Photoshop Shortcuts – The Fun Way In this post I’m going to focus on several Photoshop shortcuts that I tend to use more often than others. Sure I could sit here and spell out every single shortcut available, but why reinvent the wheel? Here is a list of 10 of my favorite and most used Photoshop shortcuts delivered to you via Mr. Stickman. Zoom with scroll Sure you can use the zoom tool straight off of the tool bar, but there is a much easier way. Individual font scaling If you’re looking to change the individual font size for a particular word or word-phrase within the text of your Photoshop document, simply highlight the text and hold Ctrl + Shift while using the > or < key to change the size of the font in 2px increments. 100% zoom Often times when I’m working on a project, I’ll zoom in particularly close to handle detail-oriented aspects of the design. Brush size I’m a fan of the brush tool, as most people are. Layer opacity The amount of transparency that a particular layer displays is know as it’s opacity. Super nudge
PARC NATIONAL VOLCANIQUE DE LASSEN Le parc national volcanique de Lassen (en anglais : Lassen Volcanic National Park), parfois appelé parc national Lassen Volcanic, est un parc national américain caractérisé par ses paysages volcaniques. Couvrant une superficie de 429 km2, il est situé dans une zone montagneuse et boisée au nord de la Californie à la jonction des comtés de Lassen, Plumas, Shasta et Tehama. La région est soumise à une activité volcanique depuis plusieurs millions d'années mais l'histoire géologique récente du parc est liée au Lassen Peak, un volcan de la chaîne des Cascades (Cascade Range) devenu célèbre à la suite de son éruption de 1915. Les Amérindiens peuplent la région depuis plusieurs milliers d'années et y vivent de la cueillette et de la chasse. National Park Service, Harpers Ferry Center La zone est classée le 6 mai 1907 sous la forme de deux monuments nationaux dénommés Cinder Cone National Monument et Lassen Peak National Monument. Géographie et Portland à plus de 700 kilomètres au nord. Relief Climat
Fotografias de Mohammadreza Momeni. Foto Mohammadreza Momeni. Lumière Argentique The Myth of DPI Many people seem to get hung up on the DPI (dots per inch) or PPI (pixels per inch) setting within a digital photo as a measure of the quality of those photos. To set the record straight, the DPI/PPI setting within a digital photo has NOTHING to do with digital image quality! The resolution of a digital image is its pixels (usually expressed as megapixels). The PPI of a paper print IS a measure of quality (of the paper print, not of the digital photo) - but it has nothing (in real world terms) to do with the DPI/PPI setting within the photo. Confused? Read on. If you've read the sections titled "What is a Digital Photo" and "What is a High Resolution Photo" you'll know that there are four main factors that determine image quality: Several other factors also come into play, but the above are the main factors that determine the overall quality of the original digital photo. The size of a digital photo is measured in pixels (the smallest colour component in a photo).
Creative Nerd AWESOME This article features a huge amount of Photoshop web design tutorials, which will teach you simple effects which can be combined together in order to create a great website design. Theses tutorials are perfect for first time Photoshop users because there short and sweet. I hope you enjoy the article and feel free to leave a comment below. 1) Carbon Fiber Layout you’ll learn how to make this sleek layout with a carbon fiber background that would look great as a landing page for a website. 2) Design Studio Layout In this tutorial you will learn how to make a layout for your design studio website. 3) Create a web 2.0 layout in photoshop In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a very fancy “Web 2.0″ website layout in Adobe Photoshop using beginners skills. 4) Watercolored design studio blog layout In this tutorial you will learn how to make a clean and simple watercolor design studio layout for a blog. 5) Corporate Business Layout 6) How to create a worn paper layout 7) Arhitecture layout
ZooParc de Beauval - Bienvenue sur le site web du ZooParc de Beauval A Trip to Iran - In Focus Amos Chapple is a travel photographer who made the following pictures over the course of three visits to the Islamic Republic of Iran between December 2011 and January 2013. The New Zealand freelancer said he "was amazed by the difference in western perceptions of the country, and what I saw on the ground... I think because access for journalists is so difficult, people have a skewed image of what Iran is -- the regime actually want to portray the country as a cauldron of anti-western sentiment so they syndicate news footage of chanting nutcases which is happily picked up by overseas networks. Use j/k keys or ←/→ to navigate Choose: Palangan Village, in the mountains near the Iraq border. A worker inside Vakil Mosque, Shiraz. At the Sa'adabad Palace complex in northern Tehran, Islamic revolutionaries sawed a statue of the deposed Shah in half. Women in the hills above Tehran at dusk. A shepherd leads his flock out to pasture in the mountains on the Iran/Iraq border.
FOTO POVERA, des pratiques alternatives
la photo amateur qui parfois défie le professionnalisme Ici on expose on se donne des avis éventuellement des conseils et on visionne des photos souvent sublimes ou très originales On peut ouvrir un compte et déposer les nôtres evidemment car ça fonctionne avec chacun chacune Bien sûr toute gratuité est hélas plafonnée a certaines limites mais avec celles qui existent sur ce site on peut déja se régaler alors Régalons partager ! by samael2tobias Sep 28