Most Interesting Libraries of the World
The Royal library Black Diamond at the waterfront of Copenhagen owes its name to the black granite from Zimbabwe used for the facade of the building. The name was used by the public first and has been adapted officially later. Design by the Danish architects Schmidt, Hammer & Lassen. Photography by Mirage Bookmark
home page Down to: 6th to 15th Centuries | 16th and 19th Centuries | 1901 to World War Two | 1946 to 21st Century The Ancient World ... index of places Aegean Region, to 300 BCE Aegean Region, 185 BCE Africa, 2500 to 1500 BCE
Most Weird Book Ever Made : Le Livre Sans Titre
Le Livre Sans Titre (The Book without a Title) is dated 1830 and it illustrates how dangerous masturbation can be. Weird. He was young, handsome; his mother’s fond hope He corrupted himself!
Image evolution
What is this? A simulated annealing like optimization algorithm, a reimplementation of Roger Alsing's excellent idea. The goal is to get an image represented as a collection of overlapping polygons of various colors and transparencies. We start from random 50 polygons that are invisible. In each optimization step we randomly modify one parameter (like color components or polygon vertices) and check whether such new variant looks more like the original image.
How to Get a Copy of Your FBI File (idea) by narzos
The Freedom of Information Act is a powerful thing. If you've ever wanted to know just what those guvmint bastards have on you, anyway, here's your chance. Just fill in the italics in this form letter with the appropriate information, get your signature notarized, send it off, and you're in business! This should be free, though if your search returns reams of information, you may be charged 5 cents per page in duplication fees. The law says that your request must be responded to within 10 days, but you can expect something closer to 2 or 3 months for a definitive answer with the current backlog of paperwork. Your Name Today's Date Your Address Line 2 of Your Address
Ghost Quiz
In 1885, Cecilia Garrett Smith and a friend were experimenting with automatic writing using a primitive Ouija board on which a planchette was guided by a visiting “spirit.” “We got all sorts of nonsense out of it, sometimes long doggerel rhymes with several verses,” but the prophecies they asked for were rarely answered. When they asked who the guiding spirit was, the planchette wrote that his name was Jim and that he had been Senior Wrangler at Cambridge. Intrigued, they asked Jim to write the equation describing the heart-shaped planchette they were using, and they received this response: This they interpreted as
Cool Abandoned Places In The World 8 - Glorious Mind
Posted by admin on 10 Dec 2012 / 2 Comments Cool Abandoned Places In The World -Part 8 :Varosha In the early 1970’s, the Varosha quarter in Famagusta, Cyprus was one of the Mediterranean’s most popular and glamorous tourist destinations. The bright blue waters and beautiful sandy beaches were draws for such stars as Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Raquel Welch, and Brigitte Bardot.
postcards from google earth by clement valla
mar 19, 2013 postcards from google earth by clement valla ‘postcards from google earth’ by clement valla, 2011-2013 image © clement valla brooklyn-based artist clement valla, scours the algorithmic confines of google earth in search ruptures of the archive’s ‘universal texture’, the mapping method by which google generates models of the planet’s surfaces. the three dimensional model, however, is characterized by a fluidity generated by two dimensional parameters. when texture coincides with picture plane and is subsequently stretched across 3d space, there are often seams at which the hyper-real representation betrays the dynamic data points that make up the map. valla collects these incongruous seams and exposes the points where perception confronts reality. more ‘postcards’ can be found here.
Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011
Download the PDF of these ideas : Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011 (2mb) [ New American Public Art ]