Inredning, inspiration, pyssel, fotografering
An afternoon of modulor origami « paperama – Blog on paper, patterns and bookbinding
1. Aug 2010 Today I was very honored to be invited by Hans-Werner Guth to join him and some more origami enthusiasts from around Cologne to spend an afternoon in the sun, folding modular origami and eating yummie cake. I have never really done origami before and – as always – I picked one of the most difficult models to start with – the one you see on top. Isn’t it amazingly beautiful? Maegan : Fashion, DIY, Home, Lifestyle: Embellished Collar DIY ~ Los Angeles
Collars and embellished collars have been making their rounds on the internet and blogs for the past couple of years now. I think we can point our fingers at Miu Miu and their pretty kitty & swallow collars for starting the trend. But because I thought I saw so many refashioned collars and collar necklaces floating around, I purposely did not do a DIY for one.
These are pictures of beautiful people I will never have the opportunity of meeting. But thanks to Kiva, I have the priviledge of making a small loan to each of them which I believe will have far reaching impact to their family, their community, their village, and ultimately, to humanity. I'm so happy that Giddy Giddy has just made its 30th loan. I hope that by the end of next year, we will have been part of at least 30 more microloans!
DIY Printed Scarf
Like the other gals of, I am obsessed with Pinterest! I can’t tell you how many recipes I’ve whipped up, crafts I’ve made, and pictures of cats I’ve pinned. So when I saw this DIY scarf tutorial, I knew I had to do it! Gather your supplies: light-colored scarf — this one would work well.fabric markercardboard to place the scarf on.
The Burlap Bag - High Quality Handmade Goods Shop - Austin Texas
March 1, 2012 by Lauren I saw a "trick" online and thought "Weird! I wonder if that really works!" So I tried it. Yes, you can indeed shave the pills off of your sweaters and jackets and any other article of clothing that is pill-y. Pilly?
allison cole illustration
Surtex is coming up this weekend! May 19-21st at the Javits Center in NYC. I’ll be at Lilla Rogers Studio booth #319, visit and say hi if you are at Surtex or attending one of the other shows at the Javits (National Stationery Show/International Contemporary Furniture Fair).
Wobisobi: No Sew, Tee Shirt- Tied Halter, DIY
Looking for a halter top for the beach or the hot summer days. Here is one you can make in minutes out of a tee-shirt, without any sewing. Tutorial Things you need. Tee-shirt ~ Mine is a medium mens~ChalkScissors
Tic Tac Toe Game
My apologies for posting this so late! I had wanted to share this before Easter but time got away from me. Maybe it's a crafty DIY you can make on Easter day! (You could also try all kinds of variations with holidays and special events!)
jurianne matter
I have had this 'problem' ever since I was a little kid: I am a dreamer. I dream about not being here and now, I dream about being there, later, somewhere in the future... You can understand that planning vacations or business trips triggers this weakness big time. So when you all came up with emails full of tips, ideas, sleeping, eating, shopping in NYC I couldn't be happier!
Easy Finger Crochet Friendship Bracelets
My grandmother taught me to crochet with my fingers when I was about 5 or 6 years old. I used basic twine to make bracelet after bracelet when I was at her house. This is a fun easy craft to teach younger kids and to make easy layering bracelets for yourself.