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What Are Some Great Interactive Classroom Technology Tools? The year was 1998, and my middle school mind was busy worrying about my favorite boy bands and if my overalls were cool enough. As if! Lucky for me (and my giant set of bangs), my middle school had added a computer lab full of iMacs to expose us to new technology. Like sweet snow cones, those strawberry, grape, and bondi blue computers called to us in all their colorful, bubbled glory. Times have changed — and so should education Nowadays, many middle school students have more computing power on a tiny device that jostles around in their pocket or backpack than we had in that whole lab of iMacs. Technology can be extremely engaging for students if (and only if) we as educators can figure out how to capture students’ enthusiasm and utilize it toward a productive end. Take that analogy and apply it to today. It’s an exciting time to be a teacher, but it can also feel overwhelming. Ready to increase student engagement, teach necessary academic content, and do many other things? 1. 2. 3.
Top 10 Tools For The Digital Classroom There is certainly no shortage of tech-based tools to use in the classroom. In this article we’ll examine some of the best, focusing specifically on those that are designed for encouraging, enhancing, and managing learning. 1. Socrative Socrative professes to be “your classroom app for fun, effective classroom engagement”. 2. Scratch is a simple, fun, and engaging introduction to programming, designed specifically for 8 to 16-year-olds. 3. According to Prezi, “creating, giving, and tracking beautiful interactive presentations is as easy as 1,2,3” with their cloud-based presentation software. 4. SelfCAD is a free, cloud-based 3D CAD software package for students. 5. Quizlet provides a platform for students and teachers to create and share their own learning materials, including flashcards and diagrams. 6. Google Classroom is a powerful community based social tool for learning. 7. Spark Video is part of the Adobe Spark suite. 8. 9. 10.
20 Must-use Education Technology Tools | HuffPost Impact Educators may feel sometimes like they're on an island with little help in sight. But as technology teaching resources go, it may encourage you to learn that there are a number of online solutions available to help promote education from teaching reading basics to organizing classroom activities and encouraging civic involvement. Here are 20 of the most promising new apps, websites and online education technology tools or services every teacher should be using to help improve classroom learning: Collaborize Classroom -- A free online collaborative platform designed to complement classroom instruction with additional activities, assignments and discussions that can be accessed online. Cool Math -- A collection of games that are designed to be safe to use in the classroom, covering a variety of math subjects as well as reading, science and geography. First In Math -- A schoolwide resource that teaches kids as young as kindergarten basic math skills via online games.
Az 5E-modell a gyakorlatban – Urban Science Magyarország Ebben a posztban olyan kapaszkodót kínálunk, amely azt mutatja meg, hogyan alkalmazható az 5E-modell a gyakorlatban. Mielőtt ezeket a receptkönyvszerű ajánlásokat közzétenném, hadd hangsúlyozzam, hogy ezek valóban mindössze ajánlások. Elsősorban arra szolgálnak, hogy a felfedeztető tanulásban kezdő, az ilyen foglalkozások vezetésében, tervezésében még járatlan pedagógusoknak fogódzót kínáljanak. Mindenekelőtt ismételjük át, mit jelent az 5E-modell. A felfedeztető tanulás tanulási ciklusokból építkezik. Egy másik segédletet Linda Lacy dolgozott ki, eredetileg egyesült államokbeli biológiatanárok számára. Az 5E a tanuló illetve a tanár szemszögéből (Linda Lacy összeállítása alapján (Lacy, 2005)) Tetszett a bejegyzés? Tetszik Betöltés...
