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LoonaPix Dumpr - Photo Fun Gregor Mendel Gregor Mendel is recognized as the father of genetics. He: • Founded the science of genetics. • Showed that people’s ideas about how living organisms passed traits on to their offspring were wrong. • Identified many of the rules of heredity. • Saw that living things pass traits to the next generation by something which remains unchanged in successive generations of an organism – we now call this ‘something’ genes. • Realized that traits could skip a generation – seemingly lost traits could appear again in another generation – he called these recessive traits. • Identified recessive and dominant traits which pass from parents to offspring. • Established, momentously, that traits pass from parents to their offspring in a mathematically predictable way. Mendel’s work only made a big impact in 1900, 16 years after his death, and 34 years after he first published it. Advertisements Mendel’s Education and the Abbey of St. You want to keep doing science? Learning and Teaching Science Research and Admin Online Photo Effects cookie barclose This website makes use of cookies to enhance browsing experience and provide additional functionality. None of this data can or will be used to identify or contact you. This website makes use of third party cookies, see the details in the privacy policy. This website makes use of tracking cookies, see the details in the privacy policy. By clicking Allow cookies you give your permission to this website to store small bits of data on your device. By clicking Disallow cookies, or by scrolling the page, you deny your consent to store any cookies and localStorage data for this website, eventually deleting already stored cookies (some parts of the site may stop working properly). To learn more about cookies and localStorage, visit Information Commissioner's Office. To disable all cookies through the browser, click on the corresponding icon and follow the instructions:

Desde Mendel hasta las moléculas | Blog educativo: Leyes de Mendel, genética clásica y molecular Web 2.0 Técnicas para convertir tus fotografías a blanco y negro con Photoshop. | En busca de la fotografía perfecta En este tutorial vamos a conocer diferentes técnicas, basadas en Photoshop , para poder pasar nuestras fotografías en formato .jpg de color al blanco y negro, y todo esto con unos pocos y sencillos pasos. *Presupondremos que serán en formato .jpg, puesto que si están en formato RAW las posibilidades de edición se multiplican exponencialmente al poder utilizar para editarlas Camera Raw. Es posible que a estas alturas muchos os preguntéis: ¿Pero aún hay alguien que no hace sus fotografías en color?. El principal objetivo de este tutorial es aprender a ejercer el control creativo durante la conversión a blanco y negro. Una de las formas más sencillas para conseguir una fotografía en blanco y negro es directamente con la cámara de fotos. Ventajas de trabajar en RAW Un archivo RAW contiene todos los datos en bruto que captura el sensor y ocupa mucho más espacio que otro en formato .jpg. Métodos para convertir a blanco y negro 1-Convertir a escala de grises (destructiva) Con Photoshop haríamos:
