The WebKit Open Source Project
Darwin is the Open Source operating system from Apple that forms the basis for Mac OS X, and PureDarwin is a community project to make Darwin more usable (some people think of it as the informal successor to OpenDarwin). One current goal of this project is to provide a useful bootable ISO of Darwin 10.x and Darwin 9.x. Another goal of this project is to provide additional documentation. More... Documentation and quick hints This pseudo-wiki is globally divided in 3 parts: Status MacPorts is running on PureDarwin 9, potentially giving us thousands of open source software titles. The screenshot above shows a PureDarwin 9 system created from the scripts in our repository, running on real hardware, using TightVNC and XFCE from MacPorts. At the same time, the PureDarwin project would like to invite the community to discuss, participate and contribute. A minimal PureDarwin system known as "PureDarwin nano" is also available, where only one process is running (a shell). Credits
Debian -- The Universal Operating System
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