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FlexPaper - The web based pdf viewer solution

PDFObject: Standards-friendly PDF embedding Creating a Digital Clock in Flash Using ActionScript 1. Before I begin – for those of you who want an easy way out of this tutorial, you can create a free, professional website with Wix that will look like a very professional website. Now for those who are still interested in going through with the tutorial, I will continue. 2. click on the text tool is the one with the letter “A” on it make sure is on static text and type the following “time”, “today”, and “date” 3. 4. 5. follow that step again for the next two boxes. 6.The next step click on the first static box and convert it to a symbol to do this select it and press (F8) make sure movie clip is clicked and name it whatever you want. 7. 8. 9. 10. onClipEvent (enterFrame) { This part of the code loops the actions contained within it every time the movie is accessed. myTime = new Date(); This creates the Date Object that will be used to retrieve the information from your system. nSeconds = myTime.getSeconds(); nMinutes = myTime.getMinutes(); nHours = myTime.getHours(); onClipEvent (load){

11 HTML5 Game Development Tutorials Gone are the days where games were only possible with plugin technologies such as Flash. The newest iteration of HTML, HTML5 can be used with JavaScript, CSS3, and WebGL to create beautiful, unique, engaging games that can be played on the web or mobile devices like the iPad or Android phones. In this article you have a collection of 11 HTML5 Game Development Tutorials that you can find online. These tutorials will help you either learn HTML5 or to enhance your skills. HTML5 is growing up faster than anyone could have imagined. Powerful and professional solutions are already being developed…even in the gaming world! In this tutorial, You ll learn how to use the basic features of HTML5 and get the simple game of Snake up and ready within a couple of hours, even if you are a beginner. When you want to write casual games using the HTML5 Canvas element, you’ll need to find a way to handle your sprites. HTML5 game development isn’t a straight science.

Downloading jQuery Compressed and uncompressed copies of jQuery files are available. The uncompressed file is best used during development or debugging; the compressed file saves bandwidth and improves performance in production. You can also download a sourcemap file for use when debugging with a compressed file. The map file is not required for users to run jQuery, it just improves the developer's debugger experience. As of jQuery 1.11.0/2.1.0 the //# sourceMappingURL comment is not included in the compressed file. To locally download these files, right-click the link and select "Save as..." from the menu. The jQuery 1.x line had major changes as of jQuery 1.9.0. Download the compressed, production jQuery 1.12.3 Download the uncompressed, development jQuery 1.12.3 Download the map file for jQuery 1.12.3 jQuery 1.12.3 release notes jQuery 2.x has the same API as jQuery 1.x, but does not support Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8. Download the compressed, production jQuery 2.2.3 Download the map file for jQuery 2.2.3

10 Parallax Plugins and Tutorials Parallax scrolling is used to create an animated illusion of depth and it is getting pretty popular in web design. Want to know how you can achieve the same effect in your designs? The Parallax plugins and tutorials below will surely help you better understand this technique. Want some more inspiration? jQuery Parallax Plugin This jQuery Parallax is a script that helps you create an awesome parallax effect. jParallax Parallax turns nodes into absolutely positioned layers that move in response to the mouse. Layers Slider LayerSlider is a great parallax effect slider. Parallax Slider with jQuery Tutorial The parallax principle to move different backgrounds when we slide to an image in order to create some nice perspective. One Page Website – Vertical Parallax Tutorial On this tutorial you’ll learn how to create something inspired by Nike’s website using jQuery and CSS. Build a Parallax Scrolling Website Interface with jQuery and CSS Animated Header Background Paradigm Slider About the Author

100 Creativos Diseños de Hojas de Vida El mundo de la publicidad y mercadeo cada día exige profesionales más preparados y mucho más creativos, por esa razón no solo basta con tener estudios y experiencia sino también es importante la manera en cómo te vendes como profesional. Si somos realistas la competencia laboral cada día es mayor y es necesario recurrir a nuevas estrategias para llamar la atención de aquellas empresas en las cuales queremos trabajar, por esta razón es recomendable realizar una hoja de vida creativa donde puedas dar a conocer todo el talento que tienes por ofrecer. Por esta razón hemos realizado este artículo titulado 100+ Creativos Diseños de Hojas de Vida para tu inspiración, toda clase de diseños que de seguro te darán toda clase de ideas para diseñar o rediseñar tu hoja de vida. Disfruta de 100 diferentes diseños de Currículum vítae realmente ingeniosos y creativos. La continuación en Pagina 2 Author: Miguel

