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❍ IcoMoon IcoMoon is striving to build and provide the best iconography and icon management tool for perfectionists. IcoMoon's icon library features only the very best icon sets out there. All of our icons are designed on a precise pixel grid. The IcoMoon app lets you build and use your own icon sets in many different formats including SVG, Polymer, PDF, XAML, CSH, icon font or simple PNG/CSS sprites. IcoMoon was first built and released back in the November of 2011. Since its release, it has changed the way icon fonts (and icons in general) are being used in web today.

Yeoman - Modern workflows for modern webapps Yeoman is a man in a hat with tricks up his sleeve. With just a command or two, Yeoman can write boilerplate code for your entire web application or individual pieces like Controllers and Models. Yeoman can fire up a preview web server and watch your files for edits in order to live reload changes and compile your Sass. Yeoman can also run your unit tests, minimize and concatenate your code, optimize images, plus more! yo is a scaffolding tool that offers an ecosystem of framework-specific scaffolds, called generators, that can be used to perform some of the tedious tasks mentioned earlier. The web's scaffolding tool for modern webapps Modèles de couleurs Roue chromatique Extraire le thème Extraire le dégradé Nouveau Appliquer la règle d’harmonie chromatique

Let's Scaffold a Web App with Yeoman By Addy Osmani, James Cryer & Pearl Chen Allo! Allo! In this 1-hour codelab, you build a fully functional web application from scratch with the help of Yeoman. You'll also use features from Grunt and Bower. The sample app will be written in AngularJS. Monitor anything in your app and improve the experience of your app. Measure App Usage View your app open rates and API request data via the Parse dashboard. See real-time analytics on API requests based on REST verbs, device type, and Parse class being accessed. Getting started with Yeoman Yeoman is a generic scaffolding system allowing the creation of any kind of app. It allows for rapidly getting started on new projects and streamlines the maintenance of existing projects. Yeoman is language agnostic. It can generate projects in any language (Web, Java, Python, C#, etc.) Yeoman by itself doesn't make any decisions. Every decision is made by generators which are basically plugins in the Yeoman environment.

Interactive Guide to Blog Typography The majority of websites are composed of a bright, usually white background and dark text. Then there's the small minority of the web: dark websites, colorful websites. Why is the bright background used by the majority of websites?
