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Dessins à la machine à écrire - Keira Rathbone

Dessins à la machine à écrire - Keira Rathbone
Take a look at Keira Rathbone's typewriter art - yep, she bangs out the images on a little orange typewriter she has been using since 2003. Wild. All images via Keira's Facebook page. Related:  support exquisitesupport exquisitestock à sasser (réf.)-2stock à sasser (réf.)-2

Dessins Miniatures - Lorraine Loots Une peinture miniature par jour pendant un an, voici le projet de l’artiste sud-africaine Lorraine Loots intitulé « 365 Postcards for Ants » Jardins miniatures Dessins insolites en noir et blanc sur des pages de cahier - Kerby Rosanes Kerby Rosanes is a Filipino artist, currently working and residing in Mandaluyong City. Rosanes initially considered drawing his most important hobby. It wasn’t until he began posting his sketches online that he decided to quit his day job and pursue his passion. Using only black ink, Rosanes has filled pages and pages full of doodles, each with a story. He uses the iconic Moleskine notebook to draw what he calls his, “Sketchy Stories.”

Encres dans l'eau - Chris Slabber Voici une série de photo-montages absolument superbes. Si le procédé de réalisation est très simple, l’originalité et la beauté de ces images sont envoutantes et vous transporteront. Ma moitié à tout de suite pensé au test de Rorschach quand je lui ai montré ces visuels. Et depuis, je ne vois plus que ça moi aussi Chris Slabber est un artiste et photographe sud-africain de Oudtshoorn. Il s’est inspiré du travail d’Alberto Seveso, qui prenait en photo à haute vitesse des mélanges d’encre jetés dans l’eau. Chris capture ainsi des panaches liquides extrêmement détaillés tels qu’ils apparaissent sur les photographies. Ce qu’en dit l’auteur : « L’idée derrière cette série était de montrer que de la destruction vient la création. Enfin, pour ceux que ça intéressent, vous pouvez revoir et acheter les reproductions des œuvres de Chris Sabber sur Saatchi Art. Cet article vous a plu ?

35 Funny Illustrations by Tiago Hoisel - with Exclusive Interview - StumbleUpon Today we have the special honor to discuss about digital art and painting with Tiago Hoisel. Besides the great collection of humorous illustrations that he has provided for us, Tiago also gives precious advice and shares interesting information in the below exclusive interview. Amazing creativity, detail and fun are the perfect words to describe his artwork. The humor and realism are perfectly combined to depict real life situations or imaginary scenarios meant to make the viewer laugh and want more! Q: Howdy Tiago! A: My name is Tiago Hoisel, I’m graduated in graphic design in Universidade do Estado da Bahia. “Chico Bento” Q: Your illustrations are so funny and expressive! A: I always liked humor and realism, so when I started to draw I tried to bring these two thing to my work. “Teenager” Q: What software do you use and which is the feature you couldn’t live without, of that particular software? A: Nowadays 100% of my work is produced in Photoshop CS3, with A Intuos III Tablet. “Maria!”

Dessins au crayon et illusion de relief - Ramon Bruin Most of these drawings by Ramon Bruin seem relatively simple, but at the same time, because of their shadows and some intriguingly placed real-life props in the photographs, the sketched images appear to be almost magically leaving the bounds of the paper they’re drawn on… (via My Modern Met) Effets de Miroir - Daniel Kukla Daniel Kukla is a photographer who had formal training in biological and anthropological sciences. His educational background plays a major part of his artistic practice, and this can be seen in his clever project titled, The Edge Effect. In the description and explanation of the project, Kukla writes, In March of 2012, I was awarded an artist’s residency by the United States National Park Service in southern California’s Joshua Tree National Park. We love how the photos look like they’re of paintings of the desert placed within the desert. You can find the rest of the photographs in the series over on Kukla’s website. The Edge Effect by Daniel Kukla (via Junkculture) P.S. Image credits: Photographs by Daniel Kukla

Gravure sur feuilles d'arbres - Lorenzo Duran L’artista spagnolo Lorenzo Duran si avvale delle foglie come tela per le sue incisioni. Dopo il lavaggio e l’essiccazione, rimuove con precisione chirurgica ed estrema cura i segmenti in eccesso, usando una tecnica simile a quella del tradizionale paper cutting. Quest’ultimo passo è ovviamente il più difficile vista la fragilità del materiale scelto, il risultatò di questo processo è una serie di affascinanti disegni geometrici incredibilmente belli e dilicati. Grazie a Francesca per il suggerimento. via: Chefs d'Oeuvre miniatures -Dina Brodsky Is it possible to create a 2-inch masterpiece? New York City artist Dina Brodsky has proven it's possible, creating stunning miniature works of art on 2" diameter plexiglass circles. The series entitled "Cycling a Guide to Lilliput", combine her two passions: cycling and miniature painting. See more of Dina's brilliant online portfolio on Instagram. There are also prints available of Dina's work on Hahnemuhle etching paper available on Etsy. Are you an artist, designer, filmmaker or photographer who'd like to have your creative talent or work featured on StudioVox? More Creativity: Flowers Blossoming into Fashion Mind-boggling Miniature Sculptures

Jenny Mörtsell Jenny Mörtsell grew up in Stockholm, Sweden, and as a kid filled drawing pad after drawing pad with mostly horses, boys and shoes. Following high school she studied printmaking art, then graphic design and illustration taking a Masters degree in fine arts from Konstfack University in 2004. Since then Jenny has been balancing a busy roster of U.S. and European clients who have come to adore the style of her signature pencil drawings. Jenny’s artwork can be seen in such publications as The New York Times Magazine, NYLON, Elle, Bon, Cover and Lula. Her advertising clients include Topshop, Urban Outfitters, Whyred, Diesel, Phillip LIm, Taken By Trees and Systembolaget. She has also begun exhibiting her work in gallery shows.

Explosion de couleurs - Hua Tunan Hua Tunan is a rising artist in China. Combining the traditional elements of Chinese art and culture with a modern twist, Hua brings about beautiful explosions on the canvas. Based out of Foshan, Hua (also known as 画图男) does performance and street art in addition to his paintings. His work has gathered the attention of companies such as Volvo, who flew him out to Zurich to do graffiti art on one of their blank cars for a performance. As his art continues to stimulate viewers, we at Visual News will keep an eye on him and his work at Chinese creative agency NeochaEDGE. To see more of Hua Tunan’s works click here. ↬ neochaEDGE