Flipped Classroom: Engaging Students with EdPuzzle The flipped classroom model is a blended learning strategy I use to present my vocabulary, writing, and grammar instruction online. Students watch videos at home where they can control the pace of their learning, then they come to class prepared to apply that information in collaborative student-centered activities. One thing I emphasize when I lead professional development for teachers is the importance of flipping and engaging. A newer tool I’m excited to use with students come fall is EDpuzzle. Step 1: Find the Perfect Video Once you’ve created an account, you can search for videos using keywords or a URL. Step 2: Preview Your Video Step 3: Customize Your Video with EDpuzzle Tools EDpuzzle lets you trim your video to use only the parts you want students to watch. You can add audio clips throughout a video or narrate the entire video using EDpuzzle. Step 4: Add Questions to Get Students Thinking Critically Open-ended Questions Multiple Choice Questions
10 Best Free Educational Apps for Students | MIndster It was not long ago when smartphones were considered a source of distraction for students. Teachers and parents tried everything not to let smartphones affect the education of students. All their attempts ended in vain. But as the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining. Mobile apps turned smartphones into virtual classrooms where students do curricular activities with ease and focus. Further, the apps also encourage young children to love learning by making their stepping stone to education interactive and fun-filled. Mobile apps, along with new and advanced learning management software is changing the educational landscape. Be it learning subjects, organizing classroom activities, or developing skills in new fields, educational apps made everything simpler and enjoyable. This article will show you some of those best free educational apps for students and kids to help them see smartphones as a tool for learning. So fasten your seatbelts. Best 10 Free Educational Apps for Students 1. 3.
11 Best Educational Technology Tools To Watch Out For In 2022. inklewriter - Education Education inkle is looking to bring interactive stories to the classroom, and give teachers free and simple get-stuck-right-in software to use with their students. From within a web-browser, the inklewriter will let students make and play interactive stories with no programming required. Why make stories interactive anyway? The way our stories work is simple: the reader is given the text of a story in a small chunks, and after each, they get to make a decision about what happens next. Our first project, Frankenstein, uses interactivity to explore the different facets of Mary Shelley's original novel - allowing the reader to discover different aspects of the world, follow up hints and allusions in the text, and maybe even take some narrative paths that Shelley herself considered. How can students get involved? In the classroom, interactive writing offers an innovative, fun environment in which to write stories. Oh, and it's all free. Sign-up and email addresses That's no problem!
Google Classroom Tutorial: An Introduction Are you a teacher? Then you have probably heard of Google Classroom, a free web service by Google to promote paperless learning in schools. Used properly, it can take off a lot of stress that comes with teaching and having to deal with students and their needs. Follow the easy, detailed steps in this tutorial to familiarize yourself with Google Classroom. With over 40 million students and educators worldwide, it might be your turn to learn this platform. Related: 15 Hidden Google Games You Need to Play Accessing Google Classroom Although you can visit Google Classroom directly, if you’re using it for the first time, it is better to access it from your Gmail. You can see the Classroom icon easily in the Gmail window itself. You should now be able to see the welcome page. Getting Started For the first step, click the plus sign, and you can create or join your first class. Give your class a name and provide a section and subject details. Soon, you will see the homepage of your classroom.
Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator 20 Classroom Technology Tools You Might Not Know | Screencastify The use of technology in the classroom is no longer up for debate. It's now extremely clear: the effective use of classroom technology drives student results. But, any competent education professional would be quick to point out that student results are only positively impacted when they are introduced to the right tools. With a U.S. based edtech market that has raised more than a billion dollars over the last year, the options for technology tools to use in your classroom can seem infinite. So, take a look below for our carefully curated list of the newest tools to add to your arsenal. Classroom Technology that will Help Create Amazing Videos 🙌 1. Ok, fine! Listen to EdTech Heroes to learn the most important edtech skill from Kasey Bell: 2. The Tour Creator allows you to lead viewers through a point of interest you select or a well-known location like the Eiffel Tower or The Statue of Liberty. Try getting students involved by having them lead you through one of their favorite places. 3.
Make Worksheets in 6 Easy Steps - Lindsay Bowden Skip to content Learn how to make a math maze in 15 minutes [click for free training] Facebook-f Instagram Youtube Apple-alt Shopping-basket Envelope Menu Make Worksheets in 6 Easy Steps In this post, you will learn how to make worksheets for your classroom or to sell! Have you ever looked for a worksheet online and just can’t find exactly what you need? I would Google a topic and find tons of resources, but then I would spend time whiting out the parts I needed to change. Did I mention we don’t have textbooks? After a lot of research, I learned how to use Microsoft PowerPoint and Excel to make 100% of the resources I needed for my classroom. Below are the 6 steps I use to create my own teacher resources. You may also enjoy these posts: (Don’t worry, they’ll open in a new window so you won’t lose your spot here!) 1. As I mentioned above, I use PowerPoint to make worksheets. You may be thinking “Wait…PowerPoint? There are other software program options as well. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Happy teaching!