Playing with PlayPhrase - Anthony Teacher.com When I first learned of PlayPhrase several years ago, I was quite excited about its pedagogic potential, even though I didn’t know exactly what that potential was. I just knew that the site must be useful. PlayPhrase is a kind of pseudo-corpus that allows one to search for words or phrases and then hear/read/see those phrases in short sentences taken from movies and TV shows. Play Taboo Online Now Welcome! Happy playing! Did you like playing this game? My 10 Favourite ESL/EFL Resource Websites Here is a list of my favorite ESL/EFL resource websites. Blog de Cristina Cristina’s blog offers a vast array of resources including listening tasks, discussion topics, grammar and vocabulary exercises, various lesson plans and many other activities. ESL Brains A group of teachers create video-based lessons mostly for adult learners but I’ve used their lessons with my teenage students with no problem.
Classroom Timers - Fun Timers Online-Stopwatch Classroom Timers - Fun Timers for classrooms and meetings :-)Holiday Timers - More Fun Timers - But these are Holiday Themed! :-)Random Name Pickers - Probably the BEST random Name Pickers online! YouTube "Read Aloud" Book Videos for Kids Over the years I have read my four children many, many books, most often at bedtime, and with as many funny voices for the characters as I could provide. As much as I enjoyed the time for family bonding and for helping the kids settle down for the night, research has shown that having stories read to children has many educational benefits as well. Reading stories out loud to children: Provides them with a model of fluent reading.Allows them to consume content above their reading level (since they can listen at a higher level than they can read).Shows them the connection between the written word and its meaning.Teaches them the narrative structure of a story or book.Helps develop a love of stories, books, and reading that can carry on into the rest of their lives.
details?id=com.masterkeygames Learn English - Listening Master is and educational game for kids and students of all ages. Listening Master will help you understand and learn English better, improve your English language skills and help you learn real English spoken in everyday situations. Learn English - Listening Master makes a game out of helping you to practice and improve your English listening skills through dictation using real English conversations in a fun, enjoyable and educational way. Learn real English and practice your English listening skills by typing the letters of the words you hear or tapping the words of the audio to form the sentences.
5 ways to improve your materials NOW! – Atena Juszko, ELT Editor When I look for new writing talent among teachers, I like to see what they’ve been creating for their own students and other teachers. These days, this is really easy as most teachers who make their own materials share them in teachers’ groups, on their websites or fan pages. I’ve seen plenty of self-made content, ranging from dreadful to absolutely amazing (and the authors of the latter have already been commissioned by me to write materials for publishers). There are certain things that come up in most of the materials that I see: copyright infringement, inconsistent and unclear rubrics, inconsistent style, messy design, problems with flow and unworkable activities. But these things can easily be fixed.
Around The Web In ESL/EFL/ELL Five years ago I began this regular feature where I share a few posts and resources from around the Web related to ESL/EFL or to language in general that have caught my attention. You might also be interested in The Best Resources, Articles & Blog Posts For Teachers Of ELLs In 2018 – So Far and THE BEST RESOURCES, ARTICLES & BLOG POSTS FOR TEACHERS OF ELLS IN 2018 – PART TWO. Also, check out A Collection Of My Best Resources On Teaching English Language Learners. In addition, look for our new book on teaching ELLs, which was published in the Spring of 2018. Here are this week’s choices: Learn English Sentence Master – Alkalmazások a Google Playen Learn English and grammar free by ordering the words to form correct sentences and sayings. Sentence Master is a fun and educational game for kids and English language students of all ages who want to learn English and improve their language skills in a more entertaining way. How do you play? It’s easy. The game consists of putting the scrambled words from each level in order to form a correct sentence and learn English in a fun way.
4 Fake Sites to Teach Students Website Evaluation As adults we (hopefully) know that not everything online is true. For our students though, this is a concept they need to learn. Students can use Google to quickly find millions of websites matching their search request, but are they able to determine which sites actually contain information that is accurate, unbiased, up to date, and written by someone with authority?
Warmers, fillers & coolers Warmers Below is a list of warmer/cooler/filler/game activities in no particular order. If you have any warmers you'd like to add to the list then please send them to via the Contact page Aims: - to introduce a theme - to relax stds after a hard day's work - to wake stds up after a hard night - to wait for late arrivals - to provide a break in the lesson - to provide humour - to provide oral fluency practice - to finish the lesson on a light note