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The Animal Sounds Song

The Animal Sounds Song

Hydrocarbons A functional group is a reactive portion of a molecule. The combinations of functional groups with hydrocarbons produce a vast number of compounds. Particular types of reactions are associated with the functional groups with different structural attachments, giving rise to names associated with such compounds. There are names associated with the functional groups themselves - a good collection of such groups with their names can be found in Wikipedia.

Latticework In India, the house of a rich or noble person may be built with a baramdah or verandah surrounding every level leading to the living area. The upper floors often have balconies overlooking the street that are shielded by jalis (latticed screens) carved in stone latticework that keeps the area cool and gives privacy.[3] Examples[edit] Latticework window in Iran See also[edit] Notes[edit] External links[edit]
