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The Human Brain · Atlas of the Human Brain · Brain in Stereotaxic Space Brain – The Atlas of the Human Brain in Stereotaxic Space A short introduction in to the Atlas of the Human Brain and the Brain used throughout for the research on this site. To take a more systematical approach to the use of the provided material both on the DVD from the "Atlas of the Human Brain" and the applications you can find on this website the following explanatory steps might help. Figure 1: The Brain used for research in the "Atlas of the Human Brain" and which are used for the main applications is from a 24-year-old male from the Vogt collection in Düsseldorf. Further details about The Brain.

Crimando's Skeleton Tutorials [ Crimando's HomePage | GateWay HomePage | Legal Disclaimer ] Last Modified: January, 2008 (J. Crimando). Skeleton Tutorials Breath Sounds Lung sounds Breath Sounds Auscultation of lungs help determine the airway and alveolar integrity, ventilation and presence of abnormality. There are two normal breath sounds.

Interactives archive: Health AIDS in PerspectiveClick through six world maps, each of which tells a different, yet equally sobering story about the worldwide magnitude of AIDS, and those who are affected. Anatomy of ChildbirthReview the three stages of having a baby as well as some of the risks women face. Anatomy of a CigaretteTake a close look at a clickable conventional cigarette, and compare it to recent attempts to create a "safer" cigarette. Bacteria TalkIn this interview, Bassler describes the 600 species of bacteria on your teeth each morning, and much more.

The Human Brain Atlas at Michigan State University Keith D. Sudheimer, Brian M. Winn, Garrett M. Kerndt, Jay M. Shoaps, Kristina K. Davis, Archibald J. 30 Days of Change v4.0 30 Days of Change program is designed to change your exercise habits as well as the way you look and feel - in a month. It is completely 100% equipment free. Different daily programs will ensure that your body doesn’t adapt to the same routine so you’ll see progress a lot sooner than with any other program. Preview Download 30 Days of Change.pdf [9Mb]

Advanced Course Search Where can I find open textbooks? Here are some of the open textbook projects where you can start browsing. Openstax offers free and open textbooks for colleges. 10 Exciting Apps To Enhance Physical Education The following is a guest article from Vanessa Burke. In her words: “Ever since I was knee-high, I’ve been incessantly talking and communicating with anyone who would even begin to listen to me. I guess not a lot has changed!” Feel free to encourage Vanessa to start using Twitter more by following her @BurkeVanessa. Want to have your work posted on Edudemic? It’s easy, fun, and a great way to get your articles seen by more than 150,000 unique visitors per month.

Learning Materials Explores factors associated with disease emergence & re-emergence & considers the human activities that can increase... see more Explores factors associated with disease emergence & re-emergence & considers the human activities that can increase or decrease the likelihood of outbreaks of infectious diseases. Students play the role of epidemiologists looking for clues to solve the case of a mystery disease, watch simulations of herd immunity & the impact of vaccination programs, & assign limited funds to three proposals submitted to address a major infectious disease. (NIH) The target audience is grades 9-12. Material Type: Online Course Author: NIH Office of Science Education, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Date Added: Jun 21, 2004 Date Modified: Apr 14, 2014

Physical Education (PE) Apps for Teachers Today, more and more teachers are looking for ways to integrate their smart phones and iPads (and other tablets) with their physical education and health courses. Below is a list of apps that we’ve found helpful for Physical Educators. Click Here to view a recording of our webinar, Apps for PE Teachers: “Don’t be a Sap, Know Your Apps!”. The webinar goes into more detail of how each app can be used in the classroom to engage students and maximize outcomes. Coach’s Eye Videos students performing a skill.
