George Monbiot: Lord Turner's climate change report is long, detailed ... Lord Turner has two jobs. The first, as chair of the Financial Services Authority, is to save capitalism. The second, as chair of the committee on climate change, is to save the biosphere from the impacts of capitalism. I have no idea how well he is discharging the first task, but if his approach to the second one is anything to go by, you should dump your shares and buy gold. His climate change report, published yesterday, is long, detailed and impressive. It has the admirable objective of trying to cap global warming at two degrees or a little more. Run Jesus Run a.k.a. The 10 Second Gospel Run Jesus Run: aka the 10 second gospel Made in 4 days for the Experimental Gameplay Project - theme "10 seconds" Instructions: click on the Flash object to start. You have 10 seconds to redeem the humanity. Arrow keys: Run. Space: Do Jesus Things.
carlos henrique siqueira February 12, 2014 at 4:33pm0 notes Hoje, em todo lugar, tenta-se desmantelar o arquivo fotográfico, quer dizer, o conjunto das práticas, instituições, relações de onde surgiu inicialmente a fotografia do século XIX, para reconstruído no quadro das categorias já construídas pela arte e sua história". Não é difícil imaginar quais os motivos de semelhante operação, mas o que é mais difícil de entender é a indulgência para com o tipo de incoerência que isso produz". — ( R. Krauss, Espaços discursivos da fotografia. in ‘O fotográfico’, p. 56.)
Nature loss 'dwarfs bank crisis' The global economy is losing more money from the disappearance of forests than through the current banking crisis, according to an EU-commissioned study. It puts the annual cost of forest loss at between $2 trillion and $5 trillion. The figure comes from adding the value of the various services that forests perform, such as providing clean water and absorbing carbon dioxide. The study, headed by a Deutsche Bank economist, parallels the Stern Review into the economics of climate change. Fallacy List 1. FAULTY CAUSE: (post hoc ergo propter hoc) mistakes correlation or association for causation, by assuming that because one thing follows another it was caused by the other. example: A black cat crossed Babbs' path yesterday and, sure enough, she was involved in an automobile accident later that same afternoon. example: The introduction of sex education courses at the high school level has resulted in increased promiscuity among teens.
«Redemption»: mélancolie européenne A la Mostra, en marge de la compétition, Miguel Gomes présente un splendide court métrage où il met en scène la mémoire inventée de Berlusconi, Sarkozy, Merkel et Passos Coehlo. L'usage festivalier consacré dicte certes de se rendre surtout à Venise, Cannes, Berlin ou Locarno pour assister à l’exhibition d’un défilé curaté de grand-œuvres plus ou moins aimables qui retiendront tous les commentaires, mis en compétition et censés figurer une certaine idée élitaire, hypothétique, de ce qui nourrit le présent du cinéma. En marge, bien qu’assignées surtout au défrichage, les sections parallèles détiennent aussi la vocation à constituer un point de rendez-vous disons plus informel, où l’on vient simplement prendre des nouvelles de tel cinéaste estimé entre deux ambitieux projets, ou tel trajet d’une œuvre aimée qui continue de s’écrire dans le creux. Photo DR Photo DR
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