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6 Ed Tech Tools to Try in 2020. Flipped Classroom: Engaging Students with EdPuzzle. The flipped classroom model is a blended learning strategy I use to present my vocabulary, writing, and grammar instruction online.

Flipped Classroom: Engaging Students with EdPuzzle

Students watch videos at home where they can control the pace of their learning, then they come to class prepared to apply that information in collaborative student-centered activities. One thing I emphasize when I lead professional development for teachers is the importance of flipping and engaging. Instead of simply consuming information, I want students to think critically about that information. This requires that I design flipped lessons that encourage students to ask questions, analyze the information, and discuss concepts with peers asynchronously online to begin making sense of the information they are receiving at home. There are a variety of ways to do this. A newer tool I’m excited to use with students come fall is EDpuzzle. Step 1: Find the Perfect Video Once you’ve created an account, you can search for videos using keywords or a URL.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. 20 Digital Tools for Classroom for Innovative Teachers & Students. In the world we live in is, technology is literally everywhere and the kids adapt to it more than anyone else.

20 Digital Tools for Classroom for Innovative Teachers & Students

Unlike teachers, students are being raised in a digital world. What Are Some Great Interactive Classroom Technology Tools? The year was 1998, and my middle school mind was busy worrying about my favorite boy bands and if my overalls were cool enough.

What Are Some Great Interactive Classroom Technology Tools?

As if! Lucky for me (and my giant set of bangs), my middle school had added a computer lab full of iMacs to expose us to new technology. Like sweet snow cones, those strawberry, grape, and bondi blue computers called to us in all their colorful, bubbled glory. Our primary objective, of course, was to complete whatever typing task the teacher had assigned so we could then hop on Kid Pix and create a dazzling design or play Gizmos and Gadgets. Times have changed — and so should education Nowadays, many middle school students have more computing power on a tiny device that jostles around in their pocket or backpack than we had in that whole lab of iMacs. Google Classroom Tutorial: An Introduction.

Are you a teacher?

Google Classroom Tutorial: An Introduction

Then you have probably heard of Google Classroom, a free web service by Google to promote paperless learning in schools. Used properly, it can take off a lot of stress that comes with teaching and having to deal with students and their needs. Follow the easy, detailed steps in this tutorial to familiarize yourself with Google Classroom. With over 40 million students and educators worldwide, it might be your turn to learn this platform. Related: 15 Hidden Google Games You Need to Play Accessing Google Classroom Although you can visit Google Classroom directly, if you’re using it for the first time, it is better to access it from your Gmail.

You can see the Classroom icon easily in the Gmail window itself. You should now be able to see the welcome page. Getting Started For the first step, click the plus sign, and you can create or join your first class. Give your class a name and provide a section and subject details. Soon, you will see the homepage of your classroom. 10 Free Tech Tools & Websites Every Teacher Should Know About. Confession: I was a late tech adopter.

10 Free Tech Tools & Websites Every Teacher Should Know About

I didn’t own a computer until I was in college. I couldn’t record on the VCR, and I didn’t have a smartphone until about 2009. As a new teacher, I felt comfortable with PowerPoint and Word, yet I rarely explored any other tech tools. Technology Tools. Education World offers new technology content every day. Some of our pieces related to technology tools can be found in this archive. We do update these aritcles reguarly, but given the changing nature of technology, we cannot promse that every piece will be on the cutting edge. Please visit our technology front page for the latest, most up-to-date tech stories.

Social Media in the Classroom? In this information age, we can now talk to each other in ways we never imagined. Five for Fun Lots of image generators are available on the Web. Hardware and Software Essentials We asked members of the Education World Tech Team to tell us what hardware and software they consider essential -- or invaluable -- for todays educator? Podcast for Free on a PC Dont let Mac users have all the fun. Best Apps and Websites for the Flipped Classroom. 20 Classroom Technology Tools You Might Not Know. The use of technology in the classroom is no longer up for debate.

20 Classroom Technology Tools You Might Not Know

It's now extremely clear: the effective use of classroom technology drives student results. But, any competent education professional would be quick to point out that student results are only positively impacted when they are introduced to the right tools. With a U.S. based edtech market that has raised more than a billion dollars over the last year, the options for technology tools to use in your classroom can seem infinite.

Luckily, we're here to help! We've scoured the internet, the latest conferences, and Twitter for the newest, most effective tools to use in your classroom. 6 cool educational technology tools for teachers. We’ve all been to professional development events that focus on educational technology — vendors are always touting the next big thing to help students learn.

6 cool educational technology tools for teachers

But which educational technology tools should you work with, and why? Whatever technology you settle on, it needs to benefit both you and your students. These advantages might include saving time, increasing student engagement, improving parent-teacher communication, or introducing content-sharing features to the classroom.