The landscape of innovation approaches
Through our work in the Nesta Innovation Skills team, we often find ourselves being asked by governments and civil servants which innovation tools and techniques they should use. So what innovation approaches are there that can be applied in the public sector? And how are they related to each other? With these questions in mind, over the last couple of years we’ve been mapping out the various innovation methods and approaches we’ve come across from studying innovation practice and our many conversations with different lab practitioners, colleagues and other innovation experts.
3 Ingredients For Accessing Your Creative Genius
You are able to do a certain set of things better than anyone else. This is your core genius. It is your original brand of brilliance. For instance, some people are excellent at interpersonal relating. As a result, they attract top-talent into their organization and gain buy-in for projects extremely quickly.
Lateral Thinking Puzzles
Lateral thinking puzzles that challenge your preconceptions. 1. You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus:
8 tips to make your life more surprising — from a “Surprisologist”
A closeup of Tania Luna, with glow stick. Photo: James Duncan Davidson In today’s talk, Tania Luna shares her experience of immigrating to the United States from Ukraine as a little girl. Perfectly happy with her family’s outhouse and with chewing a single piece of Bazooka gum for a week, Luna found herself blown away by the wonders of her new country. From pizza to pennies to pit-bulls, Luna’s moving story reminds us to appreciate the unexpected joys of daily life and to embrace uncertainty. This philosophy translates directly to Luna’s day job, as a Surprisologist.
Creativity across the life-span: A systems view
Csikszentmihalyi, M. Talent Development III, pp. 9-18 Gifted Psychology Press 1995 This article by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi looks at three major issues related to creativity over a lifespan.
An existentialist guide to life, work, dating, and exercise — Quartzy
Some people are apparently totally cool with living in an absurd world. Presumably, these folks don’t experience existence as futile or see enthusiasm as foolish. However, not all of us are so lucky or plucky, and so we’re left mustering up reasons to be and do even as we sense it’s all pointless. We can’t go on. We must go on.
Your Cheat Sheet for Re-creating the Hottest Graphic Design Trends
Your Cheat Sheet for Re-creating the Hottest Graphic Design Trends I’m a strong believer in hiring a professional designer to brand one’s business as soon as financially viable. In the meantime however, with a little Photoshop savvy, artists and crafters can take advantage of the abundance of quality Photoshop tutorials and free resources available online. In this post, I’ll point you towards six of the hottest design trends together with beginner-level Photoshop tutorials that show you how to do it yourself. Letterpress Effects
The Beginner’s Guide to Deliberate Practice - James Clear - Pocket
In some circles, Ben Hogan is credited with “inventing practice.” Hogan was one of the greatest golfers of the 20th century, an accomplishment he achieved through tireless repetition. He simply loved to practice. Hogan said, “I couldn't wait to get up in the morning so I could hit balls. I'd be at the practice tee at the crack of dawn, hit balls for a few hours, then take a break and get right back to it.” 1 For Hogan, every practice session had a purpose.