Definition Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves. People with schizophrenia may seem like they have lost touch with reality. Although schizophrenia is not as common as other mental disorders, the symptoms can be very disabling. Signs and Symptoms
The Celestia Motherlode: Home
Student Nurse - A&P
Anatomy and Sectional Terminology It sounds silly, but you learn as many new words in an A&P course as you do a beginning foreign language course. Really --there's been research to prove it!
La relativité animée
Introduction La relativité, l'espace-temps et la 4e dimension La théorie de la relativité a complètement remis en question notre vision de la réalité. En effet, contrairement à ce que nos sens nous indiquent, nous ne vivons pas dans un espace à 3 dimensions, mais plutôt dans un espace-temps à 4 dimensions.
Dyslexia, or developmental reading disorder,[1] is characterized by difficulty with learning to read fluently and with accurate comprehension despite normal or above-average intelligence.[2][3][4] This includes difficulty with phonological awareness, phonological decoding, processing speed, orthographic coding, auditory short-term memory, language skills/verbal comprehension, and/or rapid naming.[5][6][7] Dyslexia is the most common learning difficulty[8] and most recognized reading disorder. There are other reading difficulties that are unrelated to dyslexia. Classification[edit] Internationally, dyslexia has no single definition; more than 70 names are used to describe its manifestations, characterizations or causes. Numerous symptom-based definitions of dyslexia suggest neurological approaches.
Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy - The University of Texas Medical School at Houston
Welcome to Neuroscience Online, the Open-Access Neuroscience Electronic Textbook This online, interactive courseware for the study of neuroscience is provided by the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy at The University of Texas Medical School at Houston. The project is being developed under the direction of the Department Chair and Editor, John H.
Interactive 3D model of Solar System Planets and Night Sky
Scientific Video Site
APA Format for Nursing School Books: Drug Guides, Care Plans & More
After 20-plus pages of writing and hours of research, a student’s head may be a bit scrambled. Therefore, we created this list to help those in such predicaments. This page includes a list of resources commonly used by nursing students in school. Each reference is formatted in APA style and organized by reference type in order to make them easily accessible for academic compositions, school projects, nursing care plans, and other assignments.
American Porphyria Foundation
Click on the bold blue text below or on a topic listed on the left side of the page to read more. Porphyria is not a single disease but a group of at least eight disorders that differ considerably from each other. A common feature in all porphyrias is the accumulation in the body of porphyrins or porphyrin precursors. Although these are normal body chemicals, they normally do not accumulate.
Nucleus Medical Media: Medical Video, Animation & Illustration
Cool thanks I'll check all these links out and add them ;-) by mirlen101 Apr 14