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Related:  Public Domain Music/Audio

CASH Music Royalty Free Music | Partners In Rhyme - Broadcast Your Audio Content, Reach Your Audience. Public Domain 4U - Best in Public Domain MP3s Creative Commons Many fantastic CC record labels already release and curate free music, making my job of creating an end-of-year list easy. I also browsed various CC music communities to end up with the following, somewhat eclectic, mix. If you're a west coast transplant like myself, this might be perfect for the east-to-west cross country flight home for the holidaze. It's definitely not exhaustive, so enjoy, but be sure to check out all the other great artists and tracks on FMA. By the way, the world of free and open music is made possible by Creative Commons licenses, which are developed, supported, and stewarded by Creative Commons — an actual nonprofit organization! Happy holidays!

Purple Planet Royalty Free Music Note: the track players on this site do not work with Internet Explorer 8 or 9. Please use another browser (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Safari) - the players are fine with those. Air-conditioned plucked melody over echoed electric piano, sweeping synths, and a burnished beat. Tempo: 140bpm Credit: Music: i n s p i r a t i o n a l u p l i f t i n g l o o p s d a r k b a c k g r o u n d s m y s t e r i o u s h o r r o r A life-loving, lilting glockenspiel melody skips over a jaunty beat featuring strummed guitar and ukulele, and more guitars! Tempo: 140bpm Energetic electronic melody featuring modern drums, snaking bass and explosive electric guitar. i n t e r n a t i o n a l Playful melody over a bright and joyful array of uplifting instrumentation - perfect for running around! Zany off-kilter melody chases you round the creepy carnival, with a wailing ghost in hot pursuit. Uplifting synth chords, guitar melodies and vocals over a vibrant beat create a modern, inspiring theme.

Free Music Archive Community Audio : Free Audio : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive Voice that nearly like human by AI testing Issue 1: No voice because need wait for generate Topics: text to speech, humanable voice by is a simple platform to distribute FREE music and audio under fair use licenses, but also to sell music synch & commercial licensing to indie and commercial filmmakers, videomakers, ad agencies, radiostations, tv broadcasters, students and users that make non-commercial (or commercial) videos mainly on youtube, vimeo, dailymotion and regional or local events or broadcasts, we think that if a user wants to use a track for non-commercial usage, they can download and use the... للمزيد من الأناشيد والأدعية Topic: twakalto by تم رفع هذه المادة بواسطة مُسلم التونسي_uP_bY_mUSLEm تم رفع هذه المادة بواسطة .. Audio Topic: Audio.especial.marvel यद्ध्वनिमुद्रणं रामायणस्य, तस्येदानीं न कोपि प्रतिकृत्यधिकार आरक्ष्यते देहली-स्थ-संस्था-जनैर् इति पाठकयोर् अन्यतरो हरिसीतारामो ब्रूते । by islamiyat01 by youtube by Christian Peschken by ramdanej

Netlabels : Free Music : Free Audio Unspecialized Net Label. "Nothing is true, everyth ing is permitted" CONTACT Topic: netlabels by Torn Flesh Records EXPLORE Torn Flesh Records CATALOG Welcome to Torn Flesh Records - Netlabel. This is the Id of Your Musical Psyche. Torn Flesh Records (TFR) is here for the promotion and support of the underground music scene. Cian Orbe (since 2021: Internet Daemon ) is a Chilean non-profit Netlabel of dark electronic, atmospheric, experimental electronic music created by Sábila Orbe (Humanfobia / Filmy Ghost / Yaka-anima projects). by netwaves Independent record label, who publish avant-garde, noise and experimental albums of the underground artists. Welcome to Dusted Wax Kingdom - a netlabel based in Varna (Bulgaria). by Treetrunk Treetrunk Records, hailing from MidWestern USA, accepts quality musical submissions from artists from all over the globe. by MyDuck666 by Lemoness by basstk Lemoness is a new netlabel started 2011-08-09. Monokrak is a new net.label. by Pueblo Nuevo by enoughrec

Free Loops Easy Downloads Audio CC Malaysia, where are we now? A mixtape, open data and more CC Malaysia Mixtape 2015 by Muid Latif under CC BY NC ND A guest post by CC Malaysia Lead, Muid Latif. In the recent years, Malaysia has been more active in adopting open culture. For example, last December I had the chance to approach several local musicians and producers who are familiar with Creative Commons licenses on SoundCloud to find out if they were keen to have their music under a CC license. Our community also wants to play a greater role in open data. In this context, I have recently had the chance to contact the founder of the Big Data Malaysia network, Tirath Ramdas, about his view on open data here in Malaysia and concerns about citizen engagement. In the near future, we would love to see Malaysia join the Open Government Partnership (OGP), following the Big Data Analytics Framework goal to have the framework ready by the end of this year and in line with the Digital Malaysia 354 Roadmap (DM354 Roadmap).

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