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Finland schools: Subjects scrapped and replaced with 'topics' as country reforms its education system

Finland schools: Subjects scrapped and replaced with 'topics' as country reforms its education system
For years, Finland has been the by-word for a successful education system, perched at the top of international league tables for literacy and numeracy. Only far eastern countries such as Singapore and China outperform the Nordic nation in the influential Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) rankings. Politicians and education experts from around the world – including the UK – have made pilgrimages to Helsinki in the hope of identifying and replicating the secret of its success. Which makes it all the more remarkable that Finland is about to embark on one of the most radical education reform programmes ever undertaken by a nation state – scrapping traditional “teaching by subject” in favour of “teaching by topic”. “This is going to be a big change in education in Finland that we’re just beginning,” said Liisa Pohjolainen, who is in charge of youth and adult education in Helsinki – the capital city at the forefront of the reform programme. School lunches around the world Related:  InnovaciónPédagogie et didactiqueInglés

La importancia de la práctica en el MIR Docente La comunidad educativa, una vez tenemos gobierno, retoma su activismo y diálogo para lograr, cada uno desde su punto de vista, sus objetivos. Es difícil presagiar si habrá algún tipo de acuerdo, pacto o compromiso de Estado en materia de educación. En caso de que lo haya, no sabemos si será un acuerdo sobre grandes líneas comunes, como proponen algunos, o bien un documento consensuado de medidas concretas, más al estilo de la propuesta de Gabilondo de 2010. Uno de los temas que parece reunir un cierto consenso entre todas las fuerzas políticas es la necesidad de un programa de inducción a la docencia, o cómo quedó bautizado por Rubalcaba en 2011, de un MIR docente. Esta medida parte de un diagnóstico razonablemente compartido, del que ya hemos hablado previamente en el Ciclo (1 y 2). El debate con el MIR docente, por tanto, ya no parece depender tanto del qué, sino del cómo.

Le meilleur des conférences Ted X sur l’éducation Le talk américain à la conquête du monde Ted signifie Technology Entertainment and Design. Petit à petit, les conférences Ted X sont devenues un label de qualité. Le concept n'a pas varié depuis les origines : 18 minutes maximum pour raconter une histoire inspirante qui embarque l'auditoire. Ted X est vite devenu une franchise internationale (carte des événements) Ted x Paris crée en 2009Ted x Casablanca crée en 2010Ted x Québec consacré à l'éducation 2012Ted x suisse 2012Etc. De nombreux thèmes sont couverts, allant de la vie en société, aux questions scientifiques, artistiques, politiques, architecturales, technologiques, psychologiques jusqu'au thème de l'éducation. Le thème de l'éducation a eu ses héros. Dans le monde entier des pensées originales sur l’éducation sont partagées. L’éducation positive de Claire Blondel est aussi un appel à plus d’autonomie dans l’éducation. Au-delà du Talk-Show Quoiqu’il en soit le succès ne se dément pas. Sources :

40 Uses For Smartphones in School As Alanis Morissette once said, ‘isn’t it ironic’. After years of struggle between teachers and students and the use of smartphones in school, new educational trends are actually encouraging the use of these devices. The mobile, cellphone or smartphone is not just used for WhatsApp, Facebook or Angry Birds, it can be used in a multitude of ways from an educational perspective. Don’t believe us? Keep reading. Before we continue, it is worth remembering that this does not mean we should suddenly change the way in which we teach and allow the use of the smartphones without control. A revolution in the classroom: Check facts: probably the most common use of all. These 40 uses of Smartphones in School are just the beginning. Don’t forget to download the brand new ExamTime iOS and Android app today. About the ExamTime Blog Our blog is part of GoConqr, a Free Website for Creating, Sharing & Discovering Learning Resources that help students and teachers achieve their learning objectives.

Bypassing the Textbook: Video Games Transform Social Studies Curriculcum Digital Tools Skyrim Elder Scrolls trailer Educators typically think of using digital and video games as the actual learning tool, but one teacher is using video games for something else entirely — as a replacement for the textbook. Jeff Mummert, a social studies teacher and department chair at Hershey High School in Pennsylvania, uses games in his class to get students thinking critically about the subject matter the games address, even if they’re completely imaginary, he said. Game designers put a lot of time and thought into developing aesthetically appealing games that they think will draw players into an imaginary world. Mummert says his interest in games in the classroom focuses entirely on asking students to think critically about the game in the same way they would analyze a text or work of art. Since many of his students already play video games at home, Mummert prefers to use those games as discussion points. Related Explore: social studies, video games

