Primary History - Romans A glimpse of teenage life in ancient Rome - Ray Laurence Daily Life - Ancient Rome for Kids What was daily life like in Rome? Despite the many manuscripts, letters, speeches and inscriptions we have found, there are many things about daily life in Rome we don't know. We really don't know what the Romans did with trash around the house. Did they just throw it outside, or did they have trash people to pick it up? Were cats pets or just used to catch rodents (rats and mice)? We do know, however, a lot about how Rome was governed.
Villa Lante Tämä artikkeli käsittelee Suomen Rooman-instituutin kotipaikkaa. Toinen Villa Lante -niminen talo, Villa Lante a Bagnaia, sijaitsee Viterbossa. Villa Lante, täydellisemmin Villa Lante al Gianicolo on Roomassa Gianicolo-kukkulalla sijaitseva renessanssihuvila, joka on valmistunut vuonna 1531. Historia[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä] Rakentaminen[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä] Villa Lanten rakennutti paavi Leo X:n kansliapäällikkö Baldassare Turini, joka halusi huvilan Rooman kaupungin ulkopuolelta päästäkseen pakoon kaupungin kuumuutta kesällä. Rakennuksen valmistumisvuosi 1531 on kirjattu talon seinään yhdessä Martialis-sitaatin ("Täältä voi ihailla koko Roomaa") kanssa. Villa Lante. Lante-suvun aika ja välivuodet[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä] Huvilaa alettiin vuokrata ulkopuolisille, kun luostari ei enää tarvinnut sitä. Suomen valtion omistukseen[muokkaa | muokkaa wikitekstiä] Suomalaisilla oli ollut haaveena oman tiedeinstituutin perustaminen Roomaan Ruotsin instituutin mallin mukaan.
Classical Reception Studies Network The Classical Reception Studies Network (CRSN) aims to facilitate the exchange of information and to encourage collaboration in the field of classical reception studies by bringing together departments and individuals from across the world. Classical Reception Studies is the inquiry into how and why the texts, images and material cultures of Ancient Greece and Rome have been received, adapted, refigured, used and abused in later times and often other places. For more information on the Network and its history, please go to the Network page which explains who we are and what we do. The Events section lists current and future Classical Reception conferences, seminars, workshops and performances. "Happy Birthday, everyone - and many happy returns!" "Congratulations to the Classical Reception Studies Network on the first ten years, which have done so much to make the UK an exciting centre for the study of all aspects of classical reception.
Gracchi Brothers The social and political landscape of the Roman world was about to undergo an abrupt transformation in the Late Republic. The emergence, and eventual assassination of the Gracchus brothers, Tiberius and Gaius, is often considered the first major step towards the fall of the Roman Republic. While Roman class and social affairs had for centuries consisted of machinations by various individuals to get their way (such as the Plebs withdrawal from Rome in the early Republic), the activities of the Gracchi completely altered the state of Roman politics. The careers of these two men were marked by riots, murder, and ultimately, outright manipulation of the common population to achieve their goals. The tremendous growth of the Empire, through both acquisition of land, slaves, and various citizen classes led to a fundamental divide in the Roman political system. From 137 to 121 BC, Tiberius, and then Gaius Gracchus, stood at the center of this turmoil.
Villa Lanten Ystävät Catalogue - Senate House Libraries -- Warburg Institute digital copy antiquities Catalogue Articles You are not logged in | My saved items (0 items) | Login Give Feedback Explore Related Searches Advanced Search Results 1 - 25 of 30 for Warburg Institute digital copy antiquities 1 2 next Sorted by Relevance | Title | Date Refine by: Availability At the library (30) more Format Location Latin (22) Italian (9) Dutch (2) French (2) English (2) German (1) Greek, Ancient (to 1453) (1) Language Publish Date Rome (13) Italy (5) Greece (2) Etruria (1) Mainz (1) Turkey (1) Place Refine by Tag: ancient art ancient history ancient sculpture antiquities architecture art classical antiquities italy rome statues [Show more tags] Related Searches Additional Suggestions ancient art ancient history antiquities classical antiquities italy rome statues more ancient art ancient history ancient sculpture antiquities architecture art classical antiquities classical art classical art objects classical gems classical mythology diana emperors engraving engravings etruria fountains french engraving greece greek numismatics italy jacob de wilde x
Secrets of Lost Empires | Roman Bath | Construct an Aqueduct by Dennis Gaffney Aqueducts are one of the wonders of the Roman Empire. These graceful structures are not only majestic, but are engineering marvels that survive to this day. In "Construct an Aqueduct," you are hired as Chief Water Engineer by the Roman Emperor. Your job: to build an aqueduct that will supply the Roman city of Aqueductis with clean water to private homes, public baths and glorious fountains. NOVA's Roman Aqueduct Manual Helpful hints for building your aqueduct Construct an Aqueduct Java applet (120k) To play the Java version of this game, you need a Java 1.1-enabled browser. Special thanks to Peter Aicher for his invaluable help creating "Construct an Aqueduct." A Day at the Baths | Construct an Aqueduct | Watering Ancient Rome NOVA Builds a Bath | Real Roman Recipes | Resources | Transcript Medieval Siege | Pharaoh's Obelisk | Easter Island | Roman Bath | China Bridge | Site Map
Teatteri Antiikin ajan Roomassa Teatteri Antiikin ajan Roomassa Silta renessanssiin Aleksanteri Suuren 300-luvulla eaa. tekemien valloitusten jälkeen kreikkalaisen kulttuurin vaikutus levisi Välimeren alueen maihin. Noin 100-luvulla jaa. kreikkalaiset tragediat ja komediat olivat Roomassa muuttuneet esityksiksi, joita kutsuttiin pantomiimiksi ja miimusnäytelmiksi, joissa tekstillä ei enää ollut paljonkaan merkitystä. Roomalaisella kulttuurilla, näytelmillä, teatterikäytänteillä ja rakennuksilla on ollut suurempi vaikutus eurooppalaiseen teatteriin kuin kreikkalaisella. Toinen suuri tekijä oli kieli. Roomalaisen arkkitehdin, insinöörin ja kirjailijan Vitruviuksen teatteriarkkitehtuuria kuvaava teos "De architectura libri decem" noin vuodelta 25 eaa. on tärkeimpiä kirjallisia teatteria koskevia teoksia, joita antiikin Rooman ajalta on säilynyt.
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