Semiotics Encyclopedia Online - Welcome This reference website is freely usable for educational and personal use. It will provide in-depth articles written by experts in a great variety of disciplines bearing upon the ways in which organisms in general, and humans in particular, process information, discover or construct meaning, represent and share their knowledge, interact through the mediation of signs and symbols that change over time, and elaborate diverse cultures and systems of thought. It will offer articles documenting the historical development of semiotics while emphasizing that this variegated epistemological movement is still in the making. The Semiotics Encyclopedia Online will endeavor to bring into focus important advances in the sciences, which are bound to have an impact on our understanding of the issues which have been traditionally raised by semiotics. It will also critically reexamine the basic concepts and models that form contemporary semiotic literacy.
15 Fun Team Building Exercises That Breed Cooperative Excellence The word TEAM has literally transpired into a buzz word in the corporate world. There are countless books and articles written about the importance of teams while each year, management consultants, scholars and researchers continue presenting theories and research that debate over various aspects of team building. But the million dollar question is; What is a TEAM and why does the world of business accentuate so much upon it? When individuals with similar interests, attitudes, and tastes come together to work towards a common objective, a team is formed! If there is no common goal there is no team.
Welcome to ARTstor Far Left Robert Henri La Reina Mora, 1906 Colby College Museum of Art Top Center Winslow Homer Girl Reading, 1879 Colby College Museum of Art Tamarack Community Life - The Stone Game Joe developed The Stone Game™ as a metaphor for what he calls meaning-based or creative communication. The game emphasizes a view of language where meaning has no single author, where communication can be something other than a tool of authority and domination. The purpose is to allow meaning to emerge, to escape the usual constraints of language patterns. The participants in The Stone GameT cannot be taken out of the meaning-making process. The game positions players as storytellers and witnesses as they experience meaning.
Anthony Judge Anthony Judge Anthony Judge, (Port Said, 21 January 1940) is mainly known for his career at the Union of International Associations (UIA), where he has been Director of Communications and Research, as well as Assistant Secretary-General.[1] He was responsible at the UIA for the development of interlinked databases and for publications based on those databases, mainly the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential, the Yearbook of International Organizations, and the International Congress Calendar. Judge has also personally authored a collection of over 1,600 documents of relevance to governance and strategy-making. All these papers are freely available on his personal website Laetus in Praesens.[2] Now retired from the UIA, he is continuing his research within the context of an initiative called Union of Imaginable Associations.[3] Early life[edit]
Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential is published by the Union of International Associations (UIA) under the direction of Anthony Judge. It is available as a three-volume book,[1] as a CD-ROM,[2] and online.[3][4] Databases, entries, and interlinks[edit] The Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential is made up from data gathered from many sources. Banque de connaissance Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Une banque de connaissance est un outil de documentation en ligne - sur support numérique hypertexte et extrêmetexte - et regroupe des connaissances générales (ex: Wikipédia) ou spécifiques à un domaine spécialisé donné (ex: Dictionnaire médical). Outil logiciel de gestion des connaissances, une banque de connaissance sert aux consultations de nombreux lecteurs et chercheurs et permet des mises à jour centralisées immédiatement disponibles. À ne pas confondre avec : une base de connaissance (comme le système expert SACHEM),une banque de données (comme la banque des marques commerciales de l'INPI, le Registre du Commerce et des Société),une banque d'images, de vidéos (ex: DailyMotion, YouTube), de sons. Exemples[modifier | modifier le code]
Resources A sense of space and place This presentation was given at the 2010 GA Annual Conference: Places are multi-layered, sensory, diverse and often complex spaces, given meaning and form through human interaction. Thésaurus de l’UNESCO – descripteurs en français, anglais, espagnol et russe Le Thésaurus de l'UNESCO est une liste de termes contrôlés et structurés pour l'analyse thématique et la recherche de documents et publications dans les domaines de l'éducation, la culture, les sciences naturelles, les sciences sociales et humaines, la communication et l'information. Continuellement enrichie et mise à jour, sa terminologie reflète l'évolution des programmes et des activités de l'Organisation. Le Thésaurus de l'UNESCO contient 7.000 termes en anglais et en russe, et 8.600 en français et en espagnol.