La innovación educativa contra las desigualdades: identificando objetivos desde la investigación » El Diario de la Educación ¿Puede la innovación educativa, en el centro y el aula, combatir las desigualdades sociales? Esta es la pregunta que se formulaba el seminario internacional organizado por la Fundación Jaume Bofill en abril pasado y que volverá a estar presente en el próximo seminario de este mes en torno al programa de Escuela Nueva 21. Mediante esta pregunta, el seminario de entrada conseguía ligar el concepto de innovación, a menudo muy criticado por simplista y despolitizado (como acertadamente argumentaba Jaume Funes) con la resolución de un problema central: que la escuela no funciona para muchos -demasiados- alumnos. Como ya nos avisó Jean Anyon, la escuela no es el origen de la pobreza ni de los salarios bajos y, por tanto, la escuela sola no los resolverá. La idea de OTL, propuesta inicialmente por Carroll en 1963, enfatiza algo obvio: cuanto más tiempo el alumnado pasa expuesto al contenido formal que debe aprender (actividades curriculares), más aprende.

Les badges numériques, outils d'implication et de valorisation des compétences D'où vient ce projet de badges numériques ? Le projet de badges est né au cours de l'année universitaire 2016-2017 sur la base d'un double constat : la formation en FOAD se caractérise par une proportion d'abandon importante. La mise en place de badges est alors apparue comme une solution pouvant permettre de résoudre ces deux problèmes de manière conjointe. Qu'est-ce qu'un "open badge" ? Les badges numériques sont des représentations visuelles (des images) qui prouvent la réalisation de certains apprentissages et/ou l'acquisition de certaines compétences (Garon-Epaule, 2015). On y retrouve : l'identité de la structure qui certifie et émet le badgecelle de son bénéficiairedes éléments relatifs à la nature du badgeson nomles compétences dont il assure la détention par le bénéficiaireles prérequis, conditions et preuves de cette détentionla date d'émissionparfois une date d'expiration. Le badge est délivré sous forme d'un fichier image unique, intégrant des informations (métadonnées).

10 Excellent New Educational Web Tools for Teachers March 20, 2015 Here are some very useful educational web tools we have curated over the last few weeks. These are EdTech tools we came across through posts from other edubloggers. As is the case with previous posts in New EdTech Web Tools for Teachers, we only feature the recent trending tools which we think would be a valued addition to teachers technology toolkit. Check out the ones we have for you today and share with us if you have other suggestions to add to the list: 1- iClicker iClicker is a powerful formative assessment tool and intuitive student response system that allows for dynamic student-teacher interaction. 2- ThinkBinder ThinkBinder is an excellent web tool for creating study and discussion groups. 3- EverySlide EverySlide is a web tool that allows you to create interaction around your presentations. 4- RabbleBrowser "RabbleBrowser is a curated, collaborative Web browsing and file sharing tool to help with learning and sharing in a group setting. 5- Flocabulary 6- Tricider

How Libraries are Advancing and Inspiring Schools and Communities It’s well known that public libraries are no longer just about the books — even e-books. Many community libraries are receiving 21st century digital-age makeovers: Numerous digital technologies, maker spaces to invite creation, even video production suites and 3-D printers now inhabit many libraries across the country. But a report just released by the Aspen Institute Dialogue on Public Libraries asks us again to reconsider how the library can serve communities in the 21st century. The Dialogue on Public Libraries group is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Libraries Program and is made up of 34 library field leaders, business executives, government officials, education experts and community development visionaries. “We want to provide a catalyst for new thinking about libraries as platforms for learning, creativity and innovation in their communities, and the creation of new networked forms of libraries,” Garmer said. Meeting Real-World Needs

GARMENDIA PIDE UNAS MÉTRICAS CLARAS PARA EVALUAR LA INNOVACIÓN EDUCATIVA La exministra de Ciencia e Innovación, Cristina Garmendia, aseguró este martes que “no existe ningún consenso sobre lo que es innovación educativa”, por lo que defendió la necesidad de acordar unas métricas claras para su evaluación.Durante la inauguración del curso académico de Esade 2016-2017, la actual presidenta de la Fundación Cotec para la Innovación afirmó que las métricas para evaluar un proyecto educativo innovador cuando se pone en marcha “deberían ser consensuadas y debatidas”.Garmendia subrayó la apuesta educativa de la escuela de Alpartir, una pequeña localidad de la provincia de Zaragoza, donde “se experimenta e innova de forma pionera”. Pulsa el enlace que encontrarás en el email que te acabamos de enviar a tu buzón: ¿No lo recibes? Revisa la carpeta de spam ya que a veces los filtros son demasiado cuidadosos. Si no lo encuentras escribe a
