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Lightbox 2

Why HSL Colors in CSS3 are Awesome! Did you know that you can use CSS HSL, or Hue, Saturation and Light, can be used anywhere you would normally use a color HEX number or RGB value? This insightful and incredibly helpful CSS tutorial will show you how to do it! This is a rather intuitive approach to color styling once you get the hang is how it all works. hue |(h)yoō|noun a color or shade : her face lost its golden hue | verdigris is greenish-yellow in hue.• the attribute of a color by virtue of which it is discernible as red, green, etc., and which is dependent on its dominant wavelength, and independent of intensity or lightness. light 1 |līt|noun1 the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible : the light of the sun | [in sing. ] the street lamps shed a faint light into the room.• a source of illumination, esp. an electric lamp : a light came on in his room.• the amount or quality of light in a place : the plant requires good light | in some lights she could look beautiful.

Initializr - Start an HTML5 Boilerplate project in 15 seconds! jCarouselLite - Project GitHub Star Us Kindly Star this project on GitHub jCarousel Lite is a jQuery plugin that carries you on a carousel ride filled with images and HTML content. Did I mention that it weighs just 2 KB? As if that wasn't enough, the best part is yet to come... If you have any questions, suggestions, recommendations, requests,..., you can reach me via twitter @ganeshmax. This demo is just a teaser. Thanks for dropping by. Why? Ofcourse you do, and yes, there are many great carousel plugins out there. jCarousel Lite is not a replacement for those heavy-weight plugins; rather it is a light-weight alternative for users (like me) whose primary focus is not to build a full-blown image gallery. Ok.

Building the Media Queries Style Sheet | Automatically Adapt Your Site for Any Screen Size with Dreamweaver Now you're ready to create a media queries style sheet and link in the alternate sheets you just created. Follow these steps: The final preset, Desktop, has a Min Width of 769 pixels and leaves the Max Width field blank. It uses the desktop.css style sheet. Media queries and alternate CSS style sheets are a powerful tool to make your site work well across the breadth of devices that people might use to view it. Dreamweaver's tools make setting up the media queries relatively easy, demystifying a previously confusing process. Tom Negrino is the author or coauthor of more than 40 books, covering such diverse topics as iCloud, Dreamweaver, JavaScript, Keynote, Microsoft Office, CSS, and more.

créer un site web statique hébergé sur github - Vous utilisez peut-être github pour héberger vos dépôts logiciels (repositories), voyons comment créer un site web (statique) qui ne sera rien d'autre qu'un dépôt parmi les autres. Il existe une autre variante qui consiste à créer un site au sein d'un projet existant, nous n'envisagerons pas ce cas dans le cadre de cet article. Pour notre exemple, nous allons utiliser mon nom d'utilisateur : cybermonde Le site sera accessible à l'adresse J'ai ajouté un domaine personnalisé : Ce domaine est configuré chez Gandi. La documentation complète est disponible ici : Créer le dépôt dont le nom sera obligatoirement : Ici : Toutes les autres options sont facultatives, je vous conseille de donner une description, d'ajouter un readme et surtout de laisser le dépôt public. Je suppose que vous êtes familier avec les commandes de bases de Git. Créons :

jQuery How to build a responsive HTML5 website - a step by step tutorial Rating: 8.6/10 (1247 votes cast) Required knowledge level: intermediate In this responsive web design tutorial we will create an awesome responsive HTML5 website starting from scratch. I tried to include as many different features as possible, so we will be dealing with a jQuery slider, CSS3 transitions and animations, CSS Media Queries and so on. This part of the tutorial will show you the HTML structure and the required scripts in a step by step tutorial. The second part will then show you how to style it using CSS3 features to create this stunning HTML5 cross-browser responsive website. Preview HTML5 responsive website Download Download it from GitHub7kB93356Times downloaded Please note that this tutorial is made for people who already have an intermediate knowledge level. First of all let´s have a look at the basic structure of our website. Creating the head – Doctype and Meta Tags In our head section let´s set the charset to UTF-8 which is also easier now in HTML5. <! That´s it already!

Welcome - Polymer 1.0 Présentation de ce cours complet JavaScript Objectifs de ce tutoriel JavaScript et prérequis Bienvenue dans ce nouveau cours traitant du langage de programmation JavaScript. Ce tutoriel est accessible à tous et pourra être bénéfique à chacun, que vous soyez déjà un expert en JavaScript ou un complet néophyte. Le seul prérequis indispensable pour suivre ce cours est d’avoir déjà de bonnes notions en HTML et en CSS, car dans le cas contraire vous ne pourrez pas suivre ce tutoriel. Si vous ne connaissez pas du tout le HTML ou le CSS, je vous invite à d’abord aller suivre mon tutoriel complet traitant de ces deux langages ici. Les objectifs de ce cours sont avant tout de vous présenter le fonctionnement du JavaScript et vous présenter les possibilités offertes par ce langage. Méthodologie et pédagogie Afin de simplifier votre apprentissage, ce cours a été divisé en parties elles mêmes subdivisées en chapitres étudiant chacun un aspect précis du JavaScript. Vous pouvez accéder à n’importe quel chapitre via le sommaire sur votre gauche.

Using CSS Pseudo-Classes to Style Your Links Using a CSS Pseudo-Class is one way to gain added control over conditional styling in your projects, perfect for links and other interactive elements. This insightful video tutorial will help you understand how. CSS Pseudo-Classes are pre-defined classes or styles that can be applied to tags or elements conditionally. This gives you a lot of power in how you allow users to engage with your content. For instance, it has become much more common to see links that have a different color representing their current state. There are many reasons you may want to include a styling choice like this, and added communication is at the top of that list. If this lesson in using CSS pseudo-classes was helpful to you, you should also check out this post on using HSL colors to help you find more unique color schemes to work with.

hakimel/reveal.js JuxtaposeJS — Northwestern University Knight Lab
