Melancholie der Engel
Melancholie der Engel (English: The Angels' Melancholia) is a 2009 German independent experimental art film directed, shot, and edited by Marian Dora and cowritten by Dora and Carsten Frank (under the pseudonym Frank Oliver, used due to artistic disagreements). It was planned since 2003 though the shooting was delayed due to monetary issues. It premiered at Weekend of Fear Festival in Erlangen and Nuremberg, Middle Franconia, Franconia, Bavaria, Germany, on 1 May 2009. It was also screened at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival in New York City on 27 October 2009, where it won Best International Feature Film – Arthouse Genre.
The greatest value of a picture is when it forces us to notice what we never expected to see.—John W. Tukey. Exploratory Data Analysis. 1977.
Topsy - Real-time search for the social web
With iOS 9, Search lets you look for content from the web, your contacts, apps, nearby places, and more. Powered by Siri, Search offers suggestions and updates results as you type. There are two ways to use Search on your iOS device. Quick Search
How Secure Is My Password?
Entries are 100% secure and not stored in any way or shared with anyone. Period. As Seen On
MozRank Checker free tool to check Mozrank by
Nowadays, there are so many social media platforms that you can use to help you boost your MozRank score. You can create accounts on popular social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to name a few using your domain name to help people notice your site by sharing posts with links that will direct people to your web page. This can help you increase traffic on your website and will then give you a good MozRank score as well. There are millions of people who are using social media on a daily basis that is why this can greatly help you in boosting your MozRank.
Living Cyber Armor
Class: All ClassesFaction: All FactionsLevel: 1-50Item Links:Quicklink (copy this):Feedback: This is a great quest for some nice armor for low level characters. The Living Cyber Armor will level when you right click it, up to the intelligence and psychic skill requirements that you meet, until the armor reaches quality level 50. It should last you a little while. This quest helps you to get your hands on the Body Armor, the Boots and the Gloves.
4 apps that will revolutionise how you schedule meetings and appointments - Executive Partnerships
Spending too many hours in long, boring, and unproductive meetings is a common office complaint. The only thing worse than meetings, however, is the nuisance of scheduling and planning them. The tedious back and forth communication and processes — comparing calendars to find a time suitable for all participants, finding the best place to meet, making sure everyone has the correct calendar invitation — can severely dent your productivity. Scheduling appointments should not be this hard.
Google URL Shortener
Posted by Michael Hermanto, Software Engineer, Firebase We launched the Google URL Shortener back in 2009 as a way to help people more easily share links and measure traffic online. Since then, many popular URL shortening services have emerged and the ways people find content on the Internet have also changed dramatically, from primarily desktop webpages to apps, mobile devices, home assistants, and more. To refocus our efforts, we're turning down support for over the coming weeks and replacing it with Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL).
How much is your personal data worth?
Explore how valuable your data are with this interactive calculator. While the multibillion-dollar data broker industry profits from the trade of thousands of details about individuals, those bits of information are often sold for a fraction of a penny apiece, according to industry pricing data viewed by the Financial Times. The average person’s data often retails for less than a dollar. General information about a person, such as their age, gender and location is worth a mere $0.0005 per person, or $0.50 per 1,000 people.
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Help Getting The Ability To Vote 20.1.1.
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Advertisment Watch 1,150 movies free online. Includes classics, indies, film noir, documentaries and other films, created by some of our greatest actors, actresses and directors.
4G LTE Moto E will be updated to Android Marshmallow in select markets, along with DROID Turbo 2, Maxx 2 and X Force
Motorola first announced its Android 6.0 Marshmallow rollout plans in October. At the time, 11 devices were included in the list that was mostly made up of devices from 2015 and 2014. One notable absence was the Moto E, the company’s entry-level smartphone. Thankfully, the list has since been updated and now includes the budget device, although if you have one in the US, you’re out of luck.
Robots evolve to deceive one another – Not Exactly Rocket Science
In a Swiss laboratory, a group of ten robots is competing for food. Prowling around a small arena, the machines are part of an innovative study looking at the evolution of communication, from engineers Sara Mitri and Dario Floreano and evolutionary biologist Laurent Keller. They programmed robots with the task of finding a “food source” indicated by a light-coloured ring at one end of the arena, which they could “see” at close range with downward-facing sensors. The other end of the arena, labelled with a darker ring was “poisoned”.
Q What's the best way to upgrade my audio computer's system drive?
Martin Walker I want to replace my Windows 7 PC's system drive with a solid‑state drive, but I have a lot of software on there that I'd rather not reinstall! Last time I did something like this (changing the system drive) half my software decided I had a new computer and wanted me to relicense/re‑register it!