eCanCrusher is a simple application to convert an EPUB folder into a compressed .epub file or vice versa. eCanCrusher is free of charge. To convert, drag/drop an EPUB folder or an .epub file onto the eCanCrusher application icon.
CSS Masking
Two commonly used operations in computer graphics are clipping and masking. Both operations hide visual portions of an element. If you have worked with SVG or HTML Canvas before, these operations are probably not new for you.
The Future of the Web
The Future of the Web I know, I know. The title sounds like SEO-link-bait, I apologize.
Brick by Mozilla
A few months ago I wrote a post that was - perhaps - a bit over the top: The Future of the Web. I don't deny that the title was a bit sensational, but, I honestly felt excited about what I was seeing and truly think we are seeing a tectonic shift in web development. Today's blog post isn't quite that earth shattering, but I think it's pretty darn cool. About a week or so ago Mozilla announced the release of Brick.
phonegap - Sharing what I know
If you know Javascript, I believe Phonegap offers the quickest way to develop a mobile app for several platforms (iPhone, Android, etc) in one go. You write HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript that calls a special API to access the device's GPS, acceleromoter, camera etc. It can be so easy - yet you can create very complex apps.
How to add Edge Animate Web Publish to FL EPUB
I think I have a solution, though at the moment it's only working for animations created in Hype, and not for those made in Edge Animate. If the solution could be extended to Edge, that would be great, but for now, feedback on this solution would be appreciated: - Use the Hype OAM export plug-in to create an OAM
Creating apps with PhoneGap: Lessons learned
The DOM, otherwise known as Document Object Model, isn’t quite your best friend when building PhoneGap applications. One of the downsides to making rich, feature-heavy transitions and effects is the number of times that the DOM must change. For example, when you click a button and want an overlay to appear on the page, you must alter the DOM to show that element.
Ajar Productions
Free course: Becoming a Digital Publishing Master with in5 Are you interested in using your design skills to publish digital content? This 22-part course will start you off with the very basics and walk you through to creating advanced interactivity and publishing apps.
HTML5 for Publishers > HTML5 for Publishers > 4. Embedding HTML5 in EPUB
Thus far, we’ve built several HTML5 applications well suited to be embeded in ebooks. Now we’ll take a look at how to structure and embed this HTML5 content in an EPUB. A mimetype document containing the text application/epub+zip, which identifies the document as an EPUBA set of HTML content documents and referenced media files that contain all the book contentA Package Document (often referred to as the OPF file), which contains a <manifest> that lists all the resources in the document and a <spine> that specifies the proper sequencing of the HTML contentA META-INF directory containing a container.xml file that identifies the location of the Package Document and, optionally, an encryption.xml file that holds encryption info if your EPUB will contain DRMA Table of Contents document (in EPUB 2.01, a NCX file; in EPUB 3, a Navigation Document) Note <?
HTML5 for Publishers
Thus far, we’ve built several HTML5 applications well suited to be embeded in ebooks. Now we’ll take a look at how to structure and embed this HTML5 content in an EPUB. Embedding HTML5 content within an EPUB is done in the same fashion as any other HTML content; just add the file to your EPUB zip, and reference it in the OPF file. However, one important caveat is that many ereaders (most notably, iBooks) will not successfully parse HTML5 content unless the standard XHTML namespace is included on the <html> tag as follows: So be careful not to leave out the declaration highlighted in bold above. Also, any and all resources referenced in your HTML content need to be listed in the OPF <manifest>.
Create rich-layout publications in EPUB 3 with HTML5, CSS3, and MathML
Explore the next-generation open eBook standard for advanced layout and typography Liza DalyPublished on March 20, 2012/Updated: July 05, 2012 EPUB is the XML format for reflowable digital books and publications standardized by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF).
The Conundrum of Digital Publishing – HTML5 or EPUB 3?
The Digital Book World event has just wrapped up and marked the first large publishing gathering of 2013. Many of the exhibitors and speakers hyped up either EPUB3 or HTML5, as a way to distribute digital content. No one could quite agree on where the future of the industry will take us and many indie companies are focusing on one or the other.
The following resources will help you create your ePUB files. ePUB Resources The International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) develops and maintains the EPUB® standard format for reflowable digital books and other digital publications that are interoperable between disparate reading devices and applications. It is responsible for the ePUB specification. The IDPF approved the ePUB 3 specification in September 2011. ePUB 2.0.1 specification