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Registry of Research Data Repositories

Registry of Research Data Repositories

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Data repositories - Open Access Directory From Open Access Directory This list is part of the Open Access Directory. This is a list of repositories and databases for open data. Questionnaire design Perhaps the most important part of the survey process is the creation of questions that accurately measure the opinions, experiences and behaviors of the public. Accurate random sampling and high response rates will be wasted if the information gathered is built on a shaky foundation of ambiguous or biased questions. Creating good measures involves both writing good questions and organizing them to form the questionnaire. Statistical Information and Datasets These subscription and free resources provide access to a wealth of UK, and global statistical information including demographic and macroeconomic data. Access UK Sources ESRC site providing access to users in UK higher and further education institutions to data from the 1971, 1981, 1991 and 2001 UK censuses.

How to create a good data management plan Data management plans are growing in importance in the world of research. Not only are funders increasingly making these plans a requirement when researchers submit their grant applications, they are also a very useful tool to save researchers time and effort when running experiments. Additionally, they add value to the wider scientific community as well-organized data provides a great starting point for other researchers to carry out further analysis. But what are they? Data management plans simply describe how data will be acquired, treated and preserved both during and after a research project.

Premise Data General How many countries do you operate? We’re currently in more than 30 countries across six continents. How do you decide which countries you’ll start a network in next? Capacity The use of large scale data-sets in educational research Introduction In the last few decades, there has been an unprecedented increase in the availability and quality of large-scale data sets that are suitable for use in education research. Analyses of these data have the potential to radically improve the robustness and generalisability of educational research (See for example our project on Widening Participation in Higher Education: A Quantitative Analysis ). Elements of a Data Management Plan Skip to Main Content Data Management Plan Resources and Examples Resources for Development Templates & Tools Guidance on Funder Requirements University Data Management Web Sites

5 Awesome Free Data Analysis Tools: Extract, Clean, and Share Your Data 05.01.2016 by Marisa Krystian Data analysis is the process of cleaning, inspecting, transforming, and modeling data in order to uncover useful information. Data analysis can be tricky! But, with these five free online tools, you’ll be able to clean up, search, share, extract, and convert data with ease. Mr. Getting started – Understanding Society First steps Whether you are a PhD student or an experienced academic or analyst, a policy maker, think-tank or practitioner, Understanding Society data is a rich and valuable resource that you can use in your research and work. Efforts to make the data as widely and as easily available as possible are ongoing. The team behind the survey is available to provide helpful advice, training and support to those interested in finding out more and then using the data and findings. If you still have a question after reading all the available information in this guide and after searching the website more widely, please visit the support forum or feel free to email the survey team. New to the survey?

Preparing raw clinical data for publication: guidance for journal editors, authors, and peer reviewers Background Many peer-reviewed journals’ instructions for authors require that authors should be prepared to share their raw (that is, unprocessed) data with other scientists on request. Although data sharing is commonplace in some scientific disciplines and is a requirement of a number of major research funding agencies’ policies, this culture has not yet been widely adopted by the clinical research community. Some journals have appealed to their authors to increase the availability of medical research data,1 2 3 recognising the benefits of such transparency.

Interview with Rick Smolan on ‘The Human Face of Big Data’ Manu: Rick, can you tell us a bit about yourself? I saw in your TED talk that you used to be a photo journalist, so how did you get started on this journey? Rick Smolan: Yes, I was always very curious as a person so it’s interesting that I’d end up in a job where I get paid to be curious. As you saw in the TED talk, I went from being a journalist where I work for other people who set the agenda, to the fortunate position of being able to steer my own ship.
