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As 2013 comes to a roaring close, I take a somber look back on everything that has happened this past year. Let me just say it has been challenging, to say the very least. Even though I have been tested, tried, surprised and amazed I always look at my life as a learning experience. I am constantly asking myself the question "What can I learn from what is happening to me at the moment." The Good things are much easier to navigate through but you have to be able to navigate through the Bad, that is what shapes and molds us into the person that we are. I have always felt like something wonderful is just around the corner and THAT is what keeps me motivated.

Mon bricolage Make you own Sundress out of two Extra large tee-shirts. This does require some sewing, nothing too crazy, just simple sewing. Tutorial "Re-Style #56 Heart Shaped, Off the Shoulder Tee-Shirt I hope I am finding all of you well this week. In honor of Heart Day, I wanted to do a Heart, off the shoulder Tee-shirt. Now, I am going to be honest with you, this was not a super easy 5 minute shirt, but it was not the hardest either. If you have a sewing machine and an hour, you could most definitely make this. Tutorial Fresques murales avec des bouchons en plastique source : art bouchon plastique Voir aussi : créations en bouchons plastique D.I.Y Il était temps que je dépoussière ma boite à couture ! Ça faisait un bon ptit moment que je ne vous avais pas proposé un tuto créatif ! Je profite donc des fêtes approchant pour vous donner des idées pour composer votre propre sac de soirée ! La proie de ce diy ? Un sac minaudière trouvé sur le site SoJeans... et donc vous vous en doutez... en jean !

Project Re-Style #39 Skull Cut Out Tee. Welcome everyone, to my Project Re-Style day. Today's Re-Style is going to be another Tee Re-style. With Halloween quickly approaching, I thought it would be a great idea to do a Halloween related T-Shirt. I saw this idea first on I changed it a little, by sketching my own skull, but the idea is the same. You could also use your own imagination and make anything you want. Sac en plastique Recyclage pour Tapis, Deux Creative Recycled Crafts Idées Plastic bag recycling ideas are great for making home decorations or prepare handmade gifts, like these floor rugs made of colorful plastic bags. Two creative recycled crafts offer ways to get rid of plastic bags and add functional and very decorative, water-resistant floor mats to your kitchen, bathroom or entryway designs. There are many different ways of using plastic bags for designing floor mats. These two plastic bag recycling ideas show how to crochet a floor mat of plastic strips and decorated a floor mat with pompoms made of plastic bags. Crocheted floor mats are convenient and easy to clean.

Project Re-Style # 30 T-shirt into peep shoulder, with chain. Oh MY Stars,Only 22 more weeks of Re-Styling left. The velocity that my weeks are going by is almost to fast for me to bare. Tonight I am going to make this a pretty quick post, only because my comfy bed is calling me and I have a longgggggggg day ahead of me tomorrow. apparel Hello my dear DIYers!! Today's DIY is a little bit risky, I'm aware of that fact. I know you guys might love it, or might hate it... Who knows?

Ucreate Repurposing furniture has been one hot hobby these past few years! Many crafters/DIYers go furniture shopping at the thrift store these days instead of high end stores for a few reasons… * it’s inexpensive DO IT YOURSELF: T-Shirt Weaving I have a lot of t-shirts. Long sleeved, short sleeved, too small, too big…. I especially have a lot of oversized t-shirts that I like to wear as tunic dresses. Because I have quite a few, I find it difficult to style them without being repetitive. So, inspired by books such as Generation T and Youtube tutorial experts like itsblitzzz and secretlifeofabionerd, I decided to try my hand at some t-shirt reconstruction. I designed the weaving pattern myself, it is quite simple and if repeated a few times creates an interesting chevron stripe pattern on the sleeve.

Poleras en NQB . Favorito de nuestros lectores: les dejo una recopilación de las últimas poleras que hemos posteado aquí en el blog. Sigan leyendo para ver el resto! T-shirts only! Keep reading to see the rest..
