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Free & ace repeating patterns from awesome people

Free & ace repeating patterns from awesome people

Home : Antonio Ladrillo Links and Tips for Storyboarding & Illustration People occasionally get in touch asking for advice about storyboarding and how to become a storyboard artist. There’s plenty of crazily talented people out there explaining it a lot better than I ever could, so I thought I’d put up a list of links, articles, podcasts and books that I’ve found useful. I’ll keep adding to this list and if anyone has any cool sites to add please chip in! – Ad Animation Meat – Animation and storyboarding notes from Spumco, The Simpsons, Brad Bird and more.Storyboards: What it Takes – Great series of articles by Larry Latham, based upon a course he taught at Disney.Griz and Norm: Tuesday Tips – Storyboard & drawing tips from industry professionals. Tags: storyboard artist, storyboard artist interview, storyboard samples, storyboarding advice, storyboarding tips Leave a comment
