How to do Ibiza on a budget
Ibiza Town Arriving at the airport, head straight for the bus stop outside – taxis are pricey and you can queue for an hour in peak season. Bus No 10 makes the 10km route every 15 minutes in summer ( for winter schedules) and drops you right in the port (don't get off at the bus station, as it's quite far from the centre). Ibiza Town offers plenty of budget accommodation, but there are a few absolute standouts. Hostal Parque (+34 971 301358,, doubles from €65) occupies a prime position in a leafy square right below the Old Town walls. Rooms are modern, with air conditioning and Wi-Fi and three rooftop aticos have private decked terraces.
The tent as we know it is about to change. The tents of tomorrow are about more than just poles and fabric, they use inventive concepts to bring a new kind of enjoyment to modern camping. Some tents float in the air, others rest atop a boat, and others are designed to handle mother nature’s most extreme forces. The best tents of 2015 and beyond are wild and exciting, and we’ve compiled the best of each kind of tent into a master list for years to come.
10 Outdoor Gear Essentials
Every man has a different idea of what constitutes a “necessity” when venturing out into the wilderness. For one man, a fire source and a good blade may be all that is required, while for the next, GPS and a full outdoor kitchen setup might be considered indispensable. While experienced hikers, climbers, and other adventurous sorts most likely have their packing list down to a science, those who are just beginning to branch out into the wilderness can certainly benefit from a standard, universal checklist. Cue the Ten Essentials. The Ten Essentials and the Ten Essentials (Systems Approach)
30 Places to Find Cheap Airline Tickets
30 Places to Find Cheap Airline Tickets Thursday, December 20, 2007 at 7:06pm by admin Scoring a great deal on plane tickets is only one of the challenges air travelers face these days. Unbearably long security lines, bumped flights, lost luggage and congested air traffic are commonplace. While we may not be able to control homeland security or overbooked flights, we are able to share with you some of our secrets for finding cheap airline tickets. Read below for 30 places where you can land a great deal on your next flight.
Backpackers Checklist at
The Means of A Check List Packing a backpack seems like an easy task, until you are on the trail and forget one of the most essential items. We have prepared this infographic as well as the corresponding text to help you always pack exactly what you need. So go ahead and check it out.
Winter Camping
Winter conditions can exist at any time of the year! Why do I winter camp? For me it’s a natural extension of my snowshoeing day trips.
How to plan a round-the-world trip - travel tips and articles
Itʼs the ultimate trip: circumnavigating the planet, and stopping off wherever takes your fancy. Great for travellers who want to see it all, or who are just plain indecisive. But booking a round-the-world (RTW) trip can be a complex business.
This is The Scariest Trail in The World , But You Will Never Guess Where It Leads
These stairs below are called ” the heavenly stairs ” its on a mountain in china called mt. hua shan . the stairs go so far up the mountain its hard to see where they end. if you let your curiosity lead you and walk up the stairs you will find the worlds most dangerous trail , it is called the hua shan plank path. the path goes way up on the mountain side and it is highly recommended that you use safety gear while going up there. the trail itself is amazing but when you reach the top you will be shocked Just by looking at these stairs you know this trail is not normal Honestly , the stairs are the easiest part of the trail This doesn’t stop thousands of people to make the dangerous climb to the top..