventions that are based, or claim to be based, on neuroscience evidence.” The report categorises the approaches into 1) those which are likely to have a positive impact on attainment, 2) those which need further testing to determine the likely impact on attainment, and 3) those which do not seem to have a promising impact on attainment. Further research required
Katie Lately: iPad Lesson Plans
I've been searching High and Low for actual lessons you can do with your class with iPad's. I know there are TONS of educational games out there...but I haven't found many that I could use in a whole group setting...until now. :) Here are some great lesson plans I found...
100 Useful Web Tools for Writers
All kinds of writers, including poets, biographers, journalists, biz tech writers, students, bloggers and technical writers, take a unique approach to their jobs, mixing creativity with sustainability. Whether you’re a freelance writer just scraping by or someone with a solid job and more regular hours, the Internet can provide you with unending support for your practical duties like billing, scheduling appointments, and of course getting paid; as well as for your more creative pursuits, like developing a plot, finding inspiration and playing around with words. Turn to this list for 100 useful Web tools that will help you with your career, your sanity and your creativity whenever your write.
Beyond the Book: Infographics of Students' Reading History
A high schooler's reading history infographic. Photo credit: Sarah Mulhern Gross I'm an evangelist. A book evangelist, that is. I hand out books to students and colleagues, booktalking them in class, at lunch, and even in my email signature.
Room3-FPS - E Portfolios
CORE Breakfast Seminar on ePortfolios ePortfolio presentation given at a CORE Education Breakfast Seminar. Some of the main points from the presentation:clarify your purpose (pedagogy) before your technology (eportfolio tool)the eportfolio becomes the vehicle for drawing in the components of effective pedagogy and assessmentengage all stakeholders in discussion about the purpose and expectations surrounding eportfoliosthe eportfolio learning process is complex and cyclic, mirroring our expectation of teachers engaging in teaching as inquiryquality feedback, reflection and next steps are integral for eportfolios to support learning and attainment of goals ePortfolios #14: 3-Way Interviews and Priorities ePortfolios #13: A Reflection on my Classroom’s PROCESS
ICT Lesson Repository
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Educreations For Assessment
Once again I am amazed at how well students can perform on a homework assessment, but when asked to explain the process for solving a problem, they struggle. The Situation: WHAT THE STUDENTS WERE INSTRUCTED TO CREATE We finally found something that will work for us. We created an account that all students can use to upload their content. We now have all of our student Educreations located in one area on the web. Each student's creation has an web URL so that it can be shared via email by the instructor after evaluating.