When does managing a Facebook page become a full time job? As you know, Socialbakers is here for you to crack down the most important social media facts, figures, and metrics. Of course, for us as Socialbakers is owned by Candytech – a Facebook marketing agency, so we have some great insight when managing our clients Facebook pages. For us managing Facebook pages indeed is a full-time job – but is it like that and should it be like that for other social media marketers? As we shared last week in our article: “How often you should post on your Facebook pages?” – we basically said that most brands should post on average 5 – 10 times on a weekly basis. Don't believe the Hype Bon, est ce que NiN et Radiohead ont vraiment révolutionné le business de la musique ! (bordel) Vous me lisez, on se connait un peu maintenant, vous savez que mon obsession est de mettre en avant, réfléchir à des business models différents des business models classiques, à savoir « je vends mon CD » .
Fb.connect.showProfileTabDialog As described in an official blog post from Facebook, you can now put an “Add Profile Tab” button in your application or site to prompt users to add your application tab to their profiles for easy re-engagement. All implementations using the JavaScript API can call FB.Connect.showProfileTabDialog or use the fb:add-profile-tab XFBML tag to render the button, while FBML applications can call Facebook.showProfileTabDialog or use the fb:add-profile-tab FBML tag to render it. FB.Connect.showProfileTabDialog(callback); Dopez votre présence Facebook grâce aux applications Mettre en place un site vitrine basique sur Facebook n’a aucun intérêt, ni pour vous, ni pour les utilisateurs. Pour aller plus loin et vous différencier, il faut pénétrer dans l’éco-système applicatif du réseau social. Et vous « accrocher” un peu…
New Project (Fluid UI) uses cookies and saves data on our servers in order to provide the Fluid UI service. This data is gathered in order to provide the relevant functionality for your account. The purpose of this article is to inform you what information we store, when we request it and why we need it. Your email address is used to create a unique identifier for your account when you sign up. Innovations web - Facebook veut "socialiser" Internet ! Cédric Deniaud nous livre son analyse sur la volonté de Facebook, après avoir su adresser une audience considérable, de se rendre indispensable pour n'importe quel site Internet. Cédric est auteur sur et et co-fondateur du cabinet conseil Internet, The Persuaders. La bataille ne se situe peut être pas sur le terrain qui concentre aujourd'hui toutes les attentions. D'un côté, en effet, on compte le nombre d'inscrits, on compare les chiffres d'audience, on regarde le temps de connexion.
Find Out What's Trending on Facebook This post is part of Mashable’s Spark of Genius series, which highlights a unique feature of startups. The series is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark.. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. Name: Booshaka Facebook Powertools: 150+ Apps, Scripts and Add-ons for Facebook Facebook is growing at a fast rate these days, with hundreds of new applications, scripts and Firefox add-ons driving that growth. We've picked out the leading browser extensions, desktop applications, Greasemonkey scripts and Facebook apps - more than 150 in all. Firefox Toolbar - adds Facebook search and activity notifications to Firefox. Also view friends and share content without visiting Facebook itself. Facebook HugBack - makes all our pokes display as "hugs" - only visible to you, not your friends. Notre Dame Facebook Style - a custom "University of Notre Dame" style that adds a custom header and theme to all Facebook pages.
[Infographie] Les marques négligent encore trop leurs fans Facebook Les marques sous-estiment encore trop souvent les interactions des internautes sur les réseaux sociaux. Telle est l’une des principales conclusions qui ressort de l’enquête menée à l’occasion des fêtes de fin d’année par Mr Youth, une agence de marketing new-yorkaise spécialisée dans le marketing digital. L’infographie suivante nous propose une synthèse des principaux résultats de l’étude menée en ligne et basée principalement sur Facebook et Twitter. Data hand tools The flowering of data science has both driven, and been driven by, an explosion of powerful tools. R provides a great platform for doing statistical analysis, Hadoop provides a framework for orchestrating large clusters to solve problems in parallel, and many NoSQL databases exist for storing huge amounts of unstructured data. The heavy machinery for serious number crunching includes perennials such as Mathematica, Matlab, and Octave, most of which have been extended for use with large clusters and other big iron.
How To Measure Facebook Page Engagement Are you trying to figure out how much your fans really like you or your brand? This guide outlines a few things you should never miss when monitoring your Facebook page performance. Monitoring Active Users While most companies pay attention to the number of fans as the greatest metric of success, measuring your active users is much more important. Fortunately, Facebook provides detailed information about daily, weekly, and monthly active users on your page. You can find this information in tFacebook’s insights area.