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Voyant Tools: Reveal Your Texts

Voyant Tools: Reveal Your Texts

Voyeurtools. Analyse en profondeur de vos textes Voyeurtools est un outil en ligne particulièrement puissant qui permet d’obtenir de nombreuses indications sur le corpus d’un texte en ligne. Pour l’utiliser, deux options s’offrent à vous. Soit vous copiez collez un texte quelle que soit sa longueur, soit vous copiez une ou plusieurs urls si le texte que vous souhaitez analyser se trouve déjà en ligne. Voyeurtools est particulièrement efficace et sera d’autant plus spectaculaire si le texte est long ou trés long. L’analyse lancée ne prend que quelques secondes. La moulinette de voyeurtools va explorer l’ensemble du texte proposé et vous offrir en retour un tableau de bord d’analyse riche en informations. Autour du corpus du texte que vous pouvez lire en ligne, vous aurez tout d’abord un nuage de tags correspondant aux mots les plus utilisés dans le texte analysé. VoyeurTools vous propose aussi une synthèse du nombre de mots trouvés dans le texte analysé. Vous pouvez essayer Voyertools ici sur le web. Like this: Like Loading...

pseudodictionary: the dictionary for words that wouldn’t make it into a real dictionary :: v2.0 Stanford Parser Stanford Parser Please enter a sentence to be parsed: My dog also likes eating sausage. Language: Sample Sentence Your query My dog also likes eating sausage. Tagging My/PRP$ dog/NN also/RB likes/VBZ eating/VBG sausage/NN Parse (ROOT (S (NP (PRP$ My) (NN dog)) (ADVP (RB also)) (VP (VBZ likes) (S (VP (VBG eating) (NP (NN sausage))))) (. .))) Universal dependencies nmod:poss(dog-2, My-1) nsubj(likes-4, dog-2) advmod(likes-4, also-3) root(ROOT-0, likes-4) xcomp(likes-4, eating-5) dobj(eating-5, sausage-6) Universal dependencies, enhanced Statistics Tokens: 7 Time: 0.021 s

The Best Free Dictionary and Thesaurus Programs and Websites Are you a writer? Or a word geek? If you write anything or play word games, dictionaries, thesauruses, and other reference tools can come in handy. We’ve found some useful offline and online tools for looking up words, finding synonym, or building words in Scrabble. Dictionary and thesaurus programs and websites allow us to go beyond the dated, printed dictionary. You can find so much more up-to-date information on the web without having to buy dictionaries and other reference books. Offline Desktop Software The following software programs are offline programs you download and install on your computer. Ultimate Dictionary Ultimate Dictionary is a free dictionary program for Windows that is easy to install and use. When you type a word into the search box Ultimate Dictionary, it looks for it in all the dictionaries it contains at once and provides a meaning from each dictionary in which the word was found in the right pane. WordWeb TheSage English Dictionary and Thesaurus LingoPad GoldenDict

Glottopedia The Phrontistery: Obscure Words and Vocabulary Resources American Marketing Association Dictionary Whether you're looking for an obscure phrase or your basic marketing definition, the AMA Dictionary has it all! Originating from the print version in 1995, we're always adding new terms to keep marketers up to date in the ever-evolving marketing profession. Browse terms related to - A. Refer to "See Also" column to the right. A/B testing, at its simplest, is randomly showing a visitor one version of a page- (A) version or (B) version- and tracking the changes in behavior based on which version they saw. The discontinuance of a marketed product. The number of abandoned shopping carts vs. the number of completed transactions. An approach for classifying accounts based on their attractiveness. ABC inventory classification A classification scheme used to implement inventory management strategies. Formerly known as The Mining Company, About is a guide based information portal. A term borrowed from print newspapers that references the top portion of a Web page that is visible without scrolling.

Extensiones para el aprendizaje de vocabulario en otros idiomas en Google Chrome Si estamos en pleno aprendizaje de un nuevo idioma y pasamos mucho de nuestro tiempo frente al ordenador navegando por Internet, una buena forma de aprender nuevo vocabulario y descubrir nuevas palabras podría ser utilizar el propio navegador y las páginas web que visitemos para sumergirnos completamente en ese idioma que queremos estudiar. Así que os traemos algunas de las mejores extensiones para Google Chrome para que, mientras navegamos por Internet, practiquemos vocabulario en el idioma que deseemos. (múltiples idiomas) Forma parte de la completa plataforma de aprendizaje de lenguajes la cual ya presentamos en su día. Esta extensión nos permitirá, cuando nos encontremos en una web en el idioma que aprendemos, subrayar una palabra y ver su traducción de forma instantánea, indicándonos Todas las palabras quedaran guardadas en colecciones que posteriormente podremos repasar y volver a ver en la web de Lingualy. Language Immersion (múltiples idiomas) Flewent (múltiples idiomas)

OneLook Reverse Dictionary <div id="needs_javascript"><center><b>Note: OneLook Thesaurus requires JavaScript.</b><br /><img src="/img/a.gif?q=omg_a_user_without_js"> If you have disabled JavaScript in your browser, please <a href=" it for this site</a> or use the <a href="/?w=entersearchhere&loc=revfp_legacy">old version of the reverse dictionary</a> here. How do I use OneLook's thesaurus / reverse dictionary? This tool lets you describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept. What are some examples? What are patterns? I'm only looking for synonyms! For some kinds of searches only the first result or the first few results are likely to be useful. Filters Your search can be refined in various ways using the filters that appear in the "Filter by..." menu on the results page. How does it work? Other ways to access this service: Is this available in any language other than English? The same interface is now available in Spanish at OneLook Tesauro.

Online Native American Picture Dictionaries (American Indian Animals) American Indian languages American Indian tribes What's new on our site today! Here are the picture dictionaries of we have completed so far (illustrated Native American animal words from more than a hundred different languages.) North American Indian Dictionaries Abenaki/Penobscot picture dictionary Achumawi picture dictionary Ahtna picture dictionary Alabama picture dictionary Aleut picture dictionary Algonquin picture dictionary Alutiiq picture dictionary Amuzgo picture dictionary Apache picture dictionary Arapaho picture dictionary Arikara picture dictionary Assiniboine picture dictionary Atakapa picture dictionary Atikamekw picture dictionary Atsugewi picture dictionary Babine picture dictionary Beaver picture dictionary Beothuk picture dictionary Biloxi picture dictionary Blackfoot picture dictionary Caddo picture dictionary Cahuilla picture dictionary Carrier picture dictionary Catawba picture dictionary Cayuga picture dictionary Chatino picture dictionary Cherokee picture dictionary Chocho picture dictionary

Word Information - an English dictionary about English vocabulary words and etymologies derived primarily from Latin and Greek word origins DANTE | A lexical database for English
