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Tools for (Formative Assessment)

Tools for (Formative Assessment)
When teachers know their students well, they can build strong connections that lead to better learning. Knowing students’ interests, strengths, and weaknesses help teachers tailor learning experiences for their students. Formative assessment involves the teacher collecting information about what students know, don’t know, and want to learn. This information takes many forms, including observations, exit tickets, discussions, games, and quizzes. These kinds of informal assessments can also help teachers get to know their students as learners and as people. There is a very wide variety of digital formative assessment tools that can be used for free (often charging for extra features). One of the biggest advantages to using these kinds of tools is that they give every student in a class a voice.

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Your Rubric Is a Hot Mess; Here’s How to Fix It. Share with Friends 28.1KShares See Mrs. Jones. She has a fantastic idea for a new assignment. It’s going to be challenging and engaging and fun. Teaching and Assessing Reading Comprehension (Explain Everything) This past year, I really focused on explicitly teaching comprehension strategies to my students. I taught how to reread a text, annotate a text, leaving tracks of thinking while reading, questioning techniques and most importantly, instilling in my students that reading is thinking. We used Padlet walls to show our thinking, we drew pictures and wrote information digitally as I read aloud, we used today’s meet to make our thinking visible.

New test requires North Dakota students to prove civics proficiency Last year, North Dakota became the second state in the nation to adopt the requirement, which is based on the Immigration and Naturalization test covering questions about government and history. Eighth- and 11th-grade students are taking the online test for the first time at the end of this month. Students who graduate next year must achieve 60 percent or greater proficiency on the test to pass, while those who graduate in 2018 and each subsequent year must achieve 70 percent proficiency.

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