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Teacher Tech with Alice Keeler

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Free Technology for Teachers 5 Things You Might Not Know About Adobe Spark Have you used Adobe Spark with your students? If you’re passionate about creativity in the classroom, you’ve probably heard of the Spark tools. They make movie-making, website creation, and graphic design possible for students. Regular readers of the blog know that I love the Spark tools and often feature them on my site. Ben Forta and I even wrote a book full of activity ideas for students. In this blog post, I’ll take you through some things you might not know about the Spark tools. Adobe Spark is free for schools Although anyone can sign up and use the Spark tools for free, there is a special version for schools. Now The benefits of Spark for Education are more than just the “free” status. With Spark for Education, schools manage and control Spark access and data, and students and teachers can use their regular logins. Download these free graphic organizers you can use with Spark Video! Adobe Spark is really three tools Templates give users a starting place

How to Use Padlet in the Classroom: A Fantastic Teaching Tool Padlet is a versatile, easy to use tool for every teacher’s toolkit. Let’s learn the basics. At the bottom of this post, I have a Padlet that is temporarily open for you to post and share your favorite edtech tools. Richard Byrne, author of Free Technology for Teachers, spent some time teaching the teachers at my school about Padlet. What you can share on Padlet: The box where you type or share your item. You can:TypeRecord Your VoiceAdd a HyperlinkAdd a PhotoAdd a Document The flexibility of this tool means you could have one class Padlet for the year and share resources and links throughout the year. Editing As with many tools the gear icon (as shown in the graphic below) is where you go to edit your background and change your settings. You can customize your Padlet page with a different background, title and more. Organizing Richard Byrne taught me something new today. You can move the Padlet layout to stream. Security and Control There are lots of features you can customize.

Control Alt Achieve | Eric Curts Integration Innovation | Tech Tips, Tools & Tidbits for awesome educators Teach from Anywhere Now that schoolwork is happening at home, students are spending more time than ever online. Here are tips and tools to help families manage and support children's use of technology. How can I learn about the technology my child is using for school? How can I manage my child's technology use and help them stay safe online? Where can I find more content to support my child's learning? How can I communicate with my child's school? How can I find more resources from trusted organizations? Tammy’s Technology Tips Tammy's Technology Tips for Teachers Helping teachers make better classrooms, one mouse-click at a time. Tammy’s Technology Tips Click a link below to view Tammy’s Technology Tips: More coming soon! Search Tammy Worcester Tang Educator - Author - Presenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What’s New? Return to top of page Copyright © 2020 · News Theme on Genesis Framework · WordPress · Log in

Video Creation This page is designed to introduce and show you how to use various free video creation resources. The process of creating and publishing videos can be a great way to get students excited about researching, storytelling, and sharing their work with an audience. For teachers who have never facilitated video creation projects in their classrooms, choosing the right style of video and the right tools can be a bit confusing at first. The playlist embedded below demonstrates many of the tools featured in the PDF above. The playlist embedded below demonstrates how to create flipped video lessons. Click here to learn how to create choose your own adventure videos in YouTube. WeVideo is probably the most robust online video editing program that you will find accessible to students. Shadow Puppet Edu makes it easy to create a video on an iPad. Wideo is a great tool for creating animated videos online. Sharing Videos Once your students have created their videos you will want them to share them.

Resources to help teachers build their bitmoji classroom by mrsurbanmama13 Nov 15

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