Main Page 21 Beautiful And Creative Navigation Menus Website Navigation Design all comes within the website interface category. Its crucial to make it easy to use, and find for the client. This doesn’t mean it has to be simple though. I have looked at some amazing websites, that have integrated some creative navigation menus designs into their website. They have been original with their designs, and made it easy to use and beautiful at the same time. Before I proceed, though, I want to let you know that you can you can create a free flash website with Wix that will look like a very professional website and gives you total control to create awesome navigation menus. Branded07 This is a simple navigation menu design, but what makes it interesting is the hover effect and the added textures. SohTanAka What I like most about this navigation menu is the way it has the RSS icon incorporated. Aprefolio Aprefolio’s navigation bar has a tab-like appearance. Project Vino This navigation bar is somewhat similar to the one above. Nitram Nunca Kupferwerk

Usando audio y video con HTML5 HTML5 introduce soporte integrado para el contenido multimedia gracias a los elementos <audio> y <video>, ofreciendo la posibilidad de insertar contenido multimedia en documentos HTML. Insertar contenido multimedia en tus documentos HTML es trivial: <video src=" controls> Tu navegador no implementa el elemento <code>video</code>. </video> Este ejemplo reproduce un vídeo de ejemplo, con los controles de reproducción, desde el sitio Web de Theora. Este es un ejemplo para insertar audio en tu documento HTML <audio src="/test/audio.ogg"><p>Tu navegador no implementa el elemento audio. El atributo src puede ser una URL del archivo de audio o la ruta al archivo en el sistema local. <audio src="audio.ogg" controls autoplay loop><p>Tu navegador no implementa el elemento audio</p></audio> Este código de ejemplo usa los atributos del elemento <audio>: Esto reproduce el archivo Ogg en navegadores que admiten el formato Ogg. #t=[starttime][,endtime]

minify - What's the difference between jquery.js and jquery.min.js 10 Awesome jQuery and HTML5 Audio Players Want to play audio on your website? These jQuery and HTML5 Audio Players plugins will be very useful to you. They’re great for fullscreen websites which use audio to create a certain mood or feel or for band and DJ’s websites. Need more jQuery plugins? Check out these jQuery Pagination Plugins and Tutorials and WordPress Mobile Plugins. jPlayer jPlayer is the completely free and open source (GPL/MIT) media library written in JavaScript. jPlayer allows you to rapidly weave cross platform audio and video into your web pages. jPlayer’s comprehensive API allows you to create innovative media solutions while support and encouragement is provided by jPlayer’s active and growing community. Media Element js Instead of offering an HTML5 player to modern browsers and a totally separate Flash player to older browsers, MediaElement.js upgrades them with custom Flash and Silverlight plugins that mimic the HTML5 MediaElement API. MediaBox HTML5 Music Player with 3 CSS3 Skins Universal HTML5 Player MusicBox

Icon Archive - Search 418,049 free icons, desktop icons, download icons, social icons, xp icons, vista icons docs-ui.js - docbookeditor - Hybrid WYSIWYG editor for DocBook XML and HTML Older revisions 38e7bf5b1944 by mbolin on Nov 26, 2010 Diff Closurized dk.BookEditor: extends goog.ui.Component and uses standard component paradigms. 0e621b73ec63 by mbolin on Oct 31, 2010 Diff it is now possible to save using the editor 746b298748ad by mbolin on Oct 31, 2010 Diff Got basic proxying working so that the editor can fetch the user's list of documents. All revisions of this file

Making Better Select Elements with jQuery and CSS3 Martin Angelov When creating your web designs, you are always striving for a consistent look across the different browsers. Unfortunately, one of the most fundamental elements of your website – the browser controls – also prove the most difficult to style. This is why, today we are building a script that is going to take an ordinary select element, and replace it with a better looking, markup powered version, while keeping all the functionality intact. Per popular demand, this script is now available as a stand-alone jQuery plugin. The HTML As usual, we are start with the HTML part of the tutorial. select-jquery.html You can see that we are using the data attributes to embed information in the option elements of the select. I’ve set an arbitrary data-skip attribute on the first element, so that our script knows not to include it in the generated list. A Better Select Element with jQuery & CSS3 The jQuery Now lets take a closer look at how this code is generated. js/script.js The CSS Learn